

In a world where magic and martial arts coexist, a young human accidentally stumbles into an orc camp, unwittingly uncovering a millennia-old mystery of racial warfare. Dragons clash with demonic beasts, elves feud with dwarves, yet the animosity between humans and orcs remains unyielding. As the continent of Belrand once again finds itself in turmoil, this young man may prove to be the pivotal figure in determining the fate of races.

DaoistfDbyhk · Fantasy
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181 Chs

Chapter 145 Son of the Lion King

At the foot of a quiet mountain, more than twenty tall animal skin tents were set up at random.

These tents formed a ring and guarded a large golden-domed tent in the middle. There was also a large flag standing in front of the tent. On the bloody flag, a golden lion was roaring toward the sky.

 Where the Lion King flag is, it feels like the Lion King is here in person. All orcs who see this flag must kneel down in the direction of the flagpole and cannot take another step toward the Lion King flag without permission, otherwise they will be killed without mercy.

It was getting late, and wisps of dim light came out from the gaps in the curtains of the golden-domed tent.

 Under a soft magical light, a young lion man was holding a book and reading behind the case.

The lion has a strong body, and the lines of his face are as tough as a knife and an axe. His eyebrows and eyes are vaguely similar to Leon. He is Hicks, the son of the Lion King.

The fertility rate of the lion family is not high. As a Lion King, Elliot has many wives and concubines. However, in order to ensure the purity of the race's bloodline, the golden lion family, even if the female orcs sent by other tribes can be adopted by the Lion King as concubines, They are also not allowed to have children. Only women from the lion tribe can give birth to offspring for the Lion King.

Elliott currently has three sons and four daughters, and Hicks is only the second son of the Lion King.

Elliot's eldest son has been frail and sick since he was a child. He is four years older than Hicks, but he is still only a fifth-level orc warrior. According to the current training progress, even if he has the inheritance of heaven-level skills, it is estimated that it will be difficult to surpass the orc hero. Of the pass.

Elliot also has a younger son. Although he is very talented in cultivation, perhaps because he is too spoiled, this son has a perverse personality and is obsessed with having fun all day long. He is a famous little devil in the orc court.

Among the three sons, Hicks is the only one who not only has outstanding talent in cultivation, but also has a calm personality and thoughtful handling of things, and has won the recognition of many tribal chiefs and nobles.

There is no eldest son inheritance rule among the orcs. Only the strongest son can inherit his father's position in the tribe, so Elliot deliberately determined Hicks's successor.

However, the eldest son's mother came from the largest tribe of lion people, and her mother tribe gathered some close tribal chiefs to block the establishment of the Lion King's heir on the grounds that Hicks was still young and underqualified.

Elliott then asked Hicks to go to the front line to accumulate capital. On the one hand, military merit is the most important thing for the orcs. As long as they win military merit on the battlefield, they will naturally win the support of many tribes and nobles who are swinging in the middle. The second is to ask Hicks to take the opportunity to win over the generals of the various orc armies. As long as he has their support, he will have military power. Who will dare to have objections in the future?

This also shows Leon's viciousness. If Hicks is killed, it will be equivalent to cutting off the inheritance of Lion King Elliot's most satisfactory heir.

The door curtain was raised, and an old fox-human priest with a sharp mouth and triangular eyes walked in, dragging a tray with a pot of wine and two plates of meat on it.

Hicks raised his eyelids, but without moving his eyes away from the book, he said calmly: "From now on, the old priest doesn't need to do things like delivering food himself every day."

The old priest placed the tray in front of Hicks, "It's not a peaceful journey. The second prince's food, clothing, housing and transportation can only be arranged by me personally."

Hicks put down the book and chuckled: "The old priest is too worried. In the territory ruled by my Golden Lion family, as long as the Lion King flag is erected, any orc who does not want to die will dare to approach."

"Of course the orcs are nothing to worry about, but recently a group of human cavalry broke in and burned, killed and looted in this area, causing us a lot of losses. Even His Majesty Elliot was very angry and issued a pursuit order himself. "

"Oh, I haven't heard of this?" Hicks suddenly became interested, "What kind of disturbance can a small group of human cavalry cause in our orc wasteland?"

"The wind and waves must not have stirred up, but only harmed a few small and medium-sized tribes." The fox priest said evasively, "It's just that these human cavalry are too cunning and have no fixed residence, and they have repeatedly escaped in front of our chasing cavalry."

"I hope I can meet these guys if they are lucky enough to use the blood of human warriors to sacrifice my Lion King flag." Hicks said with a sneer.

What Hicks didn't know was that when he was still thinking about meeting Arthur's cavalry regiment, Arthur was already thinking about him.

Arthur and his cavalry regiment did not leave the woods for the time being, because he knew that Professor Charlene would definitely help.

 Send the sentry out far away, and if the orc cavalry troops are discovered, they can be transferred immediately.

The soldiers used this rare time to adjust and train. The high-intensity continuous battles have brought many warriors to the edge of breakthrough. Even veterans like Jose, who have been stuck at the top of the third-level warrior for many years, see the hope of promotion to the rank of captain.

The battle between life and death is the best catalyst for a warrior to advance. Just like a truly strong person will never be born on the martial arts field, the real strong person will always come from the battlefield.

While Arthur was training the soldiers to charge with cavalry, a magic door opened silently in midair.

Joan was the first to step out of the magic door, but she kicked off and fell to the ground.

Before Qing could get up from the ground, countless tall silver-horned stags ran towards Qing with their hooves curled up. Qing was so dizzy that she couldn't even take out the magic scroll, so she had to subconsciously hold her head.

"My life was so miserable. I was trampled to death by the orcs' mounts before I even had time to look at the orc wasteland!"

  The sound of churning hooves stopped abruptly in front of Qing, and a familiar voice rang in his ears, "Welcome to the orc wasteland, where warriors and fools are welcome!"

 A young man with long black hair jumped off the stag and looked at Qing with a smile.

"Arthur, you bastard!" Joan jumped up from the ground and hugged Arthur.

Arthur pushed him away in disgust, "Don't follow Moral's example. Why do men hug each other?"

The silver-horned stag cavalry spread out to both sides, and Charlene led Huey and Gloria over.

Huey nodded to Arthur and said hello.

Arthur took the initiative to extend his arms to Gloria, "Come and give her a hug."

  "Go to hell, none of your men are good." Gold's unquenched anger was directed towards Arthur.

Arthur felt a little confused and gave Joan a hand, "Who provoked her again?"

"Ignore her, this woman is too fierce!" While speaking, Qing subconsciously touched her neck, and there were still bright red fingerprints on it.

Qing's attention was no longer on Ge Li at all. He circled around a silver-horned stag three times and couldn't help but reach out to touch it. "This is the silver-horned stag. It's so beautiful. How did you do it?" If you get it, get one for me too, right?"

"I'll sell you three thousand gold coins a piece!" Arthur almost choked Qing to death with one sentence.

"Professor Charlene, are you going back? I'll go with you!" Joan was not stupid enough to pay directly this time.

However, Joan's words reminded Professor Charlene, who had been left aside since her appearance, "I found the person for you. I'm back. You know how to find me when you're ready to take action."

Charlene didn't wait for Arthur to respond after she finished speaking, she turned around and walked into the magic door with her legs up.

"Then remember to be on time, don't delay taking a shower!" Arthur's loud voice came from behind Charlene...