

In a world where magic and martial arts coexist, a young human accidentally stumbles into an orc camp, unwittingly uncovering a millennia-old mystery of racial warfare. Dragons clash with demonic beasts, elves feud with dwarves, yet the animosity between humans and orcs remains unyielding. As the continent of Belrand once again finds itself in turmoil, this young man may prove to be the pivotal figure in determining the fate of races.

DaoistfDbyhk · Fantasy
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181 Chs

Chapter 11 Living towards death

The sun was scorching like fire, and big beads of sweat kept rolling down from my body.

More than thirty mercenaries were shirtless and practiced the same set of boxing techniques over and over again, and loud shouts rang out neatly in the mercenary group's martial arts field.

Under the shadow of the wall, Arthur followed the movements of the mercenaries and followed the movements of the mercenaries, and it turned out to be pretty good.

Once Arthur has free time, he likes to go to the martial arts field in the side yard of the mercenary regiment. Watching the mercenaries practice martial arts and compete is his greatest pleasure. Even if no one taught him, after watching it for a long time, Arthur was able to understand the martial arts that mercenaries usually practiced.

"Punch hard!" A voice suddenly sounded behind Arthur.

"Uncle Randall." Arthur took back the punch and turned to greet Randall with a smile.

"Do you know the name of this set of martial arts?"

"They said it was called Rebirth Art. It's such a strange name." Arthur scratched his head out of habit.

"Its real name is actually Death Technique. These guys thought it was unlucky and changed the name. This is a set of martial arts derived from the death squads in the human army. The core of the martial arts is to live towards death. The martial arts were originally used to kill. Only when you have the courage to put yourself to death first and then survive can you unleash your most powerful combat power and kill your enemies on the battlefield." Randall explained surprisingly patiently.

"Then can you teach me how to fight to the death?" Arthur summoned up the courage to ask tentatively.

Randall was stunned for a moment, his eyes were suddenly in a trance, and he sighed for a long time, "Now these are the only people who know this martial arts. It is really a martial art that leads to death."

Arthur was also stunned for a moment.

At this moment, there was a noise at the corner door of the side yard, and a dozen mercenaries ran in surrounded by two stretchers.

Tony rushed to the front like crazy, "Randall, hurry! Save people!"

Randall and the mercenaries on the martial arts field quickly surrounded him.

The two mercenaries on the stretcher were all bloody and pale. One's entire chest was wrapped in layers of gauze, and the blood had completely stained the gauze; the other mercenary had passed out, half of his trouser leg on the left was empty, and the stretcher was covered with blood.

Randall tore open the trouser leg of the unconscious mercenary, and half of his calf had completely disappeared. He tore open the gauze wrapping, and blood spurted out, revealing the interlaced wounds.

Randall took a sharp ax from the mercenary next to him. The ax blade wrapped in fighting spirit flashed past, and the mercenary's calf was cut off at the knee level.

The mercenary screamed and passed out completely.

Randall threw away the ax, and the white fighting spirit burst out from his hand, completely covering the mercenary's wound and suppressing the gushing blood. There were mercenaries nearby who were good at medical treatment and used tourniquets to tighten the wounds.

"Let me come!" A gray-haired magician walked over quickly.

The Blue Fairy Mercenary Group hired a third-level wood magician, Walpole, with a large sum of money. The healing mage is an essential talent for all major mercenary groups.

As the chanting of the spell sounded, a light green magical light penetrated Randall's white fighting spirit and enveloped the mercenary's wound. Moisturized by the magical light, the bleeding from the wound completely stopped. Not only that, the flesh and blood on the edge of the wound grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the entire wound was quickly sealed.

The second-level wood magic "Wood Sprout" has a powerful healing ability.

The pain of growing flesh and blood made the unconscious mercenary wake up again. Looking at his only half-leg, he suddenly roared hysterically. The mercenaries on both sides hurriedly stepped forward to hold it down.

When Walpole went to rescue another mercenary, Randall grabbed Tony and asked, "What's going on?"

Tony's eyes were blood-red, "It's those bastards from the 'Stab Blood'. When we were hunting a three-eyed ape, they deliberately attracted a violent demon bear. They used bloodthirsty potions to make the demon bear completely violent. From behind, they suddenly broke into the hunting circle we had arranged, and Eager and Bobby were seriously injured as a result."

"These bastards are playing dirty tricks!" Randall immediately fell into rage.

"I'm going to gather my brothers now, and let's go raid the Sanctuary's lair!" Tony turned around and was about to call someone.

"Wait a minute, if we come directly to the door now, it will be equivalent to directly declaring war with the Bloods. It's not time to start a war with them before Keynes is gone." The anger did not make Randall completely lose his mind.

"Then what do you think we should do? Let's just forget about Eager and Bobby's injuries, and we just tolerate this cowardice?" Tony stared at Randall and asked.

Randall's eyes widened, and he yelled at Tony: "Tony, why are you little brat talking to me? Don't forget that this is not a battlefield. If we go to war with the 'Striker', the army and the mercenary union in the city will definitely They will interfere. We will wait until Keynes comes back to decide how to settle this account."

When Randall got angry, Tony's momentum immediately shrank back.

"Well, Bobby's life is saved." Walpole shook his body and stood up. Treating two seriously injured people continuously is the limit of a third-level magician.

"Are they both okay?" Tony went over to see the condition of the two mercenaries again.

"Bobby was lucky that his internal organs and meridians were not injured. He will be able to recover in a few days, but Eager is considered disabled." Walpole shook his head helplessly.

"Is there really no other way? I heard that there is magic to regenerate severed limbs?" Tony and the surrounding mercenaries looked at Walpole eagerly.

"The 'Dead Tree Blooms' in wood magic and the 'Praise of Light' in light magic both have the power to save people from dying and regenerate limbs, but that is an ability that can only be mastered by a twelfth-level great magician." Walpole sighed. He took a breath and continued: "And even if we can find a twelfth-level great magician, our mercenary group cannot afford the price of one attack."

"Forget it, I'm lucky to have saved my life. Let's send Eager back." Randall waved his one arm weakly.

There was an atmosphere of sadness at the scene, and everyone knew that Eager's mercenary career was over.

Arthur has been watching everything in front of him silently.

Randall suddenly turned around and stared at Arthur, "You saw it, now you still want to learn how to fight to the death?"

"If I don't learn, don't I have to die?" Arthur's tone was surprisingly calm.

"At least you won't die so quickly. A mercenary is a profession that faces death at any time. The Death Art requires practitioners to survive in death."

"When my mother was killed by the orcs, I thought I would die too. When I was taken into the orc camp, I watched the children die one after another. At that time, I thought I was dead too. Now that I am destined to die, and I don't want to be unable to resist when I face death again!" There were tears in Arthur's eyes.

He saw his mother being killed with his own eyes, and among the children who were captured into the orc camp with him, he was the only one who survived.

At this moment, Randall and the mercenaries vaguely realized how terrible things this boy who always had a smile on his face had experienced!

"Good boy! Since you have the courage to live towards death, prepare to welcome death!" Randall's big hand patted Arthur's thin shoulder heavily.