
Guardians of the Galaxy: Ragnarok & Roll

L1T3RAT1 · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

Damsel in distress

As the Guardians of the galaxy traveled through Olympus they heard a scream for help.

A twisted, shriveled being with shifty eyes and pinched features was attempting to drag a beautiful dark-haired woman into the forest. He wore the rich garb of an Asgardian shaman. "Tus want woman!" the being barked.

A shimmering field appeared around the woman. The wretched assailant lost his grip. The woman regained her composure and faced her attacker. "You cannot have me, filthy wretch!" she cried. "Begone!"

Tus extended his arm. He barked, "My woman!" the shimmering field dissolved and drained into the being's arm.

Before Tus could prevail in dragging the woman by her hair into the forest, Star-Lord stepped in and stopped him. Rendering Tus unconscious, they then bound him with technological handcuffs.

The woman then revealed her identity as Gaea the Olympian goddess. She had come to Olympus to uncover why her grandson Zeus, is waging war on the other godly dimensions. She then suggests taking Tus to stand judgement before Zeus, as it may prove a favorable introduction towards their endeavours.