
Hadrian James Potter: Master Of Death

Harry Potter, the master of Death has gone into many dimensions but now he is coming back to his home universe. Watch as he relives in his home dimension in the midst of SHIELD, Mutants and Avengers. Story written by AK2921 but was abandoned by the author several years ago.

Hyuga_Tobirama · Movies
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Chapter 8: Revelations

In the week after the exhibition of all the four products of 'Marauders Ltd', the market share of Harry's company was increasing at a rocketing pace. The seven DCT were sold above the price tag of $100 million US Dollars in the auction, the demand for the other two flying motor vehicle and the 'Compact Suitcase' were sky high, Harry had to send most of his elves to the factories in human disguise to do the enchanting job on the flying motorcycle and car models. Harry had recovered almost 50 % of what he invested in setting up 'Marauders Ltd', thankfully the elves had also increased their population by another 200 thus increasing the magical work force and making Harry's life easy. But the most satisfying thing for Harry was that Fury had given up on trying to breach Marauders Ltd and there were no more SHIELD agents applying for the job openings.

But that didn't mean his headache was getting any lesser, the wards around his company's factories and offices had already prevented many breach attempts. Harry had interrogated a few men who were trying to get in but he found they were just hired muscle, the military was also trying to get their hands on Harry's shrinking technology but Harry decided to stay away from military contracts for now as he didn't want his technology to be used for weaponization.

It was the last day of Natasha's stay in Hogwarts, Harry had introduced to many magical creatures and surprisingly a small Nundu cub took a liking to her. Harry and Natasha were having breakfast together prepared by the elves as her break was over, suddenly one thing came to Harry's mind and he asked. "Natasha, I know what you do is risky and dangerous and I also know that you are very good at what you do but have you ever thought about your future? There must be someone whom you want to spend your life with?"

Natasha stopped eating and looked down, "After my training in the Red Room, KGB planned to have me engaged with Alexi Shostakov who was a champion test pilot. The Red Room was the one that started my training but after the red room shut down I was trained under KGB and worked for them, I met Alexi in a bar and we hit off but what I didn't know was that he was planted in my life by KGB. They never wanted me to know but I found out about Alexi's truth, the KGB wanted me under their control physically and emotionally so when I escaped from there I killed Alexi with my own hands. I thought that I could stay away and lead a normal life but the Red Room made sure that I would never have that, they had trained me in many skills and that included assassination skills, Stealth Kills and even seducing men or women but they also made me sterile."

Harry nearly blew up when he heard that Natasha was sterile, Death had told him that Natasha had a very sad past this was unbelievable. Harry cursed the Red Room and KGB, thankfully they are now shut down otherwise they would have known the result of making an enemy out of a Potter. "Do you want to have children Natasha?"

Natasha head whipped toward Harry so fast like Harry had given the shock of her life, "Is it possible?"

Harry leaned back, "Yes, I can make a potion that will repair your reproductive system. It needs some very rare materials and it will take some time to brew it but I can make it, the thing is what do you want?"

Natasha stayed silent for a long time, "I don't know if I'll ever find a man or women to love again but I have always wanted a family, that's why I was so happy to know that I have you as my family. I had given up on my dream of having a child ever again but if given a chance I would surely want to have a child, I want that potion."

Harry smiled, "The potion was actually discovered by me and my wife Daphne Isabelle Potter nee Greengrass, in the war against Tom Daphne's sister Astoria was hit with a curse that made her sterile. Daphne and I worked very hard by combining every exotic healing material with potion brewing and alchemy, after a year of research we finally found a way to heal Astoria. The potion needs a combination of Alchemy and potions and also very rare ingredients so it will take me some time to complete it but be assured that you will be able to gave birth to a child again."

Natasha was in tears, it was her dream to have a child of her own and now the dream was going to become reality. "Thankyou."

"Theirs is no need for thanking me Natasha, the choice of having or not having a child is solely the choice of a woman and no one has the right to take the choice away from her." Harry replied, "Well it's time to go, come I'll take you to London and you can take a flight from there to New York."

Natasha frowned, "I am never getting used to your Apparation, it's very uncomfortable." Harry just laughed and apparated to London while holding Natasha.


Harry apparated to his head office of Marauders Ltd in Windermere, Cumbria. As he entered his office he was greeted by the Marauders Ltd Managing Director (MD), the beautiful Emma Frost. Harry still remembered the day he first met her when he was interviewing candidates to find a suitable person to be the MD.

Flashback Starts

Harry watched as a beautiful blond woman in a revealing white dress entered his office, Harry raised his eyebrows by looking at the dress up she was wearing. It felt like she was here to seduce him but what caught him off guard was the mental probe he got while looking at her, she was telepath. Harry let her mental probe glance into his mind which only told her that he was finding her very attractive. "Miss Emma Frost, right?"

"Yes, I am Emma Frost." She replied.

Harry indicated toward the chair in front of him, "Please sit Miss Frost." She sat down and handed Harry her file containing her qualification details, Harry glanced over the certificates and he was really impressed. Emma Frost had multiple degrees in multiple fields, including a Bachelor of Science in Education with a minor in Business Administration from one of the prominent institutes of the world, Empire State University. She was highly capable electronic expert and is also well versed in medical disciplines such as neurology, biochemistry, pathophysiology and genetics.

"You have some excellent qualification Miss Frost but I want to know what made you come here to Marauders Ltd? I don't want to intrude into your personal life Miss Frost but I know very well that your father is a very wealthy businessman and if the rumours I heard are true then he wanted you to be his successor, so what led you to make the decision of coming here." Harry asked.

"I am an independent woman Mr Potter, it's true that my father wanted me to be his successor but its only because he didn't have any other choice. My older sister is quite frankly a bitch who wants everything for herself without working for it, my older brother isn't interested in taking care of business and my younger sister is a child who just wants to party and have fun. I don't want to take anything for granted and that's what my father wanted, I came to know about the Marauders Ltd and how you have created the first model of a motorcycle that can fly and you are working on a similar car model. I thought this as a wonderful opportunity to make a name for myself outside the shadows of my family wealth." Emma replied sincerely but she also tried to give small subtle mental commands to Harry for her accepting her as the perfect candidate for the job.

Harry smiled as he leaned back on his chair, "Thank you for telling me the truth Miss Frost and you can stop trying to use your telepathic abilities, they are not going to work on me."

Emma's mouth went wide open in shock, "How? Are you a mutant?"

"No Miss Frost, I am not a mutant but I am something much more powerful. But we are not here to discuss about powers as we can do that later on, I know that you are telling the truth and I agree that from all of the people whom I have interviewed you are the best person for the job. But I want you to come clean with me, I don't want to know your secrets but I want to know what really made you chose this job." Harry asked.

Emma hesitated for some time but finally answered, "I wanted to get away from America and be away from my father, he is a very controlling person and not someone I am proud to call my father. I wanted to make a name for myself away from his influence and that's when I learned about the Marauders Ltd, I came here and saw the popularity were company was gaining and I decided to climb the ladder to the top from here. You are the second person that knows I am a mutant, I have kept my powers secret from my family and friends because I was sure that my father would have exploited me. Only my older brother knows about my power and he is the only one in my family I care about."

The wards around Harry's office told him that Emma was telling the truth, Harry could tell that she was faithful and she had no ulterior motives of trying to get this job. Emma wanted to make a name for himself not as a Frost but as an intelligent and capable individual and Harry had no desire to stop her from achieving her goal. "Thank you for sharing it with me Emma, I don't have any problems with mutants and I don't care what you do with your powers until and unless you hurt someone innocent. I have decided to hire you as the MD of Marauders Ltd, but you have another job as well and that is of my assistant. So, what do you say? Are you ready for the work load that come with being the Md and my assistant?"

Emma frowned, "By assistant do you mean personal assistant that do your work, bring your coffee and other such things?"

But to the shock of Emma Harry started laughing, "No, I want you to handle or help me in all official works. I can make my own coffee Emma, I don't need an assistance for that."

"Then I am ready." Emma answered.

Harry nodded and took out a file containing the magical contract of the job, "Read this contract and take your time with it, once you agree to all terms and condition sign it and you will be the new MD of Marauders Ltd."

Emma nodded and took the contract, "Thankyou Mr Potter."

"You deserved it Mrs Frost, I am hoping to see you again tomorrow with a signed contract." Harry replied, Emma nodded and left.

Flashback End

"Hello Emma, how have you been?" Harry asked as he sat down in his chair.

"I am good Harry, the exhibition was a big success for us and our market shares are climbing up like a madman. We have been approached by many other industries with a partnership offer, I need to discuss those with you." Emma replied as she sat down across Harry.

"That's good, tell me about the DCT auction. If I am not wrong, your father was also there."

Emma frowned, "Unfortunately yes, our first buyer was Tony Stark and he won it at a bid of $110 million. The next five DCT were sold in between $120 million to $200 million, my father was there till the last and I used my telepathic powers to made him buy the last one with a bid of $300 million. The net total money we got from the auction is $1.23 Billion US Dollars, it has made you the third richest person in the world in a single night with a net worth of $10.37 billion. My father was pretty upset when he found out that you are richer than him, he tried to talk to me to leave this job and work for him but I have no plan in doing so."

Harry smiled, "Good for me, otherwise I would my sexy assistant and MD."

Emma just chuckled but continued, "I had already told you about the military contracts and you said that you don't want any of those right now so I told them that we will think about it. If sales go on as it is now then our company annual revenue will be nearly $50 billion US Dollars. There is also one person who is insistent to have a meeting with you very badly, he is Prince T'Challa of Wakanda."

"Wakanda huh, I could guess why Prince T'Challa would want to meet me after all he would want to know how I got my hands on Vibranium?"

Emma was completely confused, "What, I don't understand how Vibranium is related to Wakanda?"

Harry leaned back, "You see Emma, Vibranium is a very rare metal on the whole earth and there only a few amounts of it that very rarely sold. The thing is that the only Vibranium ore is in Wakanda which is a very secretive country and is completely isolated from the outside world. Some time Wakanda sell a small amount of Vibranium in the outside world but a very higher up government official knows about it. Funny thing is that, USA once tried to send some spies to Wakanda but the spies were not even able to enter the country."

"Wow, the only thing that I knew about Wakanda is that it's a country which practice monarchy and is a part of UN. But if the only Vibranium ore is in Wakanda how did you got it for the DCT?"

Harry shrugged in reply, "I created it?"

Emma nearly fell of her chair shock, she stared at Harry like he was an idiot. "Please don't joke."

"I am not making jokes Emma, I really created the Vibranium and Adamantium I used that we used in DCT. My power is very versatile Emma, it's not constricted like mutant abilities and I am capable of doing many extraordinary things." Harry replied.

Emma sighed, "Of course you used your powers, I don't know if there is anything that you are not capable of. You said that you will tell me about your true history, when are you going to do that?"

"Don't worry Emma, you will know everything when the time comes. Tell Prince T'Challa that I am willing to meet him, anything else of importance?"

"Yes, a few of our researchers were experimenting with the silvery metal you gave them. According to them it is theoretically possible to create a controlled continuous reaction that can be used as a power source, it can be the next step to green energy." Emma informed Harry.

Harry hummed and replied, "That metal is Mithril and it is far more valuable than even Vibranium, it is a metal that can be only created using my powers. Mithril has many properties and it is very hard to make, for getting green energy we can't use Mithril as it is very rare."

Emma stayed silent for few seconds then asked, "You can use your powers to create metals, right?" Harry nodded, "Every metal has different properties, and you yourself said that this Mithril has many properties. What if for the reaction we need a particular property, can you make something that has only the needed properties of the Mithril?"

"Interesting, it is not impossible but it needs a lot of research. Do one thing, bring me the report of their research and I'll look into what you suggested. In the meanwhile, tell the researchers to work on the nanotech as I remember there are a few researchers in our lab that excel in the field of nanotechnology. I remember an Indian researcher Venkat Rao who said that he was very close to achieve the cure of paralysis by repairing or remaking the damaged nerve cells with the help of nanotech's."

"I'll look into it then, meanwhile you see these business proposals and gave the stamp of approval or rejection on it. You also have to sign these documents." Emma said and handed Harry a thick file.

Harry groaned, "I hate paperwork, here's an idea. I should look into creating an AI that can do the paperwork job."

Emma laughed, "Good for you, but until then you have to do it on your own. Now get right into it." With that she left Harry alone in his room with loads of paperwork.


Nick Fury was very close to bang his head in frustration and the only reason for all his problem was Harry Potter. Phil Coulson entered Fury's office and found him holding his head in frustration, "What happened sir, you look very worried."

"Coulson tell me you have some good news for me, the council are making me sick with their ideocracy. They have been hounding me about the Vibranium that Potter used in his super bike, how would I know where he got the Vibranium from?"

Phil answered, "No sir, from what I have found even the Wakanda prince was shocked by the use of Vibranium. Prince T'Challa has been trying to get a meeting with Harry Potter for some time, he was one of the seven buyers of the super bike made of Vibranium and Adamantium. We have no information of how and where he got these metals from, the employees of his company aren't revealing a single thing and now Harry Potter has become the third richest person in the world."

Phil cursed using some very creative words, "This man is giving me a migraine, you go to find answer of one question about him and two more question just rise up. For the first time in my career I am stumped and unable to do anything, add on to that the council is over my head. He created 10 super bikes and he sold 7 of them in an auction, right?" Coulson nodded, "What happened to the other three?"

"One is with Harry Potter himself, one he has put in display in the 'FOXY Automakers' head office and the last one he gave it to his many times granddaughter, Agent Romanoff."

Nick whipped his head and stared at Coulson, "You mean to tell me that Romanoff has in her position one of the most valuable and expensive things in the world."

"Yes sir, I remember seeing it with her very well. Agent Romanoff showed it to me when I was taking care of my Lola." Coulson grumbled unhappily, "Potter made it specifically for her, no one else can even touch the super bike as it only allows to let her use it."

"You are saying it like that super bike has consciousness."

Phil sighed, "Agent Romanoff DCT has the same property her necklace has, only she can use it and I have to say that it is a masterpiece."

Fury asked with interest and curiosity clearly showing in his voice, "What have you found about that super bike?"

"What I found is that sir it's truly up to its name, it is truly a Dream Come True. Agent Romanoff challenged us to try and put a dent on it by hitting her bike with anything, Barton and I have tested it by firing bullets at it, using explosive arrows, we had tried everything we had our hands on even a Quinjet. There was not even a scratch on it but the Quinjet is now in the repair garage as it was completely destroyed." Phil replied.

Fury glared at Coulson like Coulson had taken his Teddy Bear, "Really Coulson, do you have any idea how expensive a Quinjet is?"

Just then Maria Hill entered Nick's office, "Sir, we have a problem. Tony Stark has went missing in Afghanistan, he was there to test the new Jericho missile but while returning they were attacked and Tony Stark is now nowhere to found."

Fury sighed, "My head is going to burst open, does every problem has to come around this time? Coulson get to Afghanistan and contact your resources, I want Stark found."

"Yes Sir." With that Coulson left.


For the next few months Harry was very busy in brewing the potion for Natasha and spend time in researching a way to create clean energy without wasting natural resources. Harry let Emma do most of the works except the important ones that really needed his attention, like his meeting with Price T'Challa of Wakanda.

Harry met the prince of Wakanda in his office in Marauders Ltd headquarters, Emma showed T'Challa in to his office and left so that the two men could talk alone. "Prince T'Chall, it's a pleasure to meet you. Please have a seat."

T'Challa had a thick African accent as he greeted Harry back, "It's a pleasure to meet you as well Mr Potter, I think you know why I am here."

Harry nodded and leaned back on his chair, "You want to know about how I got Vibranium for my Super Bike model since the only Vibranium ore is in your country, am I right?"

"Yes, I was also one of the seven buyers that won the DCT in auction. I know Vibranium and its properties very well, I had the Vibranium used in the Super Bike tested and surprisingly it was exact replica of the Vibranium ore of Wakanda. We monitor the use and sell of Vibranium all over the globe and I am pretty sure that no one has sold you Vibranium in the past legally or illegally otherwise we would have known."

"You are right, I didn't buy Vibranium from your country and frankly I don't need to." Harry stood up and walked toward the window, "I don't know much about your country Prince T'Challa and like many people I would love to know about it but what I do know is the history of Vibranium, tell me do you know the history of Vibranium that is present in your country."

T'Challa eyed Harry who had turned his back on him and said, "The history of Vibranium has been always shrouded in mystery, my ancestors who were the king of the tribe found Vibranium and they started using to make our people grow and prosper. We have done many tests on the Vibranium ore but we could never find anything much on its history, our best speculation is that it is an extra-terrestrial metal that came to earth as a meteorite."

"That's where you are wrong prince T'Challa, the history of European peoples mostly of Britain is not something that I am proud of. We were responsible for looting resources from many countries and made ourselves richer, we are the one who started slavery and Africans were the one who suffered a lot with slavery. But, there were few people from Britain who protested this practice of slavery and they used their resources and powers to rescue and help slavers. Have you ever heard or read of Nicolas Flamel and his wife Perenelle Flamel?" Harry asked while sitting back on his chair.

T'Chall had a big frown on his face, "I have heard a mention of them in our history scripts, from what I know they helped our ancestors with something but it was never told what."

Harry had a big smile on his face, "The Flamel's were actually French and they abhorred slavery, if my guess is right they were the one who helped your tribe to be safe from getting caught in slavery and they were the one who helped your country become what it is today. I am pretty sure that there is a shield around your country that keeps it hidden, do you know anything about its origin."

T'Challa was in pure shock, everyone thought that the barrier which hid their country was created by Wakanda itself but only the Wakanda native know that the Shield around the country was ancient. "How, how could you possibly know about the barrier?" Harry just smiled in reply, T'Challa gritted his teeth but asked as he had no other option, "We have added to that barrier but its foundation is mystery to us, how are these Flamel's related to our country and the barrier?"

"The Flamel's were not just responsible for the barrier Prince T'Challa, they are responsible for everything what you are today. Nicolas Flamel was a genius of the highest calibre, he made the shield around your country to protect you from the attempts of the outsider to turn your people into slaves. Nicolas Flamel was the reason behind the Vibranium that is present in your country, he was trying to make something else but he accidently made Vibranium. Just like him I made the Vibranium that I used in the DCT super bike."

"It's not possible, Vibranium is impossible to make. We have tried to do so many a times but it is impossible to make Vibranium, even the best of scientist from outside Wakanda have tried to create Vibranium but they have been unsuccessful." T'Challa cried out.

Harry leaned back in his chair, "When Thomas Edison first discovered a light bulb people said it's impossible, when Nicolaus Copernicus proposed that earth revolves around the sun people said he has mad and what he is proposing is impossible but today we know that what they did or say was quite possible. So, Prince T'Challa you saying that synthesising Vibranium is impossible is just like rambling of an idiot who doesn't want to change his opinions. Nicolas Flamel created Vibranium as a result of an experimentation gone wrong but he still examined the Vibranium and recorded the process of its creation, I used that record to recreate Vibranium and you have seen it yourself."

T'Challa stayed silent for a long time but finally stood up, "You have given us a lot to think about Mr Potter, it was a pleasure to meet you."

Harry shook T'Challa hands, "It was nice meeting you price T'Challa and remember one thing, nothing is impossible prince T'Challa, but it is possible that we don't have the right equipment's or ways to make the impossible a possible." T'Challa nodded and left Harry's office.