
Guardian of the Pacific: The Incredible Adventures of the Giant Turtle

The boy woke up as a giant turtle in the Pacific Rim. This is a story about a guy with a good moral compass. If you want to read how MC destroys cities and sinks ships, then this fanfic is not for you. There will be no magical transformation back into a human. This is my first fanfic. English is not my native language, so I used a translator. In the first chapters, I used GPT for some paragraphs of text, but the result is not satisfactory. Then everything is manual work. I do not own the rights to the universe and characters in this story.

MyQuietPlace · Movies
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127 Chs

Monsters Everywhere

It started soon enough. Screams and gunfire spread across the city.

But worst of all were the sounds made by the White Thorns. They roared like wild beasts and shot spikes from their tails. These spikes were moving very fast. Perhaps they were faster than bullets, because they penetrated body armor quite easily.

The Internet said that in the tails of these monsters there was a complex mechanism combining high air pressure and electromagnetic  fields. At the tip of the tails was something like a magnet, and the spikes themselves were transmitted through the tail using air pressure.

This mechanism had one drawback. To shoot, they needed to constantly suck air through their mouths. This allowed a person to feel when the white monsters would shoot. When sucking in air, they made the sound of a vacuum cleaner. In the ocean, White Spikes use water instead of air, so they can fire both underwater and on the surface.

The monsters did not shoot accurately. It would be surprising if they could shoot from their tails accurately: there were no eyes on the tails for aiming. They could aim at a person from 20 meters away. But when there were thousands of these monsters, accuracy no longer played a role.

Joao was working hard when the fight started. As he was told, empty magazines began to be brought to the basement, and he quickly filled them with cartridges. His hands were shaking with fear, and it was slowing down the process. He had light gardening gloves, and they quickly turned black with fuel oil.





There was a fight in the street. Airplanes flew in the air and dropped bombs on the coastline. They did it from a very high altitude, because the White Thorns could shoot down the plane. Their spikes were not very effective against tank armor, but when they all saw the plane, they immediately tried to shoot it down. Imagine thousands of spikes flying through the sky to shoot down one plane.

The bombers were the most effective, but they could not defend the city. After capturing the city, the monsters were running around and  bombers were becoming ineffective.


The sound of heavy tracked armored vehicles was heard on the street. They were good until the White Thorns came running at them. They released acid onto the armor, which weakly but still corroded steel, evaporating in the process. If people in the middle of armored personnel carriers inhale these fumes, they will die immediately.

"What strong monsters. It's as if they were specially created to fight people." - said Joao. His fingers hurt from work. Unfortunately, people defeated the first wave of monsters, but it was followed by the second and third.

Bombs were constantly falling from the sky into the water near the shore. A second passed after the fall and an explosion rang out, sending the blue water into the air. Yes, the water was blue and glowed with toxicity. So many monsters had already been killed that the ocean was more polluted than a normal Kaiju attack. This was the case on every battlefield. Blue water and many corpses around.

The ocean was boiling with constant explosions. Even armored personnel carriers fired into the water from large-caliber guns. Everyone fired without waiting for the second wave to come ashore. No one gave any orders, because the commander was either dead or had also shot into the water.


The ground shook as many monsters ran across the land to the city from the other side. This attack was easier to repulse, because there both bombers and artillery coped better. The hardest part was where Joao was sitting.

The ocean was boiling, sending waves ashore, and one such wave showed the White Thorns running to the barricades.

"Just Die!" Someone shouted and threw a grenade.



A thorn flew into this man's chest and he fell dead immediately.


People shot, turning monsters into mincemeat with armor-piercing rounds.


There was the sound of thousands of vacuum cleaners as the monsters opened their mouths and began to suck in air.

"To shelter!" The commanders shouted to everyone to hide. Spikes could be heard flying, but none of them hit the man or the sandbags.

"What do they do?"

The White Thorns pointed their tails towards the sky and shot upwards.

"Carefully! Cover your heads. Hide under something!" Someone realized what was happening, but it was too late. Sharp thorns began to fall from the sky on people's heads. Their speed was not great, but they could still hurt.


People screamed as spikes stuck in their bodies. Some unlucky ones died from headshots. But the worst thing was that while people were panicking, the monsters ran to the barricades and already climbed over them.


The armored personnel carrier did not stop firing, and as soon as the monsters climbed out, they exploded when a large-caliber round hit them.


People came to their senses too late, when the enemy was already at the barricade. They fired at each other, and the most terrible part of this fight began. The White Spikes quickly overwhelmed the humans and plastered the armored vehicles, releasing acid on them. Armored vehicles did not stand still and in desperation crushed many monsters with their tracks before hitting a wall or simply stopping.

"Close the door!" There was a scream in the basement, where Joao was, and he ran to the door to close it. People realized that the battle was lost, but they could not do as they were ordered. They could not join the battle, they hoped that they would be able to sit out.

But Joao, standing at the door, did not close it. He froze as he saw the monsters retreat. They were running back into the ocean even though they were winning.


The earth shook.


Once again, João felt the earth shake and after that he noticed that giant turtle-like monsters were being dropped from the sky. They were in shackles, but when the shackles were undone, the monsters fell to the ground. The planes that brought these monsters fled immediately after being dropped.

"Close the door! What are you doing there!" People shouted at Joao in panic.

"Come here and see for yourself!"

Large turtle-like monsters fell to the ground, destroying houses and roads. They weren't as big as Torterra, but they were similar. They were perhaps 30 meters high. But what they were doing scared both Joao and other people who approached to him.

These Titans began to release red fire at the city, burning it to the ground. They moved in the direction of the shore and burned both the houses with people and the White Thorns.

One of the Titans was attacked by a wave of Whites, but the Titan fired directly at itself and burned them all.

"Where did people bring these Turtles from? Did they dig them up somewhere?"

"No, these are clones! Look! They look a lot like Torterra." - Said Joao. He often sat on the Internet and was familiar with various theories related to the disaster that occurred in China. He immediately noticed the resemblance to these Titans.

Several clones moved in different directions and destroyed everything in their path. They were not controlled.


Far beyond the horizon was a strong flash of light that made people cover their eyes.


Another flash of light rang out a little further from the previous one.

"What? Nuclear bombs?"

"Looks like it is!" Joao could not move away from the shock. They couldn't see the horizon from where they were standing, but even in the middle of the day they could see the flash of light from the nuclear weapons.


The Titans roared loudly and started walking towards the explosions. But if these Titans kept going like this, then they would pass Joao and the others hiding in the basement.


One of the Titans fired a lot of fire in their direction and Joao quickly closed the door and walked away from them.


The door slammed as a stream of fire hit it. The people in the basement were lucky that the door was made of metal and did not burn immediately, but it turned red from the heat and smoke began to seep inside.


People coughed, covering their mouths with rags. Fortunately, there was another room in the basement, and people ran there and closed themselves there. They covered the ventilation and cracks with rags and hoped that they would stay alive.

"If these monsters were created by humans by cloning Torterra, why are they attacking us? I clearly saw him burning people who were still fighting!" Someone from the audience asked. It was dark because the light had gone as the Titan breathed his fire on them and they could feel the ground shaking with the Titans footsteps.

"These are just stupid clones! They decided to fight monsters with other monsters!"

"Yes, but even the Titans don't feel sorry for us. We seem to be losing the world. Soon monsters will live on the planet, and no one will remember about people."

"Where is Torterra when you need him so much…?"

"Those scoundrels attacked him and now he is sleeping somewhere in the ocean. What kind of idiot thought of doing this?"

"Yes… If he were here, he would quickly burn those White Thorns. And he never killed people..."

"I heard those idiots who did this from World Council still haven't been put in jail."

"Stop talking! Take care of oxygen! We don't know when we can get out of here." - Said Joao. He, like everyone else, was concerned about these matters, but this was neither the time nor the place to discuss them.


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