
Guardians of the Galaxy: Ragnarok & Roll

L1T3RAT1 · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

the hall of Zeus

The hall of Zeus sat in the center of high Olympus. Corinthian columns if the purest black marble rose a hundred feet into the sky, holding a frieze-decorated roof high above the heads of the gods gathered inside. Aphrodite, Dionysus, Apollo, Athena, and all the other Olympian gods stood inside. Their attention was turned to the great throne that dominated the end of the chamber.

Next to the great throne stood Pluto, Ares, and the Mighty Hercules. On the throne sat a handsome man with a heavy brow. His expression betrayed deep contemplation and introspection, but it also betrayed ruthlessness and cunning. The figure was not Zeus!

"Mighty Hercules, your words have not fallen on marble ears." said the figure. "Of all the gods here assembled, it was from you i expected the least objection. For this reason, I heed your words carefully."

"Perhaps the Mighty Hercules fears battle with those who might equal his strength." Ares suggested.

Hercules turned on the god of war with fire in his eyes. "In all the godly dimensions, there are none who can match the strength of Hercules!" he said. "And none of whom he fears in honest battle, as i will gladly demonstrate. Ares! Let us step outside, so that i may bestow my gift upon you."

Ares' eyes flashed anger and his hand dropped to the hilt of his sword. Before he responded, the figure on the throne interrupted. "Enough! No one doubts the courage of the mighty Hercules, Ares. But perhaps the wisdom of my decision is not so apparent to those poorly versed in the art of war."

Both gods relaxed and turned their attention back to the throne. The figure continued, "Hercules, i now possess the Crook of Osiris," he lifted a long ebony staff with a curled end, "and the throne of Zeus. When i take Odinn's drinking horn from Valhalla i will have the power to unite all the godly realms under my rule."

"Power does not always serve the good," Interrupted Athena, goddess of wisdom. "To what end do you seek this unification?"

"The noblest end of all, Athena," the figure responded. "Conquest! With all of the godly realms United under my command i can conquer Eternity himself! This is my destiny! You must trust that it is for the good."

"We have no choice but to trust you, Lord Ac." said Pluto. "You have won the right to command us through personal combat. Now, how are we to penetrate Asgard's defenses?"

the figure called Ac then began to outline his plan to the Olympians. The Olympians' fleet was to set sail across the sea of space to land on the plains of Ida, near Asgard City. Ares had made an alliance with Ymir the king of the frost giants, who would lead an attack across the rainbow bridge once Thor had been dispatched. Pluto had also convinced Hela the Asgardian goddess of death to raise hordes of undead to march upon the Asgardians. Dionysus had been trying to convince the king of the rock trolls, Geirrodur, to side with the Olympians but this issue remained in doubt.

After Ac finished outlining his plans of invasion to the Olympians, Gaea stepped out into the middle of the hall. Without exception, the Olympians gasped and inclined their heads in respect. She demanded to know this stranger was that sat upon the throne, and what had happened to her grandson Zeus.

"I am the new ruler of Olympus and all godly realms. Zeus has been banished to Hades, where he will remain until i consolidate my rule." Ac proclaimed.

Ac the turned his attention to the Guardians of the Galaxy, ignoring Gaea as if she were no longer in the room. He asked them to introduce themselves and explain their presence. Choosing not to respond belligerently, the Guardians began to pose questions of their own. Using her empathic ability, Mantis then began to realize that Ac was actually Galactus in some way. Ac had no memory prior to appearing in Olympus. But, while all of this was occurring Tus broke free of his bonds and rushed to seize Gaea. Gaea once again intruded upon Ac's attention. Gaea pointed to Tus and claimed that if Ac had rightfully taken Zeus' position, he must judge the being who attacked the mother of the gods. She then recounted the story of Tus' assault and demanded that Ac render justice.

To everyone's surprise, Ac did not even address Gaea's charge. Instead, he stared blankly at Tus for several moments. Tus stared back, uncomfortably twitching and holding onto Gaea. Finally, Ac lifted his arm and commanded Tus to walk forward. Tus obeyed, and when they touched the two figures if Ac and Tus merged into one. Their visage morphing into that of an extremely intelligent, yet thoroughly evil being.

"Pluto...Ares...i wish for you to administer a new allegiance pledge to all Olympians!" the newly merged being ordered. He also approached Gaea, saying, "I shall present the multiple pantheons of the gods to you as a wedding gift."

When Gaea objected to the offer, the being boldly accused her of being a traitor. He then turned his attentions to the Guardians of the galaxy whom he immediately proclaimed to be Spies and traitors. He orders for the capture of the Guardians.