
Guardian of the Pacific: The Incredible Adventures of the Giant Turtle

The boy woke up as a giant turtle in the Pacific Rim. This is a story about a guy with a good moral compass. If you want to read how MC destroys cities and sinks ships, then this fanfic is not for you. There will be no magical transformation back into a human. This is my first fanfic. English is not my native language, so I used a translator. In the first chapters, I used GPT for some paragraphs of text, but the result is not satisfactory. Then everything is manual work. I do not own the rights to the universe and characters in this story.

MyQuietPlace · Movies
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127 Chs

The Unknown

Panic in the town was growing every minute. People ran through the streets filled with fear and disorder. Everyone tried to evacuate, fearing that the monster that appeared in their district would come to town. The sounds of sirens and screams interwoven into a single symphony of chaos.

People crowded the streets, looking for a way to escape. Cars roared, filled with things. Pets ran around the streets looking for their owners in confusion. There was a general desire to escape. People with pale faces tried to save themselves and run away from here.

But then something unexpected happened. The monster, instead of heading towards the city, turned around and slowly started to dig the ground near the mountain from which it came out. The fear that gripped people began to gradually change to surprise and bewilderment. Of course, this only applied to those who were paying attention to the creature. Most people just ran. They had a goal to which they were heading, and that goal was to escape.

On one of the streets, two random people stood watching this incredible event. Their faces showed mixed emotions of surprise and despair.

"How is that possible?" - the man with gray hair said in surprise.

"I don't know... It's something supernatural that exceeds our understanding," the woman answered with surprise in her voice. - "But what is this mountain from which it appeared? Does anyone live there?"

"Nobody lives there," the man answered, relying on local knowledge. - "This hill is known for its rare landslides and strange seismic activity. No one could dare to live there because of the danger. It seems that the monster came out of this very hill."

"Yeah, that explains why no one ever mentioned the apartment buildings on that hill," the woman said with a little relief.

Both of their hearts fluttered at the sheer scale of the destruction the monster had left behind. If the monster had emerged from under the city, there would have been much more victims.

POV: main character

Moving cautiously up the hill, I looked for signs of casualties. However, no matter how diligently I searched, I found nothing. My heart was constricted by the fear that some people might be under the rubble.

After a while, the smell of blood entered my nose and I determined to find the source of this smell, gradually approaching the source, I saw a dog lying dead. Relieved that it wasn't the smell of human blood, I took a deep breath and continued my mission, using my sense of smell as an aid.

In my search, I came across several cars that had been abandoned. It was lucky that there was no one inside them. Realizing that there was nothing more I could do at this point, I took a few steps back and sat down to refocus and think.

My thoughts flew in different directions, but one thing became clear - My sense of smell was a powerful tool that helped me read even what was deep underground, I thought.

"I don't think I've found anyone else besides the dead animals," I thought. "Of course, you can't be 100% sure, but there's nothing more I can do. I need to be more careful in the future."

For some time I sat still and cleansed my body of dirt. In the distance I heard the sounds of helicopters approaching me. It is obvious that they were military. It is impossible for such a big event to go unnoticed. And with the whole world watching me on their TV screens, I didn't have much time before the military surrounded me.

I need to get out of here, better to dive into the water. Out in the open, I was an easy target with my clumsy body. I didn't want to see if depleted uranium shells would penetrate my skin. Therefore, I quickly began to look for where I should run. It was good that the sea was not far away, but the problem was that I would have to go through the city to get there, which I did not want to do.

Getting to my feet, I took a few slow and clumsy steps. It was difficult to balance on two legs with a heavy armor on the back. Why don't I just walk on all fours? Because despite my shape, I felt that straightness was quite natural for this body. In general, my body reminded me of a creature from the monster universe. The creature's name was Gamera, and he was quite kind to humans. Unfortunately, that's all I know about him since I haven't seen any movies about him. It seems he could still breathe fire, but I won't check that now. He also had fangs growing from his lower jaw, but I didn't have any. I'm not sure, but my face felt like a regular pointed turtle face.

"Am I reincarnated in a world of giant monsters?" - this thought scared me a little. On the one hand, I was a powerful being, but not enough to give Godzilla a fight, and certainly not that big. There was no hope for a carapace as I couldn't just hide in it. I'm easily smoked by reports with atomic breath.

Having a little control over my body, I began to move along the city, trying to bypass it and reach the water. Helicopters were already circling above me and shining their searchlights. Fortunately, they did not shoot at me. The very fact that they weren't shooting gave me quite a bit of information. If this world was filled with monsters like me, they would have already started showering me with bullets, but they delayed. It could only mean that they were seeing something like this for the first time, and since I wasn't going straight into town, they decided not to provoke. If they had opened fire first, I might have stormed the city in anger, and surely many generals and politicians would have resigned from their posts.

The bad news was that the road in front of me was completely filled with cars and people who had abandoned their cars because the road was not designed for a sudden evacuation from the city. The big traffic jam went as far as the horizon. This situation occurred on all roads from the city. Watching this, I couldn't help but feel sorry for these people. I have to go down this road, and the longer I linger here, the worse it will be for everyone.

I approached the road with slow and small steps, trying to give people enough time to escape. I stopped in front of the road itself. I could step over it, but I wasn't sure I wouldn't step on someone. After a few minutes, there were no people there anymore, my nose did not smell people below me, only along the road, and they were moving away from me. I took as wide a step as I could but still caught a few cars. Power cables that lined the road snapped and poles erupted in sparks as my body crossed the road.

"I will not pay for it! And why is there no pedestrian crossing here!" , feeling a small victory over the situation, I headed for the big water.



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