

In a world where magic and martial arts coexist, a young human accidentally stumbles into an orc camp, unwittingly uncovering a millennia-old mystery of racial warfare. Dragons clash with demonic beasts, elves feud with dwarves, yet the animosity between humans and orcs remains unyielding. As the continent of Belrand once again finds itself in turmoil, this young man may prove to be the pivotal figure in determining the fate of races.

DaoistfDbyhk · Fantasy
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215 Chs

Chapter 143 Convincing Sharin

The silver token turned into white light and dispersed in Arthur's hand.

 All the officers watched nervously, and Arthur also waited quietly.

But nothing happened.

Arthur felt so embarrassed for the first time.

Arthur stood there for ten full minutes, and still nothing happened.

Arthur sighed softly and waved his hands to Jose and the others, "Forget it, let's disband."

Before Arthur could retract his hand, a little silver light lit up at his fingertips. This silver light quickly expanded and instantly turned into a silver halo as tall as a person. Even Arthur's hand was caught in the halo. Among.

Arthur's fingertips seemed to touch something, and he squeezed it hard. It was round and soft. Arthur enjoyed the touch on his fingertips very much.

 "Whose hand?" A woman's scream suddenly came from the halo.

 Then Arthur flew out, hit his back hard on the tree trunk, and fell to the ground again.

A magician walked out of the silver halo. A strange magical halo circulated around her body. Her face could not be seen at all. It could only be seen from the small and graceful figure that she was a very young woman. Magician.

Every officer and soldier opened their mouths in surprise. Many soldiers who had never seen a space teleportation array even thought they had seen a ghost. How could a person appear out of thin air? Even some experienced officers could not believe what they saw. There was no magic circle and teleportation out of thin air. I am afraid that only a great magician who masters space magic can do this!

The female magician looked around quickly, but couldn't find the person she was looking for. "Where is Arthur?"

All the officers and soldiers pointed to a tree, and saw that Arthur had not yet struggled to get up from the ground.

Hearing the voice, Arthur raised his head with difficulty and forced a smile, "Professor Charlene, I thought you weren't coming?"

 Charlene immediately realized what had happened, and her face instantly turned red. It was just because of the magic halo that no one could see it.

As soon as Charlene raised her hand, a spring of water surged out from under Arthur, dragging him in front of her.

Arthur touched his head and said sheepishly: "I was too close to your magic circle just now and was ejected."

I don't know if Arthur really didn't know what he touched just now, or if he was deliberately pretending to be stupid. Anyway, Charlene was very cooperative and said: "After crushing the magic space coordinates in the future, don't stay where you are. There is the space magic door." where it appears."

The little thing Arthur just crushed is called a magic space coordinate. A great magician in the space system can use it as an anchor point to open a magic door and teleport himself over.

 Because the people above Charlene were very satisfied with the mission that Arthur completed last time, especially the body of the red-skinned monster that he handed over was very valuable, they specifically told Charlene to continue to pay attention to Arthur. So Charlene gave Arthur a magic space coordinate before he went out for a trial last year, telling him that he could crush it when he encountered danger, and Charlene would appear next to him immediately.

"Professor Charlene, that thing of yours doesn't seem to work very well. I crushed it, and it took a long time before you showed up. Does this thing also have jet lag?"

"Sorry, I was taking a shower just now, so I was delayed for a while." Charlene said in a very small voice, her face was completely red at this time.

Arthur smiled, "Oh, it doesn't matter, my things are not too urgent anyway."

When Arthur said these words, he didn't know whether it was intentional or subconscious, but he rubbed the fingers of his right hand gently. And these little moves happened to fall into the eyes of Charlene, who was blushing and lowering her head due to embarrassment.

 In this awkward atmosphere, the two of them just stood there and neither of them forgot to say anything.

No one of the soldiers and officers watching on the side dared to come forward and disturb him. Now Arthur's image in their hearts was even bigger. They didn't expect that their captain could summon such a powerful female magician.

Arthur was the first to wake up from his embarrassment. He waved to the monkeys and said, "Don't look at it. Let's all leave. Professor Charlene and I still have something to talk about."

Only then did Charlene remember that Arthur must have something urgent to do with her when he crushed the magic space coordinates. So with a wave of his hand, an invisible magic barrier covered the two of them, and no one inside could hear anything said.

 So Arthur completely told Charlene about his deal with Leon and his next plan.

"So you are not in danger, but you need my help?"

"Well, I hope Professor Sharing can help us deal with the high-level combat power among the orcs." Arthur looked at Sharing expectantly.

"I'm sorry, we have regulations and cannot intervene in the war between humans and orcs."

Arthur didn't expect to get such an answer at all, "You mean you can't intervene?"

Charlene nodded expressionlessly, "I think you should know that I am not a professor at Guano Academy. I come from an organization that you have no right to know yet. I stayed in the Kingdom of Isaac because I have some things to do. , during this period, all my actions must comply with the organization's regulations."

 Disappointment was written unabashedly on Arthur's face, and his last glimmer of hope was completely blocked.

Stalin thought for a while and said softly: "The organization asked me to pay attention to you, so I can take you back to Guano Academy. This does not violate the rules."

Arthur shook his head firmly, "I can't go back by myself. I am their captain now, and I must take them all back."

 Charlene sighed softly, "Then be careful and don't take risks. Someone above me is very optimistic about you."

Arthur suddenly had an idea, "You said someone above you asked you to pay attention to me. If I die accidentally, will it be in trouble for you?"

"No, there are too many things to pay attention to above. If someone insists on committing suicide, there is nothing we can do." Charlene replied with a smile, she would not be fooled by Arthur.

 "So I'm not important to you at all?"

"No, if you are really dead, I will have to explain it to you."

Arthur shamelessly continued: "How about this? You won't participate in our war with the orcs, but if an orc hero wants to kill me, how about you protect me from being killed?"

Charlene is still hesitating. She is not sure what she thinks of this marginal behavioral organization.

"I got something in that world last time. I guarantee that the thing is worth more than the red-skinned monster. If you are willing to help me, I will give it to you." Arthur continued to add. .

"You actually hid something secretly?"

Arthur chuckled, but did not answer Charlene's words. Now he could only bet on whether his life and the value of the mysterious scepter were worth Charlene's action.

Charlene's tone suddenly became serious, "I can protect you in the next battle, but I hope you will seriously think about it. There is a price for letting me take action. If the organization sends another mission, you will not I have the right to choose again like last time."

 "I've thought about it clearly, I must do it this time." Arthur didn't hesitate at all.

 Charlene shook her head, but still handed Arthur a token, "Okay, you should find me through the magic space coordinates next time you are ready to do it."

 After speaking, Charlene waved her hand, and a space magic door appeared in front of her eyes.

 "Wait a minute, Professor Sharing?"

 "Is there anything else?"

"I still need a few helpers to do this. It's not against the rules if you help me find them, right?"

 Charlene stepped directly into the magic door without looking back...