

In a world where magic and martial arts coexist, a young human accidentally stumbles into an orc camp, unwittingly uncovering a millennia-old mystery of racial warfare. Dragons clash with demonic beasts, elves feud with dwarves, yet the animosity between humans and orcs remains unyielding. As the continent of Belrand once again finds itself in turmoil, this young man may prove to be the pivotal figure in determining the fate of races.

DaoistfDbyhk · Fantasy
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179 Chs

Chapter 63 Blue Water Ring

When Arthur told Harry the complete story of the incident, old Harry was stunned for a long time before letting out a long sigh.

"He could obviously leave on his own, but he made the same choice twice in a row." Old Harry kept shaking his head and sighing, and his eye circles began to turn red, "We old guys are still working hard to survive, but he'm leaving."

Arthur did not step forward to disturb him, and any words of comfort at this time were powerless.

 Old Harry calmed down for a while, "So the killer who attacked you today is the same group of people who ambushed Keynes."

Arthur nodded heavily. The way these killers acted and the ruthlessness of their attacks were no different from the one in Sauron Canyon.

Old Harry frowned. The assassin organization is the most difficult group of guys. They will never give up until they achieve their mission. Moreover, the assassin organization that can easily destroy a B-level mercenary group is definitely the most powerful one on the continent. One of several, it was a terrifying existence that even a small kingdom couldn't afford to offend.

Helix pondered for a moment and asked: "Why did you provoke them?"

Arthur shook his head, "It should be because of the commissioned task, but only Captain Keynes knows about the commissioned items. After I escaped, Aunt Nightingale warned me not to pursue this matter until I became a war general."

"Your Aunt Nightingale is right, the person behind it is definitely not something you can afford to offend now. I can't help you avenge Keynes and the mercenary group, but I will help you find information about the mysterious assassin organization. "

Arthur bowed deeply to Helix, "Thank you, as long as they can't kill me, I will avenge this revenge myself sooner or later."

"Don't go out easily in the future. As long as you are in the academy, I can ensure your safety. All killers who dare to enter the academy will never get out alive." Old Harry looked fierce when he said these words. Light.

 No one can easily bear the wrath of a level 12 great magician.

 Old Harry waved, and a thick magic book flew over from the bookshelf on the wall. Opening the magic book, there was actually a hollow storage compartment in the middle.

Old Harry pinched out an emerald green ring. A complicated miniature magic circle was carved on the surface of the emerald ring. "Usually, enough magic is injected into the ring. When in danger, this magic ring can be activated instantly." Release a level 9 water protection magic, 'Water Curtain Sky', which can withstand a full blow from warriors below the warrior level."

"Thank you, Dean." Arthur eagerly took it and stroked the ring fondly.

Arthur knew that this was a good thing to save his life. If he had had this kind of life-saving method in the past, he would not be in such a mess today. It seemed that he was a blessing in disguise this time.

Arthur put the ring on the ring finger of his left hand and smiled at Old Harry, "Dean, do you still have such a treasure?"

 "Still want it?"

Arthur nodded quickly like a chicken pecking at rice, "Look, Arnold was also seriously injured today. If you still have some to spare, can you give me another one?"

"What do you think this is, cabbage? Look clearly, you can't buy a clear water ring, level nine magic equipment, or 50,000 gold coins! Let me tell you, this one is temporarily loaned to you when you graduate. You have to give it back to me!" Old Harry was so angry that his beard bulged out.

Arthur was speechless in shock. He thought he would be a little rich after he found the enchanted equipment as a way to make money, but he didn't expect that the money he made in three years at the risk of being burned on the stake was not worth such a ring.

Arthur couldn't help but sigh: "There is never enough money in this world!"

Ignoring old Harry's anger, Arthur shamelessly continued to plead: "Dean, what if I encounter a warrior-level warrior in the future? Can I use this ring to exchange for a better magic equipment?"

"Then just stand there and wait to die!" Old Harry grabbed Arthur's collar again and threw him against the bookshelf on the wall before he could react.

 The magic light flashed, and Arthur fell to the open space outside the magic tower.

 Arthur patted the dirt on his body and muttered, "This old man is really stingy!"

At the same time, in the underground darkroom of a noble mansion in the royal city.

A tall, thin man dressed all in black was furious, "Are you idiots? Who told you to choose to do it in Guano Academy? Just pull out a professor there and it will kill you three times!"

Several masked men in different costumes were half-kneeling in front of him with their heads lowered and fearfully. No one dared to explain.

The man in black was furious and kicked a fat man kneeling on his left, "Lei Jim, are you the one commanding the operation this time? You explain."

"Lord Governor, please calm down. We have no choice but to take action in the academy this time. We have been keeping an eye on the target for four months. This is the first time we have confirmed the target's foothold. He has not bloodied the Academy for two or three months. We, are you worried about missing this opportunity and don't know how long you have to wait?" Lei, Jim explained in a low voice.

The man in black snorted coldly, not satisfied with Lei Jim's explanation, "Worried about missing the opportunity? Where's your patience? You've been the shopkeeper for a long time, have you forgotten even the most basic rules of a killer?"

"My subordinates have realized their mistake. We dispatched killers from the Due and Shake departments this time. The operation was supposed to be foolproof, but..."

"But you still missed, who should bear this responsibility?" There was a chill in the tone of the man in black.

Sweat immediately flowed down from Lei Jim's forehead. He suddenly gritted his teeth, pulled out a short knife from his arms, and without hesitation slashed his left hand, and the little finger and ring finger were completely broken.

"Two fingers in exchange for two lives, it will be an advantage for you this time."

 "Thank you, Lord Governor, for your kindness."

 "Do you know why the governor insists on your two fingers?"

 "To make my subordinates remember better!"

"It's not just to make you remember. The priority of this mission is to catch the fish that slipped through the net. That boy may have something the employer wants. If he fails to catch it, he will hunt him, but you are good at making direct arrangements. An assassination mission."

  "My subordinates really don't know the priority of tasks."

"You don't know on purpose, right? GUI Lang lost an arm because of this task and was punished by the organization. You want that boy to disappear completely and help GUI Lang clean up the tail of this matter, right?"

Lei Jim was so frightened that he knelt down again, "I don't dare! I don't dare!"

"Whether you dare or not, no matter what benefits GUI Lang has promised you, you must remember that GUI Lang is just a commander, and who is in charge of you?"

Several people were kneeling on the ground and didn't dare to express their anger. In this kind of factional dispute within the organization, if you say the wrong thing, you may be dismissed as a dissident.

"Get out of here and arrange for someone to keep an eye on Guano Academy. I don't believe that he will hide there for the rest of his life and never come out."

"Yes!" Several people stood up and hurriedly retreated as if they had received an amnesty.

Of course, I didn't hear the man in black saying to himself, "This blue enchantress is really a headache. A small fish that slipped through the net caused me to lose another elite member of the Suez Department..."