
Hadrian James Potter: Master Of Death

Harry Potter, the master of Death has gone into many dimensions but now he is coming back to his home universe. Watch as he relives in his home dimension in the midst of SHIELD, Mutants and Avengers. Story written by AK2921 but was abandoned by the author several years ago.

Hyuga_Tobirama · Movies
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Chapter 9: Truth And Ninja In Bathing Suite

"Have you heard about the missing Tony Stark?"

Emma Frost, MD of Marauders Ltd and Harry's secretary asked as she entered Harry's office.

"Yes, it is quite a big news. The way the news channels have been rambling about it I would guess every person in the world knows about it now, hell even the person in some remote area who doesn't know who Tony Stark would have listened the rambling about his missing."

Emma snorted, "You are right, now a days when I see news it feels more like a reality TV show rather than news. Seriously a person has gone missing and the news is busy counting how many girls he has slept with, hell I remember a channel saying that Tony Stark is actually in hiding and spending his time with Asian beauties. What do you think Harry? Will they find him again?"

Harry sighed, "Tony Stark is a man with a brilliant mind, no matter how much egotistical he is or how much flamboyant playboy he is. In my experience people like Tony Stark leave behind a mark of their own on this world and Tony Stark hasn't done that yet, if I would hazard a guess I would say that Tony Stark is captured by a terrorist organization and they are right now trying to force Tony to use his brilliant for their own good. I think with so many people searching for him he will be found but even then, if no one finds him Tony Stark is intelligent enough to escape on his own."

"You know, from the way you talk sometimes I feel that you are not a middle-aged man but rather a wise old man."

Harry snorted, Emma didn't know how right she was. "Well let's Tony stark aside and talk about our matters, how's the progress going on the Teleporter?" The Teleporter was just as its name suggested a teleporting device, Harry was inspired to make it by the idea of Vanishing Cabinet that Malfoy once used to bring Death Eaters inside Hogwarts. Harry had given the runes used in a Vanishing Cabinet to the elves and the elves while in human disguise worked with the researcher of his company to make a Teleportation device.

Emma answered, "I got it's report yesterday and according to the reports it has been tested and the result is a big success, the Vibranium proved to be an excellent catalyst and it is working smoothly. It has been tested for both living and non-living beings, it can teleport from one Teleporter to another no matter the distance and we just need more Vibranium to mass produce it."

"Excellent, I will have the Vibranium supplied to the factory as quickly as possible and we can start the production."

Emma nodded and then added, "There have also been a few lawsuits filed against us."

Harry shrugged, "There should be, not everyone will be happy with our work after all that's the nature of human being. What are the lawsuits about by the way?"

"The first one is from some of the buyers of 'PF I' and 'TL I' who said that the vehicle sometimes stops and change direction on its own, there are about only 10 people who reported such case but the funny thing is some people liked it." Emma replied.

"Well that lawsuit is just waste of time, the feature that stops the vehicle and made it change its direction on its own is actually government approved. It was actually suggested by a member in the department of Traffic Control, the vehicle will stop on its own if the driver is about to hit anything solid in front of it and change the direction to avoid crashing."

"Why would anyone crash onto anything while in air?" Emma asked confusedly.

Harry shrugged in reply, "Accident or if someone does it deliberately, hell I saw a man trying to use PF I to crash inside his girlfriend apartment through the glass window but the motorcycle stopped in air a few centimetres away from the window."

Emma snorted, "Seriously, I don't understand people do stupid things like that."

Harry shrugged, "Well, what can we do. I am sure you can handle that case on your own." Emma nodded, "What's the next lawsuit about?"

Emma replied, "Well this one is actually a genuine concern, it is filed by the plane companies to stop us from making the Teleporter. They are saying that if something like the Teleporter comes out people won't need planes to travel anymore."

"Interesting, well they are not wrong but that doesn't mean you should keep the technology stagnant just because it will hamper an industry. Yes, it will make planes unnecessary but that's what technology advancement does." Harry replied back.

Emma nodded, "I know, I'll handle this case. By the way here's the list of 10 best researchers you asked for, we have 5 of them already working for us and I have convinced 4 more to join us but the last one Jemma Simmons is out of our reach now as she has joined SHIELD Academy of Science and Technology. I looked a bit further and found a young and talented mind Amadeus Cho, he is a young Korean American and has a brilliant mind and I think he could take the place of Miss Simmons for whatever project you want to do." With that she handed Harry a file.

Harry opened the file and looked at all the biodata of 20 brilliant minds in the world, "Emma you should add yourself in this list as well, you are a genius and I think your leadership skill will be highly required in this team."

Emma shrugged, "Sure, but what is the purpose of this team."

Harry leaned back, "These 11 people including you will work with 10 more people that have some power similar to me." Harry didn't wanted to let her know about elves for now but Emma brightened up at the prospect of someone with Harry's power in action, "You are going to work on something that Humans have been dreaming to make but haven't been able to, a Spaceship."

Emma mouth went wide open in shock, "What? Are you serious?"

Harry couldn't help himself and say the old boring joke, "No Sirius was the name of my godfather." Emma glared at Harry for telling an idiotic joke, "You will get all the resources and equipment's you have need for and the team of 10 that have similar power to me are a bit eccentric but they have brilliant and innovative mind, they can use their powers to help you out. I am sure with their help and the mixture other 11 brilliant minds we can achieve our goal that is to go into Space, I'll work with you all as well."

"Ok I agree with you but what I don't understand is what is the need of making a Spaceship, I don't think anyone will want to buy a spaceship."

Harry sighed, "Emma, I want to make the biggest, meanest and badass Spaceship in the world and the reason behind it is that in this universe we are not alone. I can't tell you right now but I know that in the near future we will need to have a number of capable Spaceship otherwise the future of earth will be in jeopardy."

Emma had a big frown on her beautiful face, "I don't understand, is it something that you found with your powers?"

Harry nodded, "Yes, there is a very powerful being coming to earth in the near future. I can battle him and defeat him but that battle will most probably destroy half of humanity, that's why I want you to take this fight away from earth. You know what, I trust you very much and I think it's time I tell you a bit about me and who I really am." Emma was now really excited and completely focused but the next line Harry said nearly made her lost her mind, "I am an Immortal being Emma."

"Wha … What?" Emma sputtered in shock.

"What you heard is the truth Emma, I was born at a time where people with powers like me were living in a hidden society. Like now we also had terrorist organization and a leader of one such organization made me what I am today, when I was 15 months old that man killed my parents and tried to kill me but my mother performed an arcane ritual which was powered by her death saved me and killed that man. But that man had made failsafe to prevent himself from dying and when I was 14 years old he came back fully to life. The man name was Tom Riddle but he called himself Lord Voldemort which in French translated to Theft of Death and he was afraid of dying."

Emma listened attentively as Harry continued, "I started my journey of destroying his failsafe's and ending him once and for all but in the process, I did something that gave me something that Tom always wanted Immortality. I killed Tom and I had a wonderful life and family but that's when I found out that I was not aging, I tried to die but was unable to. After that I left this universe, I can't tell you how but I did and after a long time I returned back to find that the people like me were extinct and the powers we used has now taken a new form, Mutants."

Emma stared at Harry in shock for a long time, "Wow, if I wouldn't have seen the extent of your powers I would have thought that you are a very good story teller. I mean wow, you are really an Immortal." Harry smiled and nodded happily, he was happy that Emma was ok with knowing the truth about him although it wasn't the full truth. "If people like you are all extinct then who are the 10 people working with us in your Spaceship project."

Harry smiled, "They are house elves, a magical creature that needs a human for survival. I have now about 600 house elves that work for me and they are the ones who do all the mystical work in all of our company factories."

"Amazing." Emma stood up, "I'll gather all the 20 people and we will start the Spaceship project as soon as possible.

Harry replied, "Good, meet them and I'll also send the best 20 elves that will be working under you in the project. You'll also have to use your powers to make sure that they never find out about the elves." Emma nodded and left.


Desert Base, New Mexico

"You have been at it for a long time Dr Banner, I need to see some results."

"I am nearly done General Ross, I just need to find the perfect balance between the gamma and vita radiations to synthesize the serum." Dr Bruce Banner M.D., Ph.D. is a renowned scientist who was highly respected for all his work in the fields of Biochemistry, Nuclear Physics, and Gamma Radiation. The US military had approached him to work for them and recreate the Super Serum that gave birth to Captain America, he accepted the offer as he thought he would be doing a great service for his country.

Bruce Banner was working under General Thaddeus Ross who was the mastermind of the whole Super Serum idea, he was working with Ross daughter Dr Elizabeth "Betty" Ross. The two of them had nearly completed the serum but it needed a exposure to a perfect balance of gamma and vita radiations but General Ross was not happy with Bruce as he found out that Bruce and his daughter have fallen in love.

"We need some time to complete it dad, it's a delicate process and it needs time." Betty said as she entered the lab and saw her father trying to bully Bruce.

General Ross huffed, "I want it done in a week." With that he left.

Bruce sighed, "Your dad still hates my guts."

Betty snorted, "He is grumpy like that, anyway is the system set yet."

Bruce nodded, "Yes, we are nearly done here." Bruce looked inside a glass chamber which housed the gamma and vita radiation spectrometer and looked at another aid Jimmy, "You finished Jimmy?"

"I don't know Bruce, maybe this circuit is fried or something. I don't know what's the problem, maybe you should come and look at it." Jimmy said while trying fix an electric circuit.

Bruce sighed, "Ok, I'll be right there."

Bruce entered the chamber and was near Jimmy but suddenly there was a big spark where Jimmy was working at the whole started to go haywire and shit crazy, the gamma radiation emitter started to charge up. "Shit, get out of here Jimmy." Bruce shouted and tried to close the system manually.

Jimmy ran out like crazy, Betty shouted. "Bruce come out, the system has short circuited and the gamma radiation emitter is charging up quickly. Get out Bruce, it can't stop it now."

Betty was proved to be right as no matter how much Bruce tried he wasn't able to stop the system, he ran toward the door but unfortunately the radiations started to build up and the chamber doors closed before Bruce could get out. "Shit, Betty get to the door manuals quick."

Betty ran toward the door locking manuals and tried to get the doors to open again but those too were short circuited and Bruce was locked inside the glass chamber helpless. "Please god, help us. Bruce, please do something." Betty shouted while crying.

Bruce was shell shocked, he didn't know what to do and his mind had seemed to stop working completely. Bruce looked around and found the uncomplete serum in a syringe, "Maybe this can help me survive." He picked up the syringe and injected the serum into his body and at the exact moment the gamma radiation went off.

The whole room was covered in bright green light and just then General Ross came in running with other military guards, "What's going on here, Betty what's happening there?"

Betty replied while crying, "The system short circuited and Bruce was trapped inside the chamber, Bruce injected himself with the incomplete Serum just as the gamma radiations went off."

General Ross face turned grim not because he was worried about Bruce but because Bruce had used the serum on himself. Suddenly there was a huge roar from the inside of the chamber, the chamber exploded and everyone was thrown back and hit the walls and other equipment. Jimmy and one soldier was knocked out cold, suddenly a big green humanoid monstrous creature came out.

Betty looked at the big green hulking figure and found it very similar to Bruce, "Bruce, is that you."

The big green creature looked at Betty but just then the remaining two soldiers started to open fire on him, the green creature turned around and charged at the soldiers. The bullets were not hurting the creature but just annoying it, it hit the two soldiers with its monstrous hands and sent them flying. It turned around to look at Betty and General Ross but then turned its back and then ran out while breaking through the walls easily.

"I'll find you Banner, you aren't going anywhere with my serum." Ross said angrily and ran after Hulk through the broke walls.


Harry was reading the report on the research done on green power source using Mithril when he felt the wards ping, indicating that someone is trying to enter the building with the intention to harm hm. Harry decided to see who the person is and let the wards allow the person to come inside, fortunately the office was empty as it was nearly night time. Harry got up and left his office to see who was here to attack him, he reached the outside his office and found the security guards knocked out and two women fighting on the small grass field in front of the building.

One women was completely made of diamond and the other women in a dark blue tight one piece bathing suit costume which was only hiding the needed parts but nothing else, the women in the bathing suite looked like a ninja wielding a sword and another pink psychic blade in her right hand. Her hair was a mixture of black and purple and she was wearing a dark blue boot and stockings, all in all the both women looked dead gorgeous.

Harry looked closely and found out the woman in diamond skin was actually Emma Frost, Emma wasn't much skilled in fighting unlike her opponent who was most probably a ninja but Emma's diamond skin was effectively keeping her safe from her opponent attacks. Harry quickly manifested the Elder Wand in his hand and use the water from the nearby fountain to trap the ninja women in dark blue bathing suit in a ball of water. Emma stopped and stared at Harry and then the ball of water which trapped her opponent, Harry released the water from his control and the woman fell down to the ground.

The woman in the dark blue revealing outfit fell down to the ground breathing hardly, "Stupefy". One Stunner and she was knocked out cold.

Emma turned back from her diamond form, "That was quick work."

Harry shrugged, "You were keeping her busy, by the way I never knew about your diamond form and what are you doing here this late."

Emma sighed, "I was finishing up some last-minute work when I sensed a person entering the building and knocking out the guards with telepathy, I came down and found her here. I tried to fight her with my telepathic abilities but she quickly resisted my attempts as she is also telepath, she was about to cut me in two when suddenly my skin changed into diamond and I was safe. She tried to use a blade made of psychic powers on me but it didn't work due to my diamond skin, afterwards you came and trapped her in water which was pretty cool by the way."

Harry shrugged, "She was wearing a bathing suite but she wasn't even a bit wet so I decided to help her out." Emma couldn't help but laughed out loud, Harry smiled and levitated the woman and took her inside the office. Once inside he tied her up with an Incarceous, "She is knocked out now, why don't you try to look into her head now."

Emma nodded and went inside the woman head, after a long time she finally returned back to her mind and looked at Harry. "Her name is Elizabeth Braddock or Betsy but she took on the name of Psylocke but this body isn't actually hers."

Harry was taken aback, "Come again?"

"She is the sister of James Braddock aka Captain Britain who used to be a crime fighter with telepathic and superhuman abilities, during one fight he was killed and Betsy here was badly injured and on the verge of dying. There is a Chinese ninja clan called the Hand and its leader found Betsy, I am not sure what happened next but the clan leader Matsu'o Tsurayaba decided to transfer Betsy's mind into the body of his lover Kwannon with the help of another mutant called Spiral. Unfortunately, Kwannon mind was shattered and when Betsy's mind and powers were transferred Kwannon was completely gone and Betsy got a new improved body of a ninja and Kwannon skills."

Emma found a chair and sat down, "Since Kwannon was no more expect her body Spiral did some mental conditioning on Betsy and turned her into the Hand's Prime Assassin. This was her first mission and it was to eliminate you, she doesn't know who gave the contract of your assassination. I have returned her back to her mind and she is no longer in control of the Hand, she is back to her own self again."

Harry sighed, "Interesting story, now the problem is what to do with her?"

"We have two other problems, first is that someone is trying to kill you and hired the Hand to do the dirty job and the second problem is that The Hand will come after her." Emma added.

"I am not worried about assassination attempts Emma, the moment Betsy tried to come near the building I knew she was here with the intention to harm me. I let the wards around the building to let her in as I wanted to know who was after me but you are right she isn't safe right now. I can do one thing, I'll take the both of you to my home and you will be safe there."

Emma frowned, "Where is your home?"

Harry grinned, "That's the thing Emma, nobody knows where I live."

"Wait a second." Emma telepathically woke up the guards, "Now I am ready." Harry suddenly changed into his Phoenix Animagus form and teleported a shocked Emma and unconscious Betsy to Hogwarts.

Emma was shell shocked as Harry teleported her and Betsy in a form of a black bird and then changed back, "What was that, I don't know any bird like that."

Harry smiled, "It was a Phoenix, I can change into four different animals as mythical as Phoenix. I usually travel with another method but it isn't safe to do with an unconscious person."

Emma shook her head at the absurdity of Harry's reply but then she looked around at the beautiful castle, her breath stooped as she took on the beauty of the castle which seemed to glow in the light of the moon. Harry smiled, "Welcome to Hogwarts Emma, this is my home."

"Wow." That was the only thing Emma could say.

"Let's go in." Harry led Emma and a floating Betsy inside. Once inside Harry called for one of his house elf Mipsy.

"Master Harry, what can Mipsy be doing." Mipsy asked as she popped up.

"Mipsy take Betsy and Emma here to guest rooms and prepare nice meal for us." Harry looked at Emma, "Mipsy here is an house elf like the ones I told you about, follow her and she will show you your rooms."


Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock aka Psylocke opened her eyes to find herself in a soft big comfortable bed, she got up and looked around to find herself in a big luxurious room. She looked at her body which was not actually her, her mind was finally free of the control of Hand. She remembered how she came to Marauders Ltd headquarters to kill its owner but was stopped by a woman with telepathic power who could turn her skin into diamond and then she was trapped in a ball of water and then a red beam knocked her out.

The same woman who she fought with entered the room, "Hello Betsy, I am Emma Frost."

Betsy cautiously asked, "Where am I? Were you responsible for breaking the control of Hand on me?"

Emma nodded, "Yes, once you were knocked out I entered your mind and found out everything that's happened to you and it didn't took me long to break the control once I was in your mind. We are in the house or you can say castle of Harry Potter, he is the one you came to assassinate."

"Why did you brought me here of all place, the Hand will find me and him as well." Betsy asked with a frown.

Emma laughed, "Believe me Betsy the Hand can never find this place, hell even I don't know where this place is. Come let's get you some food then we can talk." Emma led Betsy out of the guest room to the dining hall, Betsy was quite stunned by the beautiful place. Emma looked at her expression and smiled, "That's the same reaction I had when I first saw this place, this castle name is Hogwarts."

When they reached the hall, there was already food prepared and kept in the table and Harry was waiting for them, "Why don't you two come and sit down here and fill your stomach, I can't wait since I am really famished." The two didn't argue and joined Harry.

Once they were done eating Harry led them to the living room sofa, "So Betsy, Emma told me your story and I am not sure what to do."

Betsy replied, "I don't know, my previous house is destroyed and no one know about my new body so no one will believe that I am Betsy. I can deal with Hand on my own but other than that I am stumped, by the way are you a mutant because now that I think about it you are the one who trapped me in that water ball and then knocked me out with that red beam."

Harry replied, "I have powers yes but I am not mutant."

Emma interrupted, "I think I know what she can do." Harry and Betsy looked at her as she continued, "Betsy got a college degree in business, she can take the job of your assistant and free me of that burden."

Harry knew that if Emma was recommending Betsy for that job she must have confidence on Betsy as Harry knew that Emma was very good judge of character, "Do you have any problem with it Betsy?"

"No, it'll be to have a job again." Betsy replied.

Harry nodded, "Good, if Emma trusts you for the job I don't have any problem. Emma, explain everything to her that she needs to know."

"I will do that." Emma replied.

"By the way, I don't have any place to stay in." Betsy said looking at Harry and Emma.

Emma shrugged, "You can stay with me and even if the Hand finds us we will deal with them together."

Harry nodded, it was a good plan for Betsy to stay with Emma as both were powerful mutants and once together they can create problem for most opponents but still as a precautionary measure Harry was planning to ward Emma's flat. "Well, you can stay here for the night and tomorrow morning I'll take you back to Emma's flat. Enjoy you stay in Hogwarts." With that Harry stood up and left.


AN: - I have finally decided, Harry will be paired with both Emma and Betsy but it will come a bit later on in the story. By the way I am not sure if I would should add Fantastic Four into the story later on, I haven't read any comics and all I have seen about Fantastic Four is in the movies which were really not that good. Give your opinions, I'll see you in the next chapter but till then Toodles.