
Guardian Of Infinite Earths

Aliens wish to invade the Earth? Did I allow it? In the M.I.B., he was Agent N. In Transformers, he was a crazy driver. In the Avengers, he was a superhero who could arm-wrestle with the Hulk...

BingeFics · Movies
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78 Chs

ch 29

In the evening, Noah didn't go out to have fun like J. He sort of understood what J was spending his money on.

The new apartment was still under renovation, and Noah still returned to the dormitory. He took a brief shower and laid down on the bed.

[Noah Anderson.]

[Gender: male.]

[Level: 6]

[Vitality: 116]

[Spirituality: 6.1]

[Strength: 8.1]

[Speed: 8.1]

[Special ability: Combat Proficiency LV5. Alien radar LV1]

[Weapons: Series 2 De-Atomizer, Proficiency LV3]

[Free Attribute Points: 17]

[Task: Help J become an official agent.]

There were also six shiny brass treasure chests, all obtained during this takedown of the alien people-smugglers. At the same time, he also completed the task of capturing illegal alien immigrants. But unfortunately, this time the task seemed to have a low rating, and he only rose one level. He was rewarded with 4 attribute points.

Probably because many of the illegal aliens had already escaped and he didn't get to catch them.

He opened the six bronze treasure chests all at once.

[Rewarded Latin Dance Proficiency LV2.]

[Reward Singing Technique Proficiency LV2.]

[Reward free attribute point +1.]

[Reward Super Sense of Smell LV1.]

[Reward Super Hearing LV1.]

[Reward Charm +1.]

Noah looked at the rewards speechlessly. What use were Latin dancing and singing skills to him? It's not like he is going to be a singer by profession. They might as well give him attribute points, even if it was just a little.

'Why is my luck so bad today? Did I touch something dirty?'

Charm seemed to be a hidden attribute. He couldn't see it on the attribute screen and there was no way to add it, otherwise, he would have raised it up. Maybe in the future, some beautiful alien lady would fall in love with him at first sight.

Super Sense of Smell and Super Hearing were quite useful. He experimented with Super Hearing and could vaguely hear the person next door saying words like 'so big', interspersed with some egg-churning sounds, and turned it off in a hurry.

Activating the Super Sense of Smell again, a foul odor was immediately detected in the room. 'Time to clean Orion's litter box! Why do cats poop so much in one day?!'

After opening the chest, there were 18 free attribute points. Noah thought for a moment and topped Spirituality to 10.1, Strength to 10.1, and Speed to 10.1, and increased Gun Proficiency to LV5. It seems that it couldn't be increased anymore.

The Alien Radar reached LV5, and the radius increased to 1 mile. There were 4 free attribute points left, which he wanted to keep for now. He might need them in the future.

Getting things done wasn't so easy right now, and it usually took a long time before MIB agents would be transferred. Of course, there are exceptions, like Noah.

But, Noah was an ordinary agent, not a top agent, so he had no say in promoting J. This task may take some time to complete.

After cleaning the cat litter box, and filling the cat bowl, Noah fell asleep. In his dream, he asked Weaver to come over to his new apartment. Her clothes were accidentally soiled with coffee, and she went to take a shower in his bathroom.

When they were about to go further, he was awakened by a banging on the door.

He quickly jumped out of bed and went to open the door, "Mission?"

J's hand was still in the air, as he was knocking before, "N! I was just calling you out for breakfast, and we could buy K a retirement gift after. You're up already? It seems like you have freshened up."

J was a bit surprised, it seems like he was the only one busy last night.

"Seriously?! How long was I asleep? It feels like a few minutes! Help me take out the trash, will you?" Noah threw the garbage bag lying at the door to J.

"Damn, man... What the fuck is this? It stinks! You do have a toilet in your room, right?" J instantly regretted coming to ask Noah to get breakfast together.

10 minutes later, in the headquarters' canteen, Noah was drinking some hot milk and eating a doughnut.

"J, why aren't you eating? Shall I treat you to some canned herring later on?"

J covered his mouth and ran off to the side. 'Noah must have done that on purpose, I already washed my hands twice, but I can still smell it... ugh.'

After breakfast, they went to the bullpen and saw K still tapping away at his computer. Noah was sitting in front of his computer, feeling bored, while checking out some information about aliens.

"N, when K retires, I think they are gonna make us partners. I think we'll work well together. A dynamic duo!" J pulled a chair over, to chat with Noah. Reading was just too boring for him.

"Hey, is there any point in reading all of this? There's nothing going on anyway, why don't we patrol, look around, and get a gift for K on the way. Oh yeah, didn't you say you were going to lend me some money?"

"Well, I still have some cash on me. It's enough for us to buy decent gifts." Noah turned off the computer. He wasn't used to sitting in front of the computer, waiting for missions. This was a good enough reason for him to leave the office anyway.

"Seriously man, does the MIB have a problem with me? Why is your bonus out already, while I have to wait for mine with the next paycheck?"

Sitting in the car, J complained. Without money, there were a lot of things that he wanted to do but couldn't. He doesn't have the habit of saving. He used to be able to use his credit card, but now, he doesn't have a credit card. He had to use cash for everything. 'I should have known better before maxing out my credit card!'

"Maybe it is for your own future. At least, you'll have a month's salary and some bonus left in your pocket when you retire."

"Retirement? That's not for another decade or so! I might be a top agent, or maybe take Zed's job by that time! Stop, stop! There's a Macy's up ahead, let's go and pick up a present for K and have lunch nearby."

When they arrived at Times Square, Noah parked at a nearby car park. He picked out a box of cigars while J mysteriously pulled out a wrapped box, not telling Noah what he had bought, saying that K would be pleasantly surprised.

After lunch, the two hung out. In J's words, patrolling was part of the job, and it didn't cost them any money to refuel anyway.

In case there were any unruly aliens on the streets, they would be the first to tackle them, an experience he had gained as a cop.

If they sat in the office every day, sooner or later, they would be as big as Zed. No girls would like them, right?

"N, see that man just now, he's a purse-snatcher. I've caught him twice before. With me gone, the NYPD's really let this area lose."

J was bragging when he suddenly saw the man fall. Some people came forward to check on him but quickly fled in terror.

J instinctively rushed over and saw that the thief had been stabbed through the chest with something, the bleeding had stopped completely and his pupils had dilated. 'Where did Noah go? He seemed to be chasing something.'

Noah saw the thief die just now and followed J to have a look. The wound looked incredibly familiar to him. It seemed like the guy was punctured by a Bug's stinger.

So, there was another Bug on Earth!

He instantly turned his Alien Radar on, but there was more than one alien around him. There were more than a dozen little red dots. He followed one of the fastest moving ones.