

In a world where magic and martial arts coexist, a young human accidentally stumbles into an orc camp, unwittingly uncovering a millennia-old mystery of racial warfare. Dragons clash with demonic beasts, elves feud with dwarves, yet the animosity between humans and orcs remains unyielding. As the continent of Belrand once again finds itself in turmoil, this young man may prove to be the pivotal figure in determining the fate of races.

DaoistfDbyhk · Fantasy
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184 Chs

Chapter 144 Weird Reunion

After occupying the former military city, the orc army did not stop its invasion.

  The large area of land between the former military city and Red Rock City fell into the hands of the orcs again, and the orcs began a new round of looting.

 Fortunately, the war has been going on for a while, and the people in various villages and towns have already evacuated. What was plundered by the orcs were only some daily necessities that could not be taken away.

For the orcs living in the barren orc wasteland, cloth, iron farm tools, and household ceramic bottles and jars that the humans cannot take away are all scarce items.

Since the beginning of the war, there has been a steady stream of convoys pulling supplies to the orc wasteland. It is the harvest of these plunders that stimulates the orcs to launch invasions of human areas again and again.

The Snow Wind Legion did not continue to struggle with the orcs. After the front army broke through, the left and right armies also broke through and retreated at the same time a day later.

Hongyan City, the entire city is in a tense atmosphere before the war.

Hongyan City is several times larger than the previously abandoned former military city in terms of city size and guard strength. It is a border city rather than a fortress city built specifically for war.

The current Red Rock City has gathered the main force of the Snow Wind Legion and the subsequent reinforcements of the inland troops. A total of 150,000 to 60,000 human troops are stationed in the city. The Snow Wind Legion made it clear that they would have a decisive battle with the orc army in front of Red Rock City.

 Before the war, Hongyan City was extremely tense and busy.

On the city wall, teams of soldiers were transporting weapons to the city, and crossbows and stones were piled all over the city; on the streets, teams of patrols walked back and forth to prevent anyone from taking advantage of the chaos; at the city gate, Groups of reconnaissance cavalry roared out and then galloped in, reporting the latest movements of the orc army into the legion's tent.

 A large number of merchants and wealthy households lined up in long convoys to move to the interior of the kingdom. They wanted to leave before the war started.

A large number of convoys carrying military supplies from the rear were rushing into the city in a steady stream. They also had to deliver the supplies before the war started. The convoys coming in and out even blocked the wide city gate.

While everyone was anxious about the upcoming war, there were a few heartless guys hiding in a tent in a corner of the military camp, drinking and eating meat.

Joan's face was already red from drinking, and she was holding the wine glass and pointing at Huey, "The wine of the legion commander is good! But Huey, you are getting more and more courageous. You even dare to steal the wine of the deputy legion commander." !"

Huey also drank a lot. The half-orc who usually kept away from strangers and had a cold face actually put his arm around Joan's shoulders and giggled, "I tell you, a man like Gino doesn't care about these things." , I will become that kind of man in the future, one man and one gun, galloping around tens of thousands of people on the battlefield!"

Goli looked at the two men who had obviously drunk too much with a slightly disdainful look, "Looking at the potential you two have, I will become a woman that even Jino will look up to in the future!"

"Before you let Gino look up to you, you must first become a 'woman' that Arthur looks up to!" Joan laughed at Goli without knowing it, and the word "woman" was particularly emphasized.

Goli didn't seem to hear it, "That bastard Arthur always lies on the ground and looks at my sister after drinking."

Joan laughed and said, "That's because Arthur hasn't drunk enough yet and knows that he can't lie on you no matter what."

"Sister, let me get down first!" Joan's constant attempts to seek death finally angered the thorny rose. Geli threw the wine glass directly on Joan, then pounced forward and directly rode Joan under her.

As a magician, Qing was unable to resist once she was approached. Gel grabbed her by the neck and shook her head violently.

As a fourth-level war lieutenant, Gloria didn't know how important it was. She pinched Qing until she rolled her eyes. Huey on the side was afraid of an accident, so he stretched out his hand to pull Gloria's arm.

Gold almost had the instinct of a warrior. When Huey pulled her, she flipped one of her wrists and grabbed Huey's wrist with her backhand, and pulled her forward with force.

Normally, Huey's strength would still be higher than that of Gold, but Huey did drink too much today, and he didn't expect that Gold would actually take action. He was pulled forward by Gold, and was immediately pressed down by Gold. Under the body.

  When the three young men were having a drunken fight, no one noticed that a silver light spot appeared in the tent, and then expanded into a halo in an instant.

Screams suddenly sounded in the camp, "You, what are you doing?"

The three people turned their heads together and saw Professor Charlene, who had just stepped out of the magic door. Charlene covered her mouth with one hand and looked at them with disbelief.

The three people found that they were hugging each other. To be more precise, Gold had Qing and Huey pressed under her.

Ge Li is a girl after all, her face instantly turned red with embarrassment, and she jumped up from the ground, "Professor Charlene, isn't that what you think?"

"We're not serious, we're just joking." Joan, who got up from the ground, also explained, but Joan, a fool, became darker and darker the more she explained.

Charlene couldn't help but shake her head, "Have young people nowadays become so open-minded?"

 The three people in the tent became even more embarrassed.

"Professor Charlene, you suddenly appeared here, do you have something to do with us?" Gel was the first to react and changed the subject to avoid any embarrassment.

"Oh, I'm not looking for you, it's Arthur who wants you."

"Arthur!" The three people exclaimed almost at the same time. As soon as they left Jiang Ridge, Arthur seemed to have disappeared, and no news came back.

 "Where is Arthur?" Gold took a step forward and asked eagerly.

 "He is in the Orc Wasteland."

 "The Orc Wasteland? How did he end up in the Orc Wasteland?" Gold couldn't believe her ears.

  Charlene shrugged, "I don't know how he got there and pulled up a 500-strong Silver-Horned Stag Cavalry Regiment."

  The news brought by Charlene is more exciting than the last.

 "What is he doing over there?"

"Arthur planned to lead his cavalry regiment to ambush Hicks, the son of King Eliot, but he was worried that he was not strong enough, so he asked me to ask you to go over and help him. If you are willing, pack your things and come with me now, "Charlene said calmly.

"Assassinating the son of the Lion King is exciting just thinking about it! What can I say, being with Arthur is more interesting. I have nothing to deal with, so I can leave now." Joan's face was full of excitement, and she couldn't wait.

 Gold and Huey showed a slight hesitation.

"Aren't you two going? Golly, haven't you missed Arthur for a long time?" Joan looked at them in surprise.

Gold glared at Qing fiercely, but turned around and said to Professor Charlene: "I still have a squadron of soldiers under me. Before I leave, I need to say hello to the brothers below and ask for leave from the regiment leader."

"Me too, I need to ask Deputy Commander Juno for leave."

"No, the news of your departure must be kept secret, and you cannot leak any information about Arthur and me." Charlene refused without any room.

Gel bit her lip, fighting fiercely in her heart, and finally said seriously: "I must leave a letter to my soldiers. If it doesn't work, I won't go. Although Arthur is my friend, I There am also a group of warriors down there who need me to be responsible for."

Huey meant the same thing. He couldn't just disappear from Keno's side quietly and suddenly like a deserter.

 Charlene thought about it for a moment, and finally could only nod in agreement.

After handing the letter to a soldier passing by outside the tent, Gold and Huey followed Charlene into the magic portal.