

In a world where magic and martial arts coexist, a young human accidentally stumbles into an orc camp, unwittingly uncovering a millennia-old mystery of racial warfare. Dragons clash with demonic beasts, elves feud with dwarves, yet the animosity between humans and orcs remains unyielding. As the continent of Belrand once again finds itself in turmoil, this young man may prove to be the pivotal figure in determining the fate of races.

DaoistfDbyhk · Fantasy
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179 Chs

Chapter 146 Being dragged into the water

The bonfire was lit, and the jumping flames reflected the young face.

 Friends who had not seen each other for months sat together again. In addition to Golly, Huey, and Joan, there is Alia.

 This is the first meeting between Aria and Gold. Out of a woman's sixth sense, Gold doesn't like this female pastor of the Church of Light.

Arthur took out a large jar of wine from his bracelet and put it on the ground, and began to take out the wine bowl. "Try the orcs' bar. This is the best wine I specially left for the orcs, although it is not as sweet as our pine gin." It's harsh, but it's powerful!"

Joan and Huey waved their hands almost at the same time. They were still not fully sober after drinking in the afternoon, and the scene of being pinned down by Gloria after drinking was too embarrassing.

Arthur looked at the two of them in surprise, not understanding what was going on with them at all.

"If they don't drink, I'll drink with you. Let's see who gets down today?" Ge Li directly picked up the wine jar and poured it into the bowl.

Even Arthur waved his hand this time, "You can't get drunk tonight. After discussing the plan, we have to move. We stayed here too long, and today we made an exception and lit a fire."

Ge Li curled her lips disdainfully, "You're really not a man!"

Arthur, Huey and Joan looked at each other, and no one dared to reply. If it comes to the martial arts arena, Gel may be the weakest among the four, but if it comes to the drinking venue, even three people tied together may not be Gel's opponent.

"Little girl, I'll drink with you." The old dwarf Truck came over. He was purely attracted by the aroma of wine when Arthur opened the jar, so he directly took his own wine gourd and reached into the jar to drink.

Joan looked at the old dwarf curiously. Arthur's place here was indeed much more interesting than sitting in the military camp all day long. Not only are there silver-horned stags, but dwarves can also be kidnapped. You must know that dwarves are very rare in the human country.

Joan wanted to have a few words with Turutuk, but found that her lovable qualities had no effect on the old dwarf. The dwarf was not willing to talk to him except for being interested in wine.

On his side, Arthur began to take out things from his bracelet, first a small pile of spirit mother stones, then totem statues, animal skin books, and a bunch of messy things.

Joan's attention immediately shifted from the old dwarf, "What are you doing? Tell you that I don't have money to buy it now?"

Arthur chuckled and said, "You don't need to buy it. I am richer than you now! These are part of what we have harvested these days, and they are given to you as a meeting gift."

Qing's eyes immediately shone, and she hugged the Spirit Mother Stone in front of her with a smile, "I still have to hang out with Arthur. My family will be completely wiped out within a month of the war."

Arthur picked up a few animal skin books and handed them to Huey, "These are the orc martial arts skills I found from raiding the orc tribe. The level may not be high. It may be useful for reference."

 Then he picked up the totem statue and handed it to Ge Li, "It's a small thing that I grabbed by chance. It's not worth much. You can play with it or give it away!"

"Oh my God, you are so inhumane. You even took away the totem statues of other people's orcs. This is equivalent to digging up people's ancestral graves!" Qing couldn't help but exclaimed.

 Arthur said it lightly, but Joan and Gloria knew that this gift was too expensive.

Each orc tribe has one or even multiple totem idols that they worship. These idols have been worshiped for hundreds of years and all have the power of totems.

Many magicians from the human race who study the power of orc totems are spending a lot of money to buy these things. Many nobles are also willing to spend sky-high prices to buy them just to display them in conspicuous places as decorations. But most of the nobles' homes are fakes, because no tribe will allow their tribe's totem statues to leak out unless they are exterminated.

Although no one of Gold and the others were short of money, they were naturally very happy to receive such a valuable gift just after arriving in the Orc Wasteland.

Arthur smiled evilly and coughed, "As the saying goes, you are short-handed, so you have accepted the gift. Now let's talk about what to do?"

 "Come on, tell me, I will do such an exciting thing without any reward!" Qing rubbed her hands, looking impatient.

Gloria rolled her eyes at Qing, "Only a fool like you would take such a risky thing for excitement! The Golden Lion Guards of the orcs are not those ragtag bandits, they are His Majesty Bistretch's 'Blood Fury' Guards" Even if you are a strong warrior, you will definitely fight to the last person. Even if you add a few of us, the risk is too high, and you can't get involved."

"So we have to plan carefully." Arthur said very solemnly.

Just like when they planned to attack the lair of the Storm Thief, these bold and weird people began to plan to assassinate the son of the Lion King again.

Inside the large tent of the military camp, Juno held a letter in his hand and frowned slightly.

 "Did he say where he went?"

"He didn't leave anything behind. The letter was sent by a soldier passing by his camp. I went to his camp and saw nothing but armor and weapons. The leftover food and wine were still on the ground. It seemed that He left in a hurry!" a middle-aged lieutenant replied seriously.

"Which city gate did he go out through? Have you sent anyone to look for him?"

"I know he has a special status. I sent someone to look for him before you came back, but found something strange?"

 "What's weird?"

"No one saw Huey walking out of the barracks. He seemed to have disappeared out of thin air in broad daylight." The lieutenant was puzzled.

Juno held his chin and murmured: "Only space teleportation magic can take people out of thin air, but I haven't heard that the kingdom has a great magician who is proficient in space magic?"

Juno, who also couldn't figure it out, let out a long sigh, "This kid is like a thunderbolt. I didn't expect him to be safe by my side. If he dies or disappears, I'm afraid Rex will really come to fight the old prince." Yes. The orcs' troubles haven't been solved yet, so don't start fighting with your own people."

"Didn't he say in his letter that he was going to help a friend? We can start with his friends to check his whereabouts. When Prince Rex asks him about it, we will finally have an explanation." The lieutenant tried to suggest.

"Does that guy have any friends? Why did I hear that he beat up all the boys in the martial arts department of Guano Academy?"

"A student from Guano today claims to be friends with Huey?"

"Didn't all Xueyao's students arrive two months ago? Why are there still some who have just registered?" Juno was slightly surprised.

The lieutenant suppressed the smile on his face, "This guy's family spent money to send him to the legion for training, but he himself bribed the military doctor to issue fake medical records in order to delay the registration. It was that guy's bad luck, and something happened to the military doctor later. I took the initiative to bring this matter out, and finally sentenced him to two months of confinement for evading military service."

Juno smiled softly. He was not surprised that this happened to the students of Guano Academy. These children of nobles and rich people had used all kinds of strange methods to avoid going to the front line.

 "He and Huey are friends?"

"This guy doesn't learn a lesson. In order not to go to the frontline troops, he is trying to build relationships. He himself said that he is friends with Prince Rex and the children of the Grand Duke of Ross."

"Okay, let him look for clues about this matter. If he can't give an explanation, he will be detained for another half a year. I hate this kind of student who builds relationships and seeks connections."

The so-called misfortune fell from the sky. Moral, who had already lost a lot of weight due to hunger, could not imagine that Arthur would somehow drag him into the water...