
Guided by blood

In a place filled with great empires, dominated by majestic creatures and incomprehensible beings, in an age where the strongest rule with tyranny and advance in battle under their own arrogance and ignorance of the weakest lives, four young people, trapped by their own blood and lineage, fight for the freedom of their people and their own, the arduous path leads them to difficult choices and adventures, seeing in each other hope and a chance for happiness they choose to seek together to fulfill their desires and fulfill their own achievements, and for this, no matter what needs to be done, they must become the greatest rulers of their nations.

LeeJay_09 · Fantasy
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31 Chs


Long laughed as he lay down, Rairin helped to cover him, and while he was thinking of what else to say to his son, he heard the boy's voice – It's okay dad, I know you're busy, you should rest more, mom always says that you frown so much that it will end up creating wrinkles.

Rairin narrowed her eyes – Did your mother say that? – Long nodded. Rairin couldn't hold back his laughter.

Looking at Long, who was still staring at him, he spoke lightly – I was swamped today, and I couldn't see you train. I'm sorry.

Long smiled – I told you, it's okay. When I grow up, I'll help my father as my mom does so we can spend more time together.

Rairin nodded slightly, leaving a small kiss on Long's forehead before standing up. He smiled – Good night, son.

Long smiled – Good night.

Rairin carefully closed the door. Long went back to sleep with a smile on his face, he knew that his father had come because his mother probably asked him to do so, but for him, it didn't matter at all, he was already satisfied, now he just wanted to see his parents happy together.

The next day, at noon, Rairin suddenly appeared for lunch. He hadn't participated in breakfast because he was called to an urgent matter before leaving his quarters after waking up in the morning.

Jiaohui was surprised by his presence but didn't let it affect her expression, and only Long waved happily at his father. Rairin smiled and went to him, kissing his forehead. After doing this, he looked at his wife, seeing that she was staring at him, he looked away, and just passing by her, he sat down. The servants were also surprised by his presence, serving him quickly.

Long told about some dishes on the table that differed from what Rairin usually ate. These were the dishes belonging to the queen's culture. Even during his visits at that time, there was a cook specializing in meals from his own region.

The atmosphere was quite lively, thanks to the prince. The general and captain appeared and watched from afar, smiling at their lords' interaction.

After the meal, a servant took Long to her daily care leaving the queen and king alone. Rairin thought that there wasn't really a topic for them to talk about, or it was just that he didn't know how to bring up the subject with his wife. Coughing in embarrassment, he got up, ready to leave the table. Jiaohui spoke before he left – I already solved what you asked me last night. You don't need to worry about it anymore.

Rairin looked at her and nodded. Jiaohui always helped him no matter what he asked. While accompanied by his general and captain, he thought he was lucky to have her by his side.

In the frost palace, Ikalles once again received the king's messenger, he was being summoned back to the court, and with Ikalles outside the castle, Lira, Izrun, and Álika didn't have much to do.

It was still morning when Izrun was awakened by some noises around. Many servants were walking around, moving their clothes and organizing some bags. The butler came in suddenly and frowned – There is no need for so many clothes. The new master from the little guardian will arrange this. Too much luggage just slowed down the process.

The butler looked at Izrun and bowed slightly, signaling a maid to help the little guardian get dressed – There are orders for the young master to leave the frost palace. The queen had personally chosen a master to help you.

Izrun was still confused. Wouldn't he learn more from his father? Does his father think he is a lost cause and want to send him to someone else? – Where am I going?

The butler took a letter from his robes, waiting until everyone bowed, he read it aloud – By order of her majesty, the Queen Li Jiaohui of Huansu, by request of the dragon king Rairin Soleil, orders Izrun Snowden, the second son of High Guardian Ikalles Snowden, to remain until his majority under the guardianship of the ice maiden, Alba Occananes, headmistress of Silverleak.

Izrun stared at him blankly for a few seconds before realizing what the butler was talking about, and then he finally said something – Silverleak is a girls' school. What would I do there? – He questioned. The butler didn't answer. He just remained standing in the same position. Finally, one of the maids who had just finished Izrun's bags approached and said calmly – Young master, these were direct orders from the queen. Please don't make our work difficult.

Izrun fell silent before the request of the maid in front of him. Then, making a small gesture in agreement, he followed the butler and the maid out of the palace. His sisters didn't know he was leaving.

A carriage was waiting for him at the gates. In complete silence, the maid placed the suitcase in the carriage and turned to Izrun, smoothing his clothes and combing his snow-white hair with her hands.

They seemed in a hurry. As soon as she made her adjustments to the boy, the maid helped him into the carriage. Then, signaling to the nearest guard, she departed. The guard then climbed in and waved to the coachman.

The horses began to move, guiding the carriage down the road toward Hadria.

There were no stops or any rest, the carriage proceeded swiftly towards the capital, and in just one day, they were at the gates of Silverleak, an institute for girls of the Draconi race.

The coachman guided the carriage and stopped in front of a large staircase. The guard who accompanied Izrun got out and then went to get his young master's luggage, accompanying him on the way up toward a large entrance. The doors were open, and a small group of women were waiting for them. In front was a beautiful lady with golden hair, who smiled as soon as she saw the little boy.

Making a small greeting, she said – It is an honor for me to meet the second son of the guardian. I am Alba, the headmistress of this institution. I will guide you in your studies here – Her expression was calm, different from the others who accompanied her. They were hesitant about the boy's presence, apparently displeased. Alba, completely ignoring the women who attended her, carefully pushed Izrun inside – Please, accompany me.

Now without the headmistress's presence, some women showed irritated expressions, while others had thoughtful expressions. The guard didn't spare a single look at them and left. The women then began to argue. One of them, with brown hair the color of walnuts, quickly said – What did Alba think when she accepted that little thing here?

Kait, the one with brown hair, spoke again – And what does it matter? When you said we would have the little guardian, I thought you were talking about one of your daughters. Our institution is for girls only. Do they think we are a joke?

A young lady with red hair approached – I heard it was the queen's request.

The others looked at her with incredulous expressions, making the young teacher blush, then waving her hands – That's what I heard.

The one who had given Kait a little scolding before was the oldest among them. Her name was Aruna. She put herself forward to calm her classmates – What's the use of all this discussion now? Anyway, we won't be the ones to teach him. Instead, the young guardian will be Alba's direct disciple.

Kait spoke again, a little irritated – What? Alba has never accepted disciples. This will cause discord among the students who have always sought her approval and attention.

Aruna sighed – In fact, that's why we'll deal with this carefully. We don't want any problems here. If the queen gave that order, we must fulfill it. So now, please, go back to your tasks.

– The girls were excited, thinking they would have a new firm and shapely colleague. What shall we say now? – Seeing Aruna ready to leave, another asked quickly.

Aruna furrowed her brows as she glared at them – How did they know about this?

Everyone quickly looked away. Aruna then turned her gaze to Kait, who shrugged – It's normal for news like this to leak out.

Aruna stared at her and then nodded slightly – Alright… leave it as it is, don't say anything more – Saying this, she left, and the redhead woman, seeing her walk away, followed her with quick steps.

The others soon dispersed. Only Kait and a few others remained watching Aruna leave towards the corridors.

One of them said while fanning herself – In all my years of teaching at this institution, I have never seen anything as ridiculous as a boy studying in a girls' school.

The others soon agreed. Kait looked thoughtful. With a snort, she muttered – If it was one of his daughters, I could have mentored the next guardian – Then, with a smug expression, she continued – You, little thing, will not surpass my disciple.

Meanwhile, Izrun was guided by the headmistress – Being a boy, you won't be able to stay in the shared dorms – Going down some stairs, she opened a single door at the end of a long and utterly empty corridor. Behind the door was a simple room with only a bed, a chest, and a small desk – This is where you will stay. I'll be your mentor during your studies here. You must get up early before the morning bell rings and go to my office. I will let you get used to the place. See you tomorrow – Saying that, she closed the small room door, leaving Izrun still a little lost in the partially dark room.

Placing his small luggage on the floor, he looked around and walked to a small bed in the corner of the room. The old bed creaked when he lay down. Tired, he quickly fell asleep.

Hearing the sound of a small bell next to him, Izrun stood up, looking around he furrowed his brows muttering as he got out of bed – So it wasn't a dream.

Wearing one of his clothes brought from home, he hurried down the corridor, remembering the path he had taken the day before. However, as soon as he reached the main hall, he realized he didn't know how to get to the principal's office.

Izrun looked around, trying to figure out the possible route, when a woman suddenly appeared with an annoyed expression.

– How did you get in here? Boys are not allowed in this institute. Go back the way you came immediately.

The woman spoke in a high tone as she approached. Izrun looked at her for a short while before ignoring her and running down the first corridor that appeared in front of him, it wouldn't do much good for him to try to explain now. If this woman caught him , he would be thrown out of the institute.

Turning another corridor, Izrun saw two people coming towards him, two of those women who had accompanied the headmistress the day before. He took a deep breath and ran to them, hiding behind their dresses.

The two were startled for a moment, and before they could say anything, they heard more footsteps coming toward them. Turning around, they faced the maid, who was also shocked to see them.

– Ladies! Good morning… this… – The maid looked at Izrun behind them. Understanding what was happening, one of the women hid Izrun a little more from her view.

– What was there? Any problem with this student? – Aruna asked. The women that Izrun had luckily found were Aruna, the eldest among the teachers, and with her, the beautiful girl with red hair.

– Student? – The maid asks, when she suddenly seems to remember something, speaking again – Ah, forgive me, Miss Aruna, it's just that this child wears boy's clothes. I thought there was an intruder in the institute.

Aruna smiled calmly, thinking that Alba was a bit irresponsible – We didn't have time to give her a uniform, you can go now.

The maid still looked at Izrun with a little doubt, but as it was an order from her superior, she left.

Aruna then turned to face Izrun, who lowered his head as soon as their eyes met, the teacher then sighed – That won't do.