
Guardian of the Pacific: The Incredible Adventures of the Giant Turtle

The boy woke up as a giant turtle in the Pacific Rim. This is a story about a guy with a good moral compass. If you want to read how MC destroys cities and sinks ships, then this fanfic is not for you. There will be no magical transformation back into a human. This is my first fanfic. English is not my native language, so I used a translator. In the first chapters, I used GPT for some paragraphs of text, but the result is not satisfactory. Then everything is manual work. I do not own the rights to the universe and characters in this story.

MyQuietPlace · Movies
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127 Chs


"97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102..."


The sound of cracking stone fills the space, as if an icy surface begins to crack under pressure. The sound is muffled by the water, but loud. In an instant, the rock hanging above Gamera's head crumbled, and debris fell on his head.

"AUCH!" More from suddenness than pain, Gamera made a strange sound. This is the third rock that crumbled in his hands. But the first time it happened was when he lifted a rock over his head and squatted.

The training was quite peaceful and monotonous. Sometimes, when he heard the sounds of engines or saw some searchlights in the water, he had to stop. For some reason, Gamera did not want to show himself to people during training. It would look somehow unnatural and strange. It seemed to him that if they caught him during human training, then his image of a prehistoric beast would be destroyed.

Constantly being under water was a little depressing. Silence, darkness, various strange sounds of unknown origin... Every time his rock broke, he took it as an opportunity to take a break. Go up to the sun, swim with dolphins, taste poisonous jellyfish, scratch the claws of sleeping whales - everything that was interesting attracted his attention. After a break, he dived to the bottom of the ocean again in search of a suitable new rock for training.

"Plop! Plop!" As he was taking a break from ships passing overhead, he heard strange noises. He heard these sounds for the first time, although they seemed familiar to him. Gamera raised his head and looked closely at the silhouettes of the ships above him. At first he couldn't see anything, but after a while he noticed strange cylindrical canisters descending towards him. "What it is?" Before he had time to look at these objects, they exploded.

BOOOOOM! BOOOOOM! Two consecutive explosions rang out right in front of his face.

"RAHHHH! AAAAH!" shouted Gamera. From the force of the explosion, he felt his brain hitting the walls of his skull. The pain spread all over his face. His ears began to ache and ring. But his eyes suffered the most. He had been watching these deep sea mines carefully before the explosion, so the initial flash of light during the explosion burned his eyes.

Covering his face with his hands, he turned away. He became blind and deaf. Having moved a little from the scene, he began to rub his eyes with the backs of his hands.

"What was that? Why did they attack me?" As he began to regain consciousness, he tried to open his eyes. After a while, he began to see glimpses of light, but everything was blurry. The ringing in the ears also decreased.

"Plop! Plop!" Gamera became very irritated when he faintly heard two more sounds of sinking deep sea mines. He made a quick dash forward and a moment later two more explosions rang out behind him. Gamera did not look back, but headed for the surface.

At full speed, he burst out of the water near the ships. His momentum lifted him into the air above the water. Looking like a giant whale, he began to fall back into the water.


A strong splash of water caused a high wave that headed towards the ship. People on board screamed and ran, trying to hide in the middle of the deck. When the water fell on the ship, it washed everyone and everything into the ocean. After the first wave that fell on them came a second wave that hit the ships from the side. The force of the impact overturned one of the ships, while the other ship stood, but swayed like a pendulum from the wave.

Gamera looked out of the water and watched the attackers. People who fell into the ocean screamed for help. They had life jackets so they didn't drown. They swam to the ship that had not capsized and tried to get on board, but no one threw them lifebuoys and did not launch a light boat.

"What do they do? Their actions made no sense." Instead of helping the injured, they ran around the deck with weapons in their hands. Gamera tried to find out which country the ships belonged to, but there were no flags. The appearance was similar to fishing boats, but they were quite large, and in some places you could see machine guns and cannons attached in a pirate style.

He noticed other ships in the distance. These were warships of gray color, they were moving towards them at high speed.

"What is happening here? Why do they do this?" Everything unfolding before Gamera's eyes was like some kind of drama.


While he was watching the warships, bullets from a large-caliber machine gun flew into his face. "Ai! It hurts!" Yelling at the sudden pain, he covered his face with his hand and dived back into the ocean. Having descended 100-200 meters, he turned his back to the bottom of the ocean and watched the events taking place above him.

People continued to swim and scream, trying in vain to save themselves. They crowded around the ship with their hands up, begging to be taken on board, but the ship's crew, seemingly gone mad, continued to fire into the void of the ocean, where there was no one left. They seemed to beg for death, but death ignored them.

A few minutes later, warships arrived and opened fire on the target. Several explosions rang out, and fragments of machine guns and cannons fell into the ocean. Later, everything calmed down. Small boats floated around and began to collect the victims.

When Gamera was already far away, he realized one thing: " If I were not a conscious being, what would my reaction be to such aggression? I am not far from the west coast of the United States now. There are always American warships floating around me. Suddenly I am attacked and hurt. Will a prehistoric beast, powerful and proud, attack his abuser? Of course he will, and then attack all the ships around him. At worst, he'll think it's a declaration of war and swim ashore. Did they mean to provoke me?"

"It seems that some countries are not yet aware of their predicament. They are still thinking about some kind of domination over others. It's disgusting."



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