
Guardians of the Galaxy: Ragnarok & Roll

L1T3RAT1 · Sci-fi
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13 Chs


Ares drew his sword and leapt into flight. "To battle, Olympians!" he sceeamed.

Pluto raised his arm and a spear of shimmering blue flame appeared in his hand. "Seize the intruders!" He screamed.

Hercules slowly moved to obey, but the other Olympians merely watched in stunned silence. The guardians of the galaxy were outclassed, and knowing what was good for them, ran for their lives. Pluto's spear of unearthly mystical flame soared through the air and killed Rocket Raccoon upon impact. After throwing his spear, Pluto fashioned another weapon of mystical flame and attempted to exterminate another Guardian.

Ares was not as effective as Pluto. He simply attacked ferociously with his mighty sword, hacking and slashing at Angela and Gamora.

Recognizing Doctor Strange as an ally, Hercules did not engage the Guardians immediately. Though he enjoyed a fight as much as any other God, Hercules did not completely trust Ac and knew the Guardians to be friendly. As he wrestled Drax, he urged him not resist, as he had no desire to injure any of them.

Ares and Pluto pursued the Guardians out of Olympus at the head of 100 Olympian soldiers. Eventually, the surviving Guardians found a hidden passage in the city of Olympus. Two marble columns supported a roof descending to the ground. Beneath the roof, an ebony set of stairs descended into impenetrable darkness. The Guardians unknowingly traveled through a dimensional nexus along the passage, and entered Hades. At the bottom of the ebony stairs the passage opened onto the Plains of Erberus. Once they are surrounded by the shades of the dead, and the dismal atmosphere Doctor Strange makes the observation of their locale. Postulating on the death of Rocket in the halls of Zeus, Strange suggests that finding the shade of their lost companion may facilitate resurrecting him in the material plane. He also recalls the fact that Zeus was being held captive in Hades, and that rescuing the father of the Olympians would be advantageous to deposing the rule of Actus and preventing Ragnarok.

While in Hades, any and all unconventional means of travel became limited. While in Pluto's domain, no magic or inherent powers could be used by anyone besides the Olympian. Navigating across Hades, the Guardians eventually discovered the palace of Pluto. The servants inside were all shades. When questioned by Doctor Strange, the shades simply called for the lady of the household Persephone. The beautiful Olympian Goddess gladly directed them towards Tartarus, where they would find their lost friend and where Zeus was currently being held.

Leaving the palace and traveling to the river Styx, they requested Charon, the skeletal ferryman of the dead, escort them across. He gladly ferried them across for a shilling of gold, and then pointed his skeletal finger in the way of their friend.

Once having reaches the depths of Tartarus, the Guardians heard a mighty wail.


Rocket awoke in Hades to the sound of tortured wails. The wail was that of Zeus, whom Pluto had chained beneath a bed of downturned spikes. Two mighty Titans, whom Pluto had long ago imprisoned here, took turns jumping on the back side of the spikes. Pluto stood nearby, laughing at Zeus' agony and directing his torture.

A moment later, he noticed the shade of Rocket was awake and watching him. He turned to Rocket and commented, "Do not bother with your pitiful strength. In this domain, my will is supreme."

Zeus endured his torment long enough to growl, "Gloat while you can, foul lord of darkness. The Asgardians are more powerful than you know, and they will not fall."

Pluto chuckled. "Alas they will, and not before too many days pass. Lord Actus has already made an alliance with Death."

The Titans leapt in unison and Zeus let out such a yell of pain that even the Titans and Pluto cringed. Pluto nervously laughed, then turned and vanished.


The Guardians quickly discovered the tortured Zeus and the shade of Rocket. In order to free the Olympian they would have to fight the two Titans that held him captive. Unfortunately, even the might of Zeus was severely dampened in the realm of Hades. But, using Rocket's inventiveness, the Titans were catapulted off the Olympian and the bed of spikes was modified into a strong tower shield for Zeus to bash the Titans. As a team, the Guardians and Zeus swiftly defeated the Titans who disappeared upon death but then reappeared as harmless shades.

Once free Zeus urged the Guardians to flee to warn the Asgardians of Olympus' alliance with Death. So, the they all returned to the river Styx where they had to defeat Charon who refused them passage out of Tartarus for bringing Zeus along with them. Once they had destroyed the Skeleton, Zeus steered his ferry towards the mouth of the river Styx and out into the sea of Space where Rocket instantly rematerialized into his corporeal self and the Olympian's great power slowly began to return.