
Guardian Of Infinite Earths

Aliens wish to invade the Earth? Did I allow it? In the M.I.B., he was Agent N. In Transformers, he was a crazy driver. In the Avengers, he was a superhero who could arm-wrestle with the Hulk...

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78 Chs

Chapter 30

Noah soon came back. The alien who rushed off earlier turned out to be Frank. The unlucky guy was being chased by a big dog, but he was lucky enough to be saved by Noah.

Frank swore that he didn't see any Bug, and Noah let him leave.

"Hey, N, where did you go? I think there's something weird with that wound."

"I think so, too. Let's go and take a look." Noah skillfully drove to the morgue at a fast speed. When they entered, it was Weaver again.

"Noah, why are you here? Can I help you?" Weaver was a little surprised to see Noah. 'Is this corpse one of Noah's friends again?'

J tutted beside him. 'Why do I feel like, when Weaver sees Noah, he's all she could see?'

"I was passing by and wanted to see you. Are you working? Was someone killed again?" Noah asked, with a curious look.

"Yeah, in Times Square. But the wound is strange. It looks like he was pierced with a thick sharp object. But with a guy this big, why didn't anyone see it?"

Weaver thought it was strange too. Also, she couldn't tell exactly what it was, perhaps a peculiar kind of spear?

"Is there a mock-up image of the murder weapon? I have a friend who works with film props and is familiar with all kinds of weapons. Maybe I can ask him for you? "

"Really? Great! Take a look, here's a mock-up I made on my computer. About this thick, with a sharp, pointed head. It's at least fifty centimeters long, possibly a little longer."

Noah looked at the 3D mock-up and was instantly sure that it was a Bug's stinger. But, when he looked at the size, it seemed to be a bit smaller than the one he took out before.

"Okay, got it. I'll ask my friend to pay attention to it. When do you get off work? I'd like to invite you to dinner."

J stared at him. Not to mention the fact that they now had work to do—finding this alien Bug that had killed this ordinary man—they still had to attend K's retirement party in the evening. 'Where would you find time to have dinner with a woman?'

Weaver shook her head with a disappointed look in her eyes, "I'm sorry, I still have some work to do here, it might take a while. I have to write a report. I might be staying here tonight."

"That's okay, next time then. The timing was probably really bad for an invitation too. You can't turn me down next time."

After Noah left with J, J couldn't help but say, "You invited her because you knew she didn't have time, right? You're really slick."

Noah proudly looked at J, "That's how you pick up girls. No wonder you, despite not looking bad, and being a great cop before, were still single. You still have a lot to learn."

"Pssh... I'm all about the heart." J argued.

Noah took out his communicator and called headquarters, "Chief, we were patrolling and stumbled on to a murder case. An earthling died, but we think he's killed by a Bug..."

2 minutes later, Noah hung up and drove away.

"Hey, where are we going? I don't think this is the way back to headquarters." J thought it was a bit odd. 'The Bugs were using human skin, and they weren't easily recognizable. Was N going to wander the streets and take his chances?'

"Do you wanna go back and wait for news, or are you going to follow me and catch a Bug?"

"You know where the Bug is? No way. Zed didn't even tell you anything about that." J couldn't believe it. 'The technologically advanced organization couldn't even find it; how could Noah find it first?'

"If you leave home, and wander through an unknown faraway place to find your dad, but find out that your dad is no longer alive, and you can't even go back home to tell your family about your dad, because there aren't any tickets and flights; what would you do?" Noah asked.

"Find a way to get a car and drive home. Wait, you mean, that Bug wants to leave the earth, and now it wants to get a spaceship of its own?" J stared at him, wide eyed. 'Is he for real?'

It seemed that when they captured those alien smugglers, they did say that a lot of aliens had booked flights in these couple of days. If there happens to be this Bug there; now that those smugglers had been captured and the ship confiscated, the Bug would have to figure out what to do on its own.

"But besides the MIB, are there any other ships just hanging around out there? Didn't we catch all those smugglers?"

Noah smiled, "Remember what K said about that World Expo being a cover, and the observatories looking like UFOs?"

"K said they were real ships. You mean that the Bug knows about it and he's going to try to start up that old rusty spaceship? Um... well, yeah, as long as you can drive it, an old clunker is still a car. What are you waiting for? It's getting dark. Let's hurry over there!"


Weaver received a phone call from her mechanic after Noah left, saying that her car had been repaired and asked her to get it before they had to get off work.

She looked at the time, took a taxi to pick up the car, ate something by the way, and then came back to work overtime.

After completing her work, just as she was driving out, she saw a familiar Ford pickup drive past in front of her.

'Was that Noah's car? Where is he going at this hour?'

She suddenly felt that something was wrong with Noah's presence at the morgue today. She started following his car.

'Who in their right mind would want to go into a place like that, just to ask someone out? A normal guy would have waited out at the front desk.'

Coupled with the fact that Noah had asked her about the body this afternoon, she thought it was even stranger... 'There couldn't be a connection here, could there?'

'Huh? These two are strange, what are they doing here in World Expo Park, it's getting dark.'

Dark, remote, and hidden. These three words together gave Weaver a bad feeling. Not to mention, New York was known as the most glamorous city in the world, but there were plenty of people doing illegal things. A very high number of people die every day. Why else would she get so much work to do?

She turned her mobile phone to silent mode, made sure that her Taser was in her bad, and was ready to get close enough to check it out. She was ready to call the police!

She found Noah hiding in the bushes with J, seemingly waiting for something too, which led her to some other suspicions. Finally, she heard footsteps.

'Who's that? He looks a little strange. What's wrong with him?'

J slapped a mosquito on his neck, "Why are they only biting me?"

"Shhh, keep your voice down. Listen, the Bug is coming."

J watched the figure approaching in the distance and immediately pulled his own sidearm, the Noisy Cricket, from his pocket while jumping out of the bushes.

"Raise both you... No, all six of your arms! You have the right to remain silent. If you choose not to, I will kill you." J pointed his gun at the shadowy figure.


The entire skin of the figure was torn into two, and a huge Bug emerged from within. It opened its mouth and hissed at J.

No one was going to stop him from going home!

Weaver not far away covered her mouth. 'What am I seeing?? How could there be such a big bug!'