

In a world where magic and martial arts coexist, a young human accidentally stumbles into an orc camp, unwittingly uncovering a millennia-old mystery of racial warfare. Dragons clash with demonic beasts, elves feud with dwarves, yet the animosity between humans and orcs remains unyielding. As the continent of Belrand once again finds itself in turmoil, this young man may prove to be the pivotal figure in determining the fate of races.

DaoistfDbyhk · Fantasy
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184 Chs

Chapter 65 Night raid on the black shop

The so-called underground trading houses are no different from regular trading houses on the surface.

Privately, they sell all kinds of contraband and goods of unknown origin, from stolen goods in the hands of thieves and thieves, to materials and equipment leaked from the army, to enchanted equipment privately sold by enchanters, and even smuggled foreign slaves, there are all kinds of things. Make huge profits.

 Underground trading houses are an important part of the black market. In addition to private transactions between regular customers, most of the items in the black market are bought and sold through the platform of underground trading houses.

The Fine Hotel in front of us is just a cover for an underground trading house. All the regular hotel guests are arranged in the side courtyards on the left and right sides, and the guests who are arranged to stay in the backyard are never seen again. After the transaction is successful, these people directly leave from the backyard. The little door is gone.

If those few mercenaries hadn't leaked the news today, outsiders wouldn't have been able to tell the clues.

Several figures squatted on the street corner at the back door of Fine Hotel and had been motionless for nearly an hour.

"Can we move now? My legs are numb?" Ge Li complained in a low voice.

"Wait a little longer, and if we attack in the middle of the night, the other party's guard will be even more relaxed."

This operation to loot the underground trading houses was entirely instigated by Gold, but when it was implemented, the commander naturally became Arthur. Because Ge Li had no experience in this at all, Run followed her idea and rushed in boldly, then grabbed a handful and left.

As a mercenary, Arthur had followed Tony and Angus so many times that he had to set up locations in advance, set up ambushes, formulate attack plans, and arrange retreats.

Arthur's adventure this time was also beyond the expectations of the mysterious killer organization. The other party had no idea that Arthur was the target of being hunted a few hours ago, and now he was running out to plot to rob others.

Joan was next to Arthur, with an excited expression on her face. The process of recruiting him to join the team was incredibly smooth. I wonder if he is really stupid. He has no consideration for the risks and morality of the action. He only focuses on one thing, "You should have come to me for such an interesting action. I have been here for a long time." I'm almost suffocating myself."

Behind the three of them, Arnold and Nine remained silent. Arnold was habitually silent. Since Arthur decided to do it, he just followed suit. Nine was frightened, and she still hadn't recovered after such a long time. When Gel told her the action plan, she even thought that Gel was crazy, and was forced to come over by Gel in the end.

Arthur took out a few black soft leather half-face masks and distributed them to the people behind him. "Take them all. Your identity must not be revealed in this operation."

"Get ready for action. Follow me for a moment. No one is allowed to move without my order." After giving the order, he waved and walked slowly along the wall to the small backyard door of Fine Hotel.

Gory followed Arthur. In her hand was a silver short gun that was more than three feet long and the material could not be seen. She was nervous and excited at the same time.

Nine followed closely behind Gold, in the center of the team, holding the magic wand tightly in one hand, and grabbing the hem of Gold's clothes with the other hand.

Qing was standing at the end of the team. He was shaking his head and looking around, looking completely indifferent.

Arno was the only one in the entire team who was relatively normal. Seeing Arthur turn around, he nodded lightly to Arthur, signaling that he was ready.

Arthur sighed secretly in his heart, why did he suddenly agree to Gold's plan at that time, and lead these rookies to rob the business, and he might be killed by them.

Arthur raised his hand at the door to signal the team to stop, then took out two vials from his backpack, poured the herbal-like things in the vials together, and lit them gently under the wooden door. There was a faint light in the dark night. The light of the fire and the faint smoke from the combustion drifted into the backyard of the hotel from the crack in the door.

The smoke produced by burning wild wood chrysanthemums and three-color data can knock down many guardian monsters such as hounds, wars, and basilisks. This is the first wilderness survival skill that Arthur and Tony learned.

Along with the faint smoke, there was a layer of black mist floating into the backyard of the hotel. Under the cover of the night, no one noticed this layer of black mist.

Arnaud moved slightly to Arthur's side, "There are five people in the backyard. One of them is in the room next to the door. The others are also in the room. Their level is unclear."

Using black mist as a medium, Arnold's "dark perception" can even detect the number and location of the enemy, but it cannot detect the opponent's level, and the range and accuracy of perception will continue to expand as Arnold's level increases. Legend has it that the dark magician is the master of the night. It is due to his ability to perceive darkness. The powerful dark magician can cover a radius of dozens of miles, and every movement of every plant and tree is within his control.

Arthur pushed the door gently and said, "It's locked inside."

Arnaud stepped forward and placed his hand in the middle of the crack of the door. There was a soft click and the lock fell to the ground.

 "Dark Corruption" finally played its original role for once.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement in the courtyard. Arthur gently opened the door and walked in, followed closely by Arnold.

Gold was still stunned. She had never understood why Arthur insisted on bringing his attendants with him. She never expected that the thin boy who had never said a word in front of her would have such weird abilities.

 "Go in." Qing's urging later made Gel react from the shock.

There is a rockery in the middle of the backyard of Fine Inn, surrounded by more than a dozen houses on three sides. The side leading to the inn is separated by a tall courtyard wall, and connected by a moon gate in the middle.

Arthur asked everyone to stay where they were, and he went to the moon door that connected the front yard and the backyard, and locked the door from the inside. In this way, the backyard becomes a closed world. Even if the sound of fighting suddenly disturbs the front yard, it can still give a few people some time to retreat.

 Arno pointed to four rooms respectively, indicating the room where the guards of the trading company were located.

"Solve them one by one." Arthur asked Gloria, Joan and Nine to guard the three doors respectively, while he and Arnold took the lead in heading towards the room near the backyard door.

The room was locked from the inside by a wooden door bolt.

Arno followed suit, and the "dark corrosion" melted the door bolt.

Arthur did not bring the Star fall Great sword tonight, but instead brought a rare enchanted hunting knife. The previous sophisticated hunting knife was no longer suitable for Arthur. After making money through enchanted equipment, Arthur immediately spent 200 gold coins to buy a new knife. There was only one magic "sharpness" on the knife, which was below level four. The sword penetrated the armor.

 The sound of opening the door did not wake up the sleeping person on the bed. The long peaceful days had already made him lose his due vigilance.

When the blade was about to reach his neck, perhaps as a warning before death came, or perhaps because of the sting of murderous intent, the man on the bed suddenly opened his eyes. It was just too late to react.

Arthur covered his mouth with one hand, and the blade instantly slit his throat.

 A faint smell of blood came from the room, and the killing tonight had just begun...