
Guided by blood

In a place filled with great empires, dominated by majestic creatures and incomprehensible beings, in an age where the strongest rule with tyranny and advance in battle under their own arrogance and ignorance of the weakest lives, four young people, trapped by their own blood and lineage, fight for the freedom of their people and their own, the arduous path leads them to difficult choices and adventures, seeing in each other hope and a chance for happiness they choose to seek together to fulfill their desires and fulfill their own achievements, and for this, no matter what needs to be done, they must become the greatest rulers of their nations.

LeeJay_09 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

He learns fast

– Aruna? – The redhead asked – What are you talking about?

– Maia, get a permission pin and a uniform and meet me in my room – Aruna said as she guided Izrun through the corridor. Maia, who had been left behind, blinked a few times, staring at her friend that was taking the little Guardian away.

Arriving at Aruna's office, Maia walked over to where they were and handed the uniform and small brooch.

Arriving at Aruna's room, Maia walked over to where they were and handed the uniform and the small brooch.

– Aruna, what are you going to do?

– Well, our institute only allows girls, so let's turn it into one – Aruna said as she looked at Izrun.

Maia bit her lip as she brought her fingernails to her mouth with some concern – If the Guardian finds out about this…

– He won't know. Who among us will have the courage to tell his father about this? – Aruna said while she fixed some hairs on Izrun's head – Alba will also cover it up. It's her fault, after all.

Izrun pursed his lips, he felt a little uncomfortable, but if it made his life easier here, he would.

Aruna handed him the uniform and pointed to a corner of the room with a small divider – Here, go change.

Izrun got up and went to the corner. He looked at the two women talking while looking out a window. The redhead, who was called Maia, had a worried expression, her expressions were vivid, and her face alternated between pale and red. Aruna remained calm as she watched her. The light from the window highlighted her beautiful jewels and colorful robes even more.

As soon as he finished dressing, he walked toward them. The two watched him for a while. Aruna smiled – Not bad – Maia looked at her with a complicated expression. Aruna then walked over to Izrun and helped him put his shoes on – Is it hurting somewhere?

Izrun shook his head. Aruna narrowed her eyes. This boy was reticent.

That kind of expression is a little strange for a boy his age. They always said that boys at that age were mischievous, constantly jumping from place to place, but this one, in particular, was somewhat withdrawn.

Aruna smiled – Alright, I'll take you to the headmistress's office.

Maia sighed as she watched her walk away with the boy, well, now disguised as a girl...?

During this whole situation, in the principal's office, Alba looked out the window thoughtfully until a knock sounded on the door.

Smiling, she thought – He took a long time, his spiritual perception is somewhat weak, but we can solve that. Walking over to her desk, she sat down and finally answered the knocks that kept sounding – Come in – However, the moment she saw who had entered, the smile on her face completely froze. She faced her fellow teacher and then looked at the girl beside her… her eyes widened in shock, getting up scared.

– Aruna! What does that mean? What did you do with the little Guardian?? – Alba asked desperately.

Aruna rolled her eyes – I just put a uniform on him. Your reaction and Maia's are too exaggerated – And then smiling, she continued – It was the easiest way I found for him to be kept in this school without causing problems, no need to thank him.

Alba looked irritated – Why do you say that?

Aruna stared blankly at her for a few seconds – Your little disciple was almost thrown out by one of the servants. How could you leave him like that? It's his first time here, I should have introduced him to the main parts of the school, but instead, he was there doing absolutely nothing.

Alba frowned, sighing. She thought that Aruna was right and should have shown the institute right, but she had a justification for not doing that. Before he turned ten years old, Ikalles had a powerful intuition. It was her mistake thinking that Izrun would be the same – Okay, it was my mistake, but I don't think there's any need… for that." She pointed at Izrun's robes with a complicated expression.

Aruna took Izrun to a small armchair, making him sit down while she turned her gaze to Alba – Trust me, it will be much easier that way. No one will suspect it's a boy. He will also be able to blend in with the other students.

Alba looked at her irritated – I'll listen to her this time, but if the queen questions me about why the Guardian's son is dressed as a girl, I won't hesitate to betray her.

Aruna nodded, looking back at Izrun, who had been staring at her for some time.

Aruna had a bad feeling about him. The future seemed uncertain.

Alba found her colleague's behavior strange. Aruna was using her power. She could feel her energy surrounding Izrun. Then, frowning, she said – Aruna, we don't have permission for that.

Aruna woke up from her thoughts, looking at Alba with a worried look, sighing. Alba sent her away – Go, there are many paths to be followed. But, if it's right, you'll get where you need to.

Aruna continued to stare at her. Then, thinking about her words, she turned and left without saying anything else. She looked at the long corridor in front of her, thinking – Follow the correct path.

In the principal's office, Alba waved to Izrun – If you're uncomfortable with that dress, take it off – Then she pointed to the chair in front of her and spoke again – Sit down.

Izrun got up from the armchair, walked to the chair, and sat with his head down. Alba, who watched his every move, expressed indifference, but inside again irritation – Ikalles you filthy, what did you do with that boy?

– Well, I'll do a simple exercise. First, I want to identify your strength level – With that said, Alba created a small block of ice and placed it floating in the center of the table – Can you keep it?

Izrun, who had never managed to keep a block intact for more than two minutes, started to despair, but his expression was still the same. Finally, he raised his hand as he always did, releasing his power.

Alba noticed the first mistake. Even the position of his hand seemed uncomfortable. The boy was utterly nervous. Everything about his presence gave off insecurity.

Alba accidentally sighed. Izrun thought he had irritated her and lost concentration. So he let the block completely melt on the table.

Remaking the already melted block and placing it in the same position, Alba spoke calmly – Okay, let's try again.

Izrun was a little shocked by how Alba had reacted to his failure, so he tried again. His eyes narrowed as he stared at the block. His hand shook.

Alba caught her hand to try and correct her posture. Izrun was shocked by the action, losing concentration again, allowing the block to melt again.

Izrun thought that this time he would hear a scolding. Still, he just saw the block being redone again and returning to its original position, feeling a little strange for a moment before hearing his tutor's calm voice - It's okay, it's normal to make mistakes sometimes, try one more time, but this time put your hand like this and relax a little - She explained while showing the position of her hand.

Izrun copied the movement, surprised to feel the magic current in his blood flowing comfortably. Then, a little more confident, he continued, concentrating on the small block he stared at again, his expression a little lighter as he no longer forced his power to leave his body.

Alba touched between his eyebrows, making him shiver, but this time he didn't let go of the small pad – Relax.

Izrun took a deep breath, his expression now calm but still focused. Realizing the ease of movement, he felt that block was nothing worth worrying about.

Alba smiled. He learns quickly. Noticing his concentration, she decided to let him practice this process during the whole class. Walking to her small sofa, she sat down, opening a book to read.

While Izrun was subjected to a new tutorship, the great Guardian remained beside the throne. Rairin sat on the throne, his golden crown full of precious stones, and his black cloak enchanted anyone who stood before him.

This was the high lord of Hadria, the king of dragons. He seemed to be listening intently to one of his scholars' explanations of the growth of agriculture within his domains. Still, only Ikalles, the great Guardian at his side, knew where his king's mind lay, and as soon as the man left after an exaggerated bow, Rairin sighed heavily – Ikalles.

Ikalles moved to stand in front of the throne as he knelt, his white hair hanging over his shoulders – My king.

Frowning and rubbing her temple, Rairin spoke again – Advise me.

Ikalles looked at him calmly – About what needed my majesty's advice.

Rairin stared back at him. After settling the matter of Izrun with his wife, the king had been plagued with complaints from his subjects from different regions, all dealing with small random attacks. At first, they thought it was just a fateful event. Still, then they happened with a particular frequency. First, some silos in the southern region caught fire during a storm, then the springs in the east became contaminated, and now a strange disease appeared out of nowhere, a condition that mainly attacked those of mixed blood. Finally, with a distant look, he muttered – We are doomed to catastrophe…

Ikalles inhaled deeply. The throne room filled with a frightening silence. Ikalles thought about what he should say to the king at that moment, just relaxing, when he heard familiar footsteps.

The queen, in her red robes and full of pure gold jewels, entered the great hall. Looking at the king, she spoke in a firm voice – Like the phoenix whose ashes turn to and from the ashes rise again, our lineage will remain strong, and our people will grow in their glory and wealth.

Rairin looked at Jiaohui, a smile appearing on his weary expression – My wife, what brings you here?

Jiaohui smiled as she climbed to the throne, passing by Ikalles, who remained kneeling.

The king seeing that his Guardian seemed uncomfortable in that position, waved his hand for him to rise. Ikalles stood up, bowing to the queen who now sat on her throne beside the king – My queen.

Jiaohui nodded at him, turning her gaze to Rairin. Then, she spoke – Don't repeat such words, thus curse your son and his descendants who will one day walk this land.

Rairin closed his eyes, massaging his temples. It wasn't something he wished for his son. Although he should take care of all these problems before Long took the throne, he would never see his son take his place at court, but he at least hoped that it wouldn't happen too soon. Then, opening his eyes, he looked at the woman at his side, nodding — As my queen wishes, such words will no longer come out of my mouth — Heaving a slight sigh, he looked forward, returning to speak with an indifferent expression — But shall come out of our son's mouth when he assumes that throne, it is not my words that curse us, but our blood that had failed us.

Jiaohui lowered her eyes, her expression sad and tired. Rairin was right, this is the reality her race was heading towards, but still, it would be disastrous for the people to hear these words from the king himself. Thus, looking at Ikalles, she commanded — Ikalles, enlighten him.