

In a world where magic and martial arts coexist, a young human accidentally stumbles into an orc camp, unwittingly uncovering a millennia-old mystery of racial warfare. Dragons clash with demonic beasts, elves feud with dwarves, yet the animosity between humans and orcs remains unyielding. As the continent of Belrand once again finds itself in turmoil, this young man may prove to be the pivotal figure in determining the fate of races.

DaoistfDbyhk · Fantasy
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181 Chs

Chapter 64 Rose Visits

Without the Blood Glory Order, Arnold had no way to enter and exit the magic tower and room alone. When Arthur returned to the magic tower, Arnold had been waiting outside the door for a long time.

When the mysterious female magician saved Arthur, she cured Arnold with a healing spell. During the whole process, neither old Harry nor the female magician paid attention to Arnold.

Arthur looked at Arnold and wanted to say something, but in the end he only said, "Go back."

If Arnold hadn't risked his life to save him this time, Arthur might not have been able to escape this disaster. After the two of them shared weal and woe time and time again, verbal thanks were already too light.

Arnaud took this more naturally, and the knife he blocked for Arthur at that time was almost an instinctive reaction.

The incident seemed to have passed just like that. After the two returned to the room, they still started magic meditation as originally planned.

Before Arthur could fully enter the meditative state, there was a rapid knock on the door.

Looking at the pretty girl standing at the door, Arthur was stunned for a moment as if he had seen a ghost.

The girl was none other than the "rose with thorns" Gold Rose whom she had just met in the afternoon.

Ge Li was slightly angry, "Why are you so stunned? Why don't you invite me in?"

 "Ah, please come in." Arthur then remembered to let Gloria enter the room.

"It seems like Gloria is not here to settle the afternoon's debts. Is it true that the hard-to-get method worked as Moral said?" Arthur's face turned red unconsciously as he thought to himself.

"Don't think blindly, I'm coming to see you tonight for something."

 "Isn't it just a matter of who is lying on the bed?" Arthur replied casually.

Arthur regretted it as soon as he said it. After staying with Moral for a long time, he had become glib.

Gel's pretty face immediately fell into disarray, "If you keep talking nonsense, I'll make you lie down and never get up again." After Gel said this, she felt that there was something wrong with her words, and her face instantly turned red.

 Fortunately, Arthur did not continue to mess around with Gold's words, "Aren't you in trouble?"

"Oh, yes, I came here to tell you that the mercenaries we met in the afternoon were not just drunk and causing trouble by chance. Someone behind the scenes instigated them to do so."

 "Ok, I know."

 "How could you also know?" Ge Li looked surprised.

"I am also a mercenary, and I understand mercenaries. Although the quality of mercenaries is poor, and they often fight and make trouble when they drink too much, mercenaries who respect honor will never bully women or children casually on the street. Even if there may be mixed results between good and bad. , but it won't happen that a group of mercenaries gets drunk and bully women. What's more, this is a well-guarded royal city. If five mercenaries dare to do this suddenly pop up, there will naturally be problems inside. "

Gold circled around Arthur with her hands behind her back, looking him up and down, "I didn't expect you weren't stupid enough, and you could deduce things pretty much by relying on reasoning."

  Arthur was a little confused when Ge Li looked at him, "Are you looking for me so late just to confirm this?"

"Of course not. After you left, I threw those mercenaries to the patrolling city guards. It happened that the one leading the team today was my father's former lieutenant, so I ordered them to deal with these guys severely. . Unexpectedly, one of the mercenaries took the initiative to confess, saying that the shopkeeper of an underground trading company hired them to do this. "

After Gold said that, Arthur sorted out the whole story. The officer who led the team today must have dealt cruelly to these mercenaries in order to please Gold. The mercenaries thought they were in trouble. Not daring to hide it, the officer fed the information back to Ge Li. "

"Then, are the city guards prepared to continue to track down the person behind this incident?"

"The two girls were not harmed in any way, so the city guards wouldn't ask for trouble to take care of these things? They are going to lock up the mercenaries for two days and then release them."

Arthur nodded lightly. He knew how the city guards acted when he was in Juarez. They were only responsible for defense and public security. Some major cases involving human life or robbery were investigated and handled by the officers under the city lord's palace. .

 "Then what do you mean by coming to me in such a hurry at night?"

"Isn't that little girl your friend? Don't you care who wants to harm her?" Ge Li asked with eyes wide open.

"She's not really a friend, I've just met her before. And even if someone wants to harm her, it's a family matter of the Grand Duke Palmer, and it's not my turn to take care of it."

Gold didn't expect Arthur to speak back to her in just two sentences. She was so angry that she didn't know how to speak the words she had prepared in advance.

Arthur suppressed a smile and said, "If there is anything else, why don't you just tell me directly. If you have nothing to do, go back early. If you let others see you leaving my room so late, will it have a bad impact on me?"

 "Is it bad for you?" Gel raised her fist and was about to explode.

"Stop! This is my room. If we fight, what happened tonight will definitely spread."

Ge Li was so angry that she stomped her feet several times, but in the end she suppressed her anger and said, "We'll settle today's debt later! I'm looking for you today to raid that underground trading company and punish the shopkeeper severely." Dun, so that he will never dare to do evil again."

"Does that girl have something to do with you? The city guards are not willing to cause trouble for themselves, why are you so active?" Arthur asked, staring into Gold's eyes.

Although Gold told her the purpose of coming tonight, Arthur didn't believe that she was motivated by jealousy?

 "I'll say it again, that's an underground trading house, and we're going to make him pay the price!"

"That business owner is just a middleman, what's the point of asking him to pay?"

 "Are you a fool? The price he paid is of course ours!"

Arthur didn't react for a moment, and asked tentatively: "You mean you are going to rob the trading company?"

"Don't say it so harshly, let them pay for their sins!"

 "Oh my God!" Arthur patted his head hard twice to confirm that he was awake. The Grand Duke's daughter was actually preparing to rob. Sure enough, every wonderful flower was not for nothing!

 "Are you going to give me a happy message?" Ge Li urged dissatisfied.

"Wait a minute, let me clarify my thoughts again. Which underground trading house are you going to rob? Is the Grand Duke's daughter also short of money?"

"I don't need it, but Nine does. The tuition of 3,000 gold coins is a huge sum of money for many nobles. Nine's father is just an earl. His father gritted his teeth and sent Nine to Guano Academy just to let her get a rich husband. , but Nine herself doesn't want to."

Arthur nodded, he was also aware of the fact that he was stumped by money.

 "You're really a man, girl, if you go out of your way to save your friends!"

Gold suddenly broke out without any warning and kicked Arthur in the abdomen, "You are a man!"

Although Gold made a sudden move, Arthur did not dare to let down his guard from the moment she entered the room. He reached down and grabbed her ankle.

 "Let go!" Ge Li's face turned red.

Only then did Arthur realize that the ankle in his hand was smooth and rosy, followed by slender, lotus-like calves, plump, plump thighs... lower abdomen, slightly bulging breasts, and Gold's murderous gaze.

 Ash was so frightened that he quickly let go.

Ge Li turned around and left.

 "Wait, are you going to go by yourself?"

Gel took back her steps and turned around slowly, "Nine is not only my friend, she is also my distant cousin."

Arthur softened his tone and said, "Even if I agree to go with you, I'm afraid we won't be able to deal with them with our strength, right?"

"You don't have to worry about this. The mercenaries said that the trading company is very strange. There are very few guards. There should be no war school-level warriors in charge. The most important thing is that most of the underground trading company is engaged in enchanting equipment, and its daily turnover is There are tens of thousands of gold coins."

Arthur's eyes also lit up, "Then let's do it. Anyway, if something happens, the Duke will be there to take care of it!"

 "This matter has nothing to do with the Grand Duke's Palace of Ross. It is my own decision."

"Okay, it has nothing to do with the Grand Duke of Ross." Arthur didn't want to argue with the woman on this matter. If something happened to his precious daughter, he didn't believe that the Grand Duke would not come forward.

"Then let's take action tonight so that they won't be prepared."

Arthur thought for a while, "No, it's not enough for us to do such a big thing, we have to find some helpers!"

 "Who are you going to find? I don't have a helper I can trust?"

Arthur glanced at Gold and thought to himself: "Of course you can't find help, otherwise you wouldn't have come to me just after meeting me in the afternoon."

But he said with a smile on his face: "Of course you have to find a fool to do this kind of thing!"