
Guarding Impel Down For A Hundred Years, I Am Invincible

Travel to the world of pirates more than a hundred years ago and become the jailer of Impel Down Ryuu originally wanted to live in Impel Down eating salted fish and waiting to die for the rest of his life, but his strength did not allow it. A hundred years passed quickly, and Ryuu became the youngest and longest-serving director in the history of Impel Down. Cultivate and discover countless talents He is the founder of Six Styles Charlotte Linlin was his disciple as a child Garp and Zephyr were his disciples Aokiji and Kizaru served as impel down jailers A large number of Vice Admirals also studied under him In addition, there are young Roger, Rayleigh, Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Bullet... Unknowingly. A huge 'kingdom' called Impel down, spread across the sea! ! ! Ryuu: "I am neither a Marine nor a CP. As the evil nemesis of Impel down, it should be reasonable to capture a few Celestial Dragons to transform!" --------- [One Piece belongs to Eiichiro Oda, I'm just a fan translator. You can find the same book by simply typing his name on Google.] [It's a translation of a One Piece fanfic that I like. I've read up to chapter 93 and now I have it on pause. I'm surprised it's not on Webnovel. I'll translate it with ChatGPT. I'll modify a couple of things, like Chinese names, fights costing the MC, the MC's name, etc.]

Guionista · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 10: Passionate Veteran! The man with the most eggs in the sea!

Hello, today I bring you a double chapter, with more words than usual, I do it for the simple fact that I'm in a good mood [I was, but I'm a man of my word], I had a good meal and on top of that I reached 10 chapters, all my other stories [Monument is not a story], were left in a small chapter, so it's a record.

Now without further ado, enjoy.



A vigorous figure emerged from the sea, leaping dozens of meters and landing on the deck of the warship. He was a man of about 20 years old, with white hair that shimmered in the sun, his defined physique accentuated by his bare upper body. With his unique beauty, most couldn't help but be fascinated at first sight.

"Pass me."

The young marine beauty, Rear Admiral Tia, while hiding her face, handed him a towel.


Ryuu thanked her, took the towel, and dried the water spots from his body.

"It can't be wrong that it's him!"

"That iconic silver hair and the fierce way of swimming and hunting Sea Kings in the Calm Belt!"

"That man is the youngest guardian in the history of Impel Down!"

"Shiroyasha—Ryuu Chester!"

On the warship's deck, a startling commotion erupted among the sailors.

"But he's still at least ten miles away from Impel Down. Did he really swim here?"

"Moreover, even if you're hunting Sea Kings, you don't need to travel that far!"

Questioned a young sailor who had never been to Impel Down.

"Don't doubt it, boys, because it's ShiroYaksha who's doing it...!"

A veteran solemnly ascended.

"As for why we have to travel that far, it's because the Sea Kings around Impel Down have been hunted!"

The words fell, causing the commotion to resume.

"Is it real or fake?"

"The Calm Belt is the lair of the Sea Kings!"

"The Sea Kings are the rulers of the Calm Belt!"

"It could still be fake. The warden started hunting more than ten years ago!"

"Besides, those Sea Kings aren't stupid either. People come to hunt them every day, and they're terrified!"

"I heard someone once saw the Sea Kings packing up their nest and fleeing during the night!"

"That's right, the guardian even chased after it and swam three hundred miles to catch it!"

The sailors kept talking, the topic gradually taking a scandalous turn, causing Ryuu to act—

"Rumors, they're all rumors. Don't be so exaggerated. I only came to look for a Sea King to feed everyone in Impel Down!"

Ryuu calmly explained to Rear Admiral Tia and the present marines.


Laughter echoed.

Vice Admiral Karl waved his hand and dispersed the sailors, then approached Ryuu, placing his right hand on his shoulder.

"Brother Ryuu, it's been so long!"

Vice Admiral Karl greeted warmly.


Ryuu forced a smile, thinking indeed it had been a long time since they last met, almost a month approximately.

In this era, the person who has the best relationship with Ryuu and is most familiar with him is Vice Admiral Karl in front of him. It's been ten years since Vice Admiral Karl has been looking at Ryuu. Every time they transported a prisoner to Impel Down, he would chat with Ryuu for one or two hours.

For ten uninterrupted years, this enthusiasm is comparable to that of a salesperson selling insurance, health care products, and similar items in their previous life.

"Brother Karl, whom did you unfortunately catch this time?" Ryuu sounded and spoke. If he's honest, Vice Admiral Karl's enthusiasm sometimes worries Ryuu. But he never complained about it because he could feel it. This kind old man, the vice admiral, has a heart passionate about justice.

He's an honorable veteran who dedicates everything he has to justice and the people.

"This is the justice of devotion!!!" Ryuu can't be as dedicated as a veteran, nor could he respond to the old man's enthusiasm, but at least he can show respect.

Looking at Ryuu and Karl, who have a fifty-year age difference, calling each other brother.

The sailors on the warship, including Rear Admiral Tia, who saw this scene for the first time, couldn't help but stare with their mouths open, immersed in deep shock, unable to free themselves for a long time.

"Brother Ryuu, this time I'm not here to transport prisoners, but to pick up people at Impel Down!" said Vice Admiral Karl.

"Oh? A giant?" Ryuu said unconsciously.

"Indeed, you're a brother Roger. Not only are you a genius, but you also have a very flexible mind. If someone like you..."

"Oh, Brother Karl," Ryuu quickly interrupted.

"Hahaha, sorry, sorry. By the way, what do you think of Tia?" Vice Admiral Karl smiled with hints at Rear Admiral Tia's closeness.

"Sister over there? She's fine!" Ryuu said casually, causing Vice Admiral Karl to be speechless.

Rear Admiral Tia is the marine goddess of this generation!

Will she become an older sister when she comes into Ryuu's view?

Who would feel more hurt to be called "older sister"?

Naturally, none other than Rear Admiral Tia herself. A woman's age is a delicate matter, and as a cultured person, she doesn't pay much attention to it, at least unless she's a very wrinkled raisin.

Ryuu didn't know that at this moment, Tia was already angry and raised her eyebrows, her chest heaving up and down as she breathed in as much air as she could to calm herself.


Tia didn't expect to get angry.

Ryuu added calmly, "Among the women I've seen, she's probably the most beautiful."

As soon as this statement came out, as if saved by the bell, the anger on Tia's face immediately disappeared. The most beautiful woman in the eyes of a man. This is already the greatest compliment.

Not to mention, this compliment comes from the super genius of Impel Down. Rear Admiral Tia couldn't help but feel happy.


It wasn't long before she was happy.

"You can knock me down, Brother Ryuu. How many women have you seen in this driving situation all day?" Vice Admiral Karl glanced at him.

"Don't underestimate Impel Down, there are still prisoners in the big prisons!" Ryuu retorted.


Rear Admiral Tia felt as if she had been stabbed in the heart. The pride of her emotion was to win in a competition with a group of prisoners.

As they spoke, the bell once again saved Ryuu, as Impel Down was just around the corner.

"We're already here, so I'll take the first step. Brother Karl, see you later!" Ryuu waved goodbye and dove into the sea, swiftly entering Impel Down through the entrance and exit of the second underground floor with the Sea Kings button. When Ryuu put on the warden's uniform and arrived at the director's office on the fourth underground floor, Vice Admiral Karl had been waiting for a long time. The smile on the old face was as bright as a flower.

"Ryuu, you arrived just in time. This is a dispatch mission. Get ready to escort the giants back to Elbaf with Vice Admiral Carl later!"

Taking some time to think, Ryuu came to the conclusion that since it was a mission, there was nothing to be done.

Ryuu didn't resist and calmly helped with the task. The dignified warden escorts the prisoners back to their country. The reason for such a scandalous event must be closely related to the passionate Vice Admiral Karl.

But no matter, if he hadn't gone out for a while, he wouldn't be the chief director of Impel Down anymore. As long as you have a firm belief and don't let yourself be "fooled" by rhetoric, it doesn't matter much whether you can leave or not. Think of it more as a vacation. I've been in Impel Down for so many years, at least I can rest for a while and let the cards accumulate.

With this thought, Ryuu couldn't help but have some expectations for the next mission. But until then, he still had some things to do.

Leaving the director's office, he pushed the small dining cart filled with delicious food and headed straight to the "Eternal Hell," the sixth underground floor. Ryuu's arrival caused the originally noisy Eternal Hell to fall silent.

For five years, Ryuu had defeated brutal pirates in various ways.

At that moment, everyone shrank back. They didn't even dare to look at Ryuu, afraid that if Ryuu wasn't pleased, he'd give them a beating.


"I'm leaving Impel Down!"

Ryuu shook his head and sighed. The words fell, and Eternal Hell fell into an even deeper silence. The eyes of all the prisoners lit up.



The star of disaster is leaving!

There's no need to beat them elegantly anymore!

As they thought of that, the big pirates, who were always cruel, indeed felt like crying.

The next second.

"So before I go, does anyone want to have one last fight?"

Ryuu smiled and looked around, causing the smiles on the prisoners' faces to freeze, and they quickly lowered their heads, afraid to meet his gaze.

"No one, huh? Forget it. Anyway, this dispatch mission will be back in one or two months at most. I hope you don't get bored without my company!"

Ryuu teased, causing the moment of silence to last just a moment longer, then the next moment.

"You #@%!!!"

"Damn Shazam, saying these things about leaving for two months!"

"I thought you were leaving forever!"

"Damn Yaksha, how dare you mock this Young Master!"


All the prisoners screamed wildly, while the last one seemed like his hair was changing color, but luckily it was just due to stress and nothing more.


Ryuu laughed cheerfully several times as he pushed the cart into the depths of Eternal Hell.

Finally, he stopped in front of the cage of the strongest man in the world from the previous era. After all, it was Grant who produced two legendary golden cards and several red cards of legendary attributes.

New golden legends may arise in the future. Although he doesn't have to treat him well, at least he can't allow him to starve. As a result of Ryuu's good feeding over the past five years, Bard Grant's originally withered figure had become much plumper.

"You're so generous today. Are you planning to bid me farewell?" said Grant.

"In any case, I'll just give you extra meals for the next two months in advance!" said Ryuu.

Grant said nothing more. He came without hesitation. The greedy prisoners in the adjacent cell couldn't help but drool.

"Grant, I'll be heading to the New World soon. Do you have any unfulfilled wishes? Or is there a treasure buried somewhere that you want me to help you uncover?" Ryuu asked.

"No," Grant didn't even look up.

"Lord ShiroYaksha, he doesn't have it like I do. I have a huge treasure buried on a certain island. As long as you give me a meat meal, I'll tell you!"

"Lord Shiroyasha, I don't need meat with every meal, as long as I have a piece of meat every day, it's enough. Choose me, choose me!"

"Lord Ryuu!"

The pirates in the nearby cages shouted in vain, as Ryuu seemed not to notice, because in his mind, his system, which was originally only for collecting attributes, now has a new function.

[Thirty years ago, the world's strongest man, Bard Grant's only obsession]

Images passed before Ryuu's eyes like a spinning lantern.

It recounted the legendary life of Bard Grant. The final scene is set on the sunset coast, on the eve of Grant's arrest thirty years ago.

A thirty-year-old pregnant woman faced the sunset, waiting for someone to return. There's no doubt about it.

The thirty-year-old woman and the baby at the end of the picture are Grant's obsession. But Ryuu was more concerned about what he had seen about Grant's past.

What makes a man worry.

Abandoning his pregnant wife and ending up miserably alone?

Ryuu has always been concerned about why Grant suffered the Buster Call of two admirals. Now the final answer is finally revealed.


The once-famous Bard Pirates disbanded because of the captain's irresponsibility. The remaining members had no leaders and were eventually captured by the Marines.

Before being escorted to Impel Down, the Celestial Dragons saw them and turned them into slaves.

Grant, the former great Poseidon, set sail for the last time only for his friends. To save his former comrades who have become slaves.

He only attacked the island called Island of the Gods!!!

At that moment, I couldn't help but be amazed by the actions of this old man.

What a cruel person!

But Ryuu admits that this old man has earned his respect!

[Help Grant to make up for his regrets, eliminate his obsession, and be rewarded with +1000 free attribute points and +1000 Devil Fruit development points]

The mechanical beep of the system woke Ryuu from the shock.

Ryuu: "..."

I am the destroyer of sins!

Not the master of dreams!

Thank you!


[1]- is the laugh I came up with for the mc, it's not One piece without a distinctive laugh, literally there is even a Wiki where all the laughs of the characters are, I took a quick look at it, and there is none similar to this one I created.

Chapter edited but quickly and without much review, my head is not in the right place

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Guionistacreators' thoughts