
Guardian of the Pacific: The Incredible Adventures of the Giant Turtle

The boy woke up as a giant turtle in the Pacific Rim. This is a story about a guy with a good moral compass. If you want to read how MC destroys cities and sinks ships, then this fanfic is not for you. There will be no magical transformation back into a human. This is my first fanfic. English is not my native language, so I used a translator. In the first chapters, I used GPT for some paragraphs of text, but the result is not satisfactory. Then everything is manual work. I do not own the rights to the universe and characters in this story.

MyQuietPlace · Movies
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127 Chs

New Name and Hobby

Looking at this man, Gamera felt sorry for him. The first pilots of the Jaegers were actually doomed. These were the heroes who, despite their imperfect drift technology, volunteered to fight against the Kaiju despite the severe consequences for their brains. They sacrificed themselves to save other people, strangers to them.

This man was not a Marshal, which means that most likely he will die in one of the battles on this one-time Yeheri for him. Only Marshall survived after fighting the Kaiju, Marshall and Riley. But Riley had completely different circumstances. He lost his brother in a fight with the Kaiju and his Jaeger was badly damaged. He managed to finish off the Kaiju and reach the shore. It was hard, but not as if he had been fighting alone from the start.

"Hey! Giant! We and the boys here gave you some kind of name so you wouldn't be called Big Turtle all the time. How do you like Torterra? Maybe not a super name, but it's a combination of the words 'turtle' and 'terra', and it should suit you. What do you say?" While Gamera was in his thoughts, the man offered him something interesting.

"Really, people never guess that I call myself Gamera. They don't even know such a word," thought Gamera. Humanity has always loved to give names to everything new. The fact that they called him simply Turtle is already strange. But I didn't want to give up the legendary name.

He was a turtle and it turned out he also had fire breath. But he had no fangs protruding from his lower jaw. Such fangs are not practical at all, how can you bite someone when you have two teeth in your mouth that are bigger than your entire mouth. And he did not know how to fly in that funny, but so cool way. His tail was shorter. And now, after eating the Kaiju and absorbing a lot of radiation, he was becoming less and less like Gamera.

"Sorry Gamera, but maybe it's a good idea to adopt a new name from the humans?" After a bit of thought, he decided it wasn't a bad idea. He nodded at the man and walked over to the Kaiju who was starting to get up from being knocked out.

"Did you just nod your head? So you liked the name? Cool, I'll tell management that you liked it! Wait! Did you understand what I told you? Hey? Come back!" Torterra no longer paid attention to the Jaeger pilot. He had to hit the Kaiju again so that he wouldn't wake up.

Coming closer, Torterra simply punched him from above and began to think about what to do next. Unfortunately, the pilot was not a Marshal, but that question will wait. He will find it when the time comes. What needed to be done now was to somehow keep the Kaiju alive and prevent him from harming anyone.

It is a dangerous business to keep an enemy close to you. The Kaiju has a connection to the collective mind of the aliens, and everything he sees or hears will be transmitted to the enemy. Nor can you be sure that he won't escape while Torterra is asleep or wounded.

POV: Jaeger pilot

The pilot has already entered the cockpit and regained control of the robot. He needed to make sure the Kaiju was dead, that was his job. The pilot looked at his new friend and didn't know what to do. Kaiju staying alive and not being finished was a bit strange. Therefore, he decided to finish off the Kaiju himself.

He had some kind of knife embedded in his hand. This might work, thought the pilot. Walking up to the Kaiju's head and planning to finish him off with one swift blow to the head, but his hand was stopped. The giant with a new name stopped the knife. He shook his head and pointed to the Kaiju's paws and tail, running his claw in specific places as if to tell him to cut in those places.

This whole situation was pretty damn weird for the pilot. At first, what was just a joke turned into a legendary thing that will engrave his name in the history of the entire planet: he gave his name to the giant Turtle. Now he found that Torterra was asking him to cut off the Kaiju's limbs. The pilot had no feeling at all that he was standing next to some prehistoric creature. It seemed that he was interacting with a person, and this surprised him so much that he was simply speechless. His command asked him to give an account of what was happening, but he could not say a word.

"Okay, okay. Let's do as you want," the pilot said quietly. "What did you say? Say it again!" The commander's voice rang out on the communicator.

"I'm sorry Sir! I'm not for you. The situation is under control, Torterra and I are working on the Kaiju."

"What Torter? Why do I see on the monitors that instead of finishing off the Kaiju, you cut off his tail?" At that moment, Torterra was holding the Kaiju, who was struggling and screaming in pain. He pressed the beast to the ground with all his weight, sometimes striking it on the head, so that it would not do something stupid, like spitting a web or something.

"Sir, you won't believe it, but when I offered him that name, he nodded his head accepting it, and now he's asked me to cut off his limbs. I don't know why he doesn't want to finish off the Kaiju."

"Boy, you're delusional! Looks like the drift's effect on the brain is stronger than we thought. End it now, finish him off. We need samples for research, so don't let the Turtle eat it all."

"Sir, I'm not dreaming! You can check the surveillance cameras." As the pilot said these words, he had almost finished cutting off the Kaiju's paws. After that, Torterra breathed air into his lungs and released a small flame on the open wounds of the unconscious beast. Smoke and crackling echoed in the air.

The beast's wounds were cauterized and the blood stopped flowing. It became clear to the pilot what was happening here. Torterra tried to capture the Kaiju alive. He could not understand the reasons for this, so he decided to leave the matter to military analysts and academics.

Grabbing the monster by its horns, Torterra dragged it to the ocean, taking the severed tail for its own lunch.

"What's going on? Why did he drag him to the ocean? Stop him! We need samples to study!" shouted the commander in his headphones.

"I can't Sir, I can't anymore. My head hurts and I think my nose is bleeding. He left Kaiju limbs, that should be enough to figure out how this Kaiju got past our radars," the pilot replied, holding on to the head Although he didn't fight a Kaiju, but in order to cut off all the limbs, he had to put a lot of strain on his brain. He might not be able to control Jaeger again in the future, but at least he survived, so there was nothing to regret.

"Okay son, don't move, we'll get you."

POV: Torterra

He dragged the Kaiju along the bottom of the ocean. When the "caterpillar" woke up, it tried to break free, but after a while it gave up and stopped moving. It seemed that he had died, having lost the opportunity to fulfill his mission, but in reality he was watching the giant that defeated him. And Torterra saw it. He could see the Kaiju's eyes darting around, looking everywhere and gathering information.

It was a problem that had to be solved. "Can blind him? No need, he can't see much at the bottom of the ocean, and I don't know if he'll die after that or not. He's got so much damage and if the aliens think he's completely useless, they they can turn he off somehow or come up with something else..."

"Why are you looking at me like someone hurt you?! You wanted to destroy the whole city, so don't accuse me of being cruel!" Of course, Torterra couldn't speak, all his thoughts were accompanied by unintelligible growls.

"You can't read minds, can you?" The thought caused a cold sweat to break out under his armor. "You need to be stoned somewhere and left, I can't drag you around all the time." Torterra sailed deep into the ocean, away from the shores of the continent. He was almost finished creating his imaginary map of the Pacific, only Canada and Alaska remained, but he could already guess how to sail there and how long it would take.

Judging by this attack, it's not necessary to wait six months for the portal to open, and the longer it goes, the faster it will open, until two or three Kaiju arrive at a time, and then it will be open permanently. And the end of humanity will come. But now he has time for himself.

He needs to train, but it's pretty boring. Especially when you do it at a depth of 5,000 meters under water, where there is no sunlight, and something is constantly buzzing, strange and scary. You can go crazy like that. The Kaiju Company isn't going to make things better.

He had an idea to build a house for himself and at the same time a prison for this caterpillar. He could find some cave and dig some hole there, but it would be far from the sun, and also boring and lonely. Another idea was to try to build something big enough to stick out of the ocean. It was just an idea, and it was unknown if it would work, but he still had to wait years for humanity's technology to be advanced enough to drift with the Kaiju brain and then develop his own portal technology.

Doing construction seemed like an interesting way to pass the time and train the body. For this construction, he needs materials and a place where he will build a house. Having set himself a task, Torterra dragged his captive to search. "It will be a long journey!" he growled in displeasure.


I know some people won't like the fact of the renaming. In my defense, I will say that people should have given him their name, and it looks very believable. So let's say goodbye to our friend Gamera and say hello to our new friend Torterra. The name was suggested by reader GioKobalia. Thank you.

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