
Guardian Of Infinite Earths

Aliens wish to invade the Earth? Did I allow it? In the M.I.B., he was Agent N. In Transformers, he was a crazy driver. In the Avengers, he was a superhero who could arm-wrestle with the Hulk...

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Chapter 18. A Crisis Came.

When they returned to Battery Drive, Noah took out the pet cage and the cat food he had bought on the way and said, "K, I'll take it back to the dormitory first and find you later."

"Keeping pets will distract us from our mission. You have met Frank, and you should know that some aliens look exactly like animals on our planet," K warned.

"I understand. Maybe I'll give it away after it finishes this bag of cat food. Or maybe after you retire, I can give it to you as a companion."

K, turned around, 'Does this boy know that I have plans to retire?' After the fieldwork today, he was sure that this kid could do the work.

Maybe soon, N could become a qualified agent, and he could really retire.

Back in his room, Noah took the orange cat, Orion, out and took off the 'Galaxy' around his neck.


[Super energy source 'Galaxy' has been found, the system will start charging. After charging, the system will be upgraded, and new functions will be unlocked.]

Noah stared at the 'Galaxy' in front of him. It looked like there was a super miniature galaxy rotating inside. It was mesmerizing to look at.

The possibility of upgrading the system was the most exciting thing for Noah. The only thing that made him hesitate was the possibility of the 'Galaxy' disappearing after the system was done charging.

Fortunately, the system upgrade didn't affect its usage. He was going to deal with an alien Bug and needed assistance from the system.

Looking at the upgrade progress bar slowly moving by one percent, Noah didn't bother with it any further. Instead, he decided to open the treasure chest that dropped when the Arquillian royalty died in front of him.

This Arquillian died because Noah opened the exo-suit's pilot cabin, so he probably killed it.

[Golden treasure chest opened. 8 free attribute points were attained. With a large amount of experience gained, your character has leveled up LV4. Reward, 4 free attribute points.]

Bringing up his personal information, Noah grinned from ear to ear.

[Noah Anderson.]

[Gender: male.]

[Level: 4]

[Vitality: 96]

[Spirituality: 2.1]

[Strength: 4.1]

[Speed: 4.1]

[Special ability: Combat, Proficiency LV3]

[Weapons: Beretta M9, Proficiency LV3]

[Free Attribute Points: 14]

[Task: Capture or kill the alien Bug. You will receive a reward upon completion.]

The task released by the system had changed. The last task that asked him to complete a field mission for the M.I.B. had been completed, and Reggie had returned to Manhattan.

Unfortunately, the last task only gave him 2 free attribute points. In order to deliver Reggie's squid son, Noah had added the accumulated 4 free attribute points to strength and speed.

Looking at the personal information, Noah had no worry regarding the Bug. The 14 free attribute points gave Noah a solid confidence boost.

K had said that he once took out a Bug with one shot, which means the Bugs were just that much. The terror of the Bugs wasn't just in their single combat power, but also in their great reproductive ability. Many powerful aliens were reluctant to mess with a swarm of Bugs, even if they were weak Bugs.

Noah poured out some cat food and water for Orion, put the 'Galaxy' away, and went to find K.

Along the way, he was still thinking about the characteristics of Bugs. Strong physical quality, great strength, swift, good at climbing and drilling holes, and super reproductive ability.

However, there were also weaknesses such as irritability, the fear of light, and the fact that they weren't that smart.

At this time, K was sitting in front of the computer, checking out the M.I.B.'s internal database, trying to find information about the Bug. Zed was looking at the large screen, with the star formation, Orion's, information, and some information of the galaxy. He was also thinking about the words that K told him. 'The galaxy is on Orison's belt?'

Noah grabbed a big glass of juice and drank it as he walked over. When he got to Zed, he had already finished it.

"Are you looking up information?"

"Yes, here's Orion. It's a grouping of the brightest stars in the northern sky. And galaxies are huge, made up of billions of stars. Those words don't make any sense. is it a riddle?"

Zed was confused. A lot of agents were trying to decipher this riddle, but no one knew what it meant. After all, they weren't Arquilian.

They also sent a message to the Arquilian people, that a member of the royal family died on Earth. It wasn't a small matter. 'There were only three stars on Orion's star belt. The Arquilians must have investigated it, right?'

"I don't see a point in guessing about that. Shouldn't our first priority be taking out the Bug in that human skin? Didn't the information say that the Bug killed the Arquillians and then grabbed a box, could it contain something important?"

Noah wouldn't tell them that the 'Galaxy' was already in his hands.

He walked up behind K and found him looking at a woman through a satellite.

"Wow. Did Weaver saying that we're single irritate you that much? So the reason that you've been single for so long is that you've got a crush on someone?"

"So, you were the guy in that picture you showed me with the flowers? You weren't even 18 when you met her, were you? Tsk, did you spend your adolescent nights thinking about her? It's just a pity that you're already an old man right now, and she still looks so young."

K quickly turned off the satellite surveillance, and turned to him, "No wonder you and J are good friends. You both share the same love for talking."

"Did you confess your love? Did she get the flowers?"

"It's no wonder you're single."

"But I plan to change that soon. After that Bug is gone, I'll go on a date and invite her to my house to see my cat do backflips." Noah smiled proudly.

He found that a cat-lover would not be able to resist such an interesting offer. It was at least a more attractive invite than a cup of coffee or something. Of course, there is a possibility that she is not a cat-lover. But if that's the case, why would he even think of dating her?

"K, N, come here and have a look at this. We've had twelve jumps in the last hour. Everyone's leaving, and Reggie was just the first in the line. What do you think?" Zed beckoned Noah and K to come to see the screen.

"Obviously, they know that something's coming. They'll want to flee the planet. However, there's only one spaceship leaving every day. Not everyone can go... legally. Most of them are using illegal ships."

"Zed, I think we can ignore them for now. Taking care of the Bug is more important. Has anyone found a trace of the Bug yet?"

Noah wanted to take care of the Bug as soon as possible, so he can fuse the galaxy and the system as soon as possible, and upgrade without worry. As for those aliens who left the planet, they had just joined the blacklist for entry into Earth.

"Let's go to Lem Sat 4000. With a proton induction thermo-scan." K suddenly said.

After pulling up live images of several satellites outside of Earth, they saw on the screen a huge alien warship with all the weapons on it, already aimed at Earth.

"That's an Arquilian battle cruiser. And we've got a dead Arquillian Crown Prince. If we can't give an explanation, I'm afraid Earth is done for."

Zed was anxious, "I'll negotiate with them first. K, N, you go Rosenberg's, the Prince's jewelry store. Find some clues there, get it done as soon as possible!"



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