

In a world where magic and martial arts coexist, a young human accidentally stumbles into an orc camp, unwittingly uncovering a millennia-old mystery of racial warfare. Dragons clash with demonic beasts, elves feud with dwarves, yet the animosity between humans and orcs remains unyielding. As the continent of Belrand once again finds itself in turmoil, this young man may prove to be the pivotal figure in determining the fate of races.

DaoistfDbyhk · Fantasy
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184 Chs

Chapter 12 Dan yang God Refining

Starting from the early morning of the second day, a thin figure appeared on the performance field of the Blue Fairy Mercenary Group.

"Quick! You have to punch faster. Only when the attack lands on the enemy first can you save your life!"

Randall was holding a stick in his hand and teaching Arthur personally. Arthur's movements were a little slow and the stick fell on him.

"The Seventy-Two Decisive Movements toward Death uses punches, kicks, elbows, knees, etc. to attack the eight fatal parts of the human body: the auricles, temples, throat, heart, back of the head, cervical vertebrae, spine, and back of the heart. Move quickly and Accurate and ruthless, every move must explode with all the strength of the whole body, killing the enemy in one blow, and never giving the enemy a chance to counterattack." Randall also explained the essence of martial arts to Arthur.

"Why are there such ruthless martial arts?" Arthur couldn't help but stop and turned to ask.

"This is a set of martial arts derived from the military's special operations forces. If the special operations forces don't take action, it's a matter of life and death. If you don't kill the enemy immediately, you will die."

"As long as it can kill the enemy, can I also use any other moves?"

"The method of killing has never been fixed. The seventy-two moves of Xiangdejue are one of the fastest and most effective ways of killing that have been summarized from countless life-and-death battles. However, it only provides an entry-level method. When you reach the general level At the level of a warrior, he can kill the enemy with just one move or move."

"I'm still used to the way the orcs attack." Arthur suddenly scratched his head and said.

"You'd better forget all those things you learned from the orc camp. The attacking and biting moves in the orc martial arts may seem fierce, but they still leave room for the enemy to counterattack. Back then, when we fought against the orc warriors, minor injuries were exchanged for the same level. Even if the opponent dies, he can challenge the level and fight with the orcs to the death."

"So uncle was also a soldier back then, and so were Captain Keynes and Tony, right?" Arthur's eyes suddenly lit up. He has long felt that the mercenary group is different. The mercenaries of the Blue Enchantress do not have the common casualness and casualness of mercenaries. Their fighting methods and daily training have strong traces of the army.

Randall's expression froze, and he was stunned for a moment, as if he was lost in memories.

Arthur looked at Randall curiously, what kind of story was hidden?

Arthur's curiosity was replaced by Randall's roar, and the stick fell on him again, "These are not things you should care about as a kid. Practice sideways punches a hundred times!"


From the morning when the sun rises to the red and blue moonlight, day after day, Randall is like a demon hanging around Arthur, roaring and stick always appearing around him when he relaxes a little.

Under the violent torment, Arthur suddenly understood why the mercenaries did not dare to mess with Randall? It turns out that he is not just grumpy.

Keynes leaned against the corner door of the martial arts arena, holding his shoulders and looking at Arthur, who was sweating profusely under the scorching sun. "Have you used all the methods you used to train new recruits? Aren't you afraid of wearing this guy out?"

"Don't worry, this guy is better able to withstand pressure than all the soldiers I led back then." Randall appeared from beside Keynes like a ghost.

"We have to admit that people's talents are different. Some people are born to be painters and musicians, but this boy Arthur is born to be a warrior!" Keynes's eyes sparkled as if he had discovered a treasure.

"How do you plan to deal with the Blood Mercenary Group?" Randall suddenly changed the subject.

Keynes rolled his eyes and said faintly: "Last time Emperor This lost his sword and lost face, neither side officially started a war. Can we still take the initiative to start a war this time? Since they want to play dirty, we will accompany them. Playing dirty!"

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I haven't thought about it yet, but can Tony and Arthur do it?"

"Arthur? Are you kidding?" Randall looked at Keynes in surprise.

Keynes smiled strangely, "Don't you remember that time at the Nightingale Bar? I always think Tony and Arthur are a perfect match."

"It was Kristi who was careless last time. Otherwise, the other party could just pull out a mercenary and kill Arthur. You don't want this kid to die, do you?"

"You can't grow into an excellent warrior without experiencing more trials and hardships!" Keynes said seemingly casually, "But fighting to the death alone is not enough? Fighting spirit is the key to determining a warrior's ultimate height!"

Randall instantly understood what Keynes meant, and his expression suddenly changed, "I disagree! That fighting skill is incomplete. So far, no one has successfully entered the warrior gate."

"Just because no one has succeeded, it doesn't mean that Arthur can't do it either. Didn't you just say that his ability to withstand pressure is stronger than all the soldiers you have led? Don't you want to see its true power in your lifetime, Arthur?" Perhaps it is our last hope." Keynes said meaningfully.

Randall fell silent for a moment.


"Since you have decided to become a mercenary, you must not only learn martial arts but also practice fighting spirit. Martial skills are the surface and fighting spirit is the foundation. The combination of the two is the real warrior!"

Arthur's instructor has been replaced by Keynes, and Keynes, who Arthur is looking up at, has eyes full of expectation. In the orc camp, he had seen the power of orc warriors with fighting spirit. But the orcs would never teach the fighting skills to a human slave easily.

Keynes continued: "The fighting QI skills in the Ireland continent are divided into four levels of heaven, earth, black and yellow, and each level is divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower. According to legend, there are divine skills above this. Most of the fighting QI colors are It's white, but if your opponent's fighting spirit is of other colors, you have to be careful, the brighter the color, the stronger the fighting spirit."

"Then what level is Leon's fighting spirit?" Arthur couldn't help but interjected and asked.

"You are talking about that little lion. It is the middle-grade fighting spirit of the Heaven Rank, 'Red Sun Flowing Gold', and it is a secret of the Golden Lion Family."

"Oh." Arthur nodded slightly, but there was an inexplicable loneliness in his heart.

"As for the fighting spirit you want to learn next, you have two choices. One is the military skill 'Bing Yuan Gui Yi Du' that matches the Jiang Death Due, and the other is one that Randall and I accidentally obtained during an expedition. We named the nameless skill 'Dan yang Lian Shen'"

"What are their levels?" Arthur asked eagerly.

"'Bing Yuan Gui Yi Due' is a high-level Xuan-level skill. 'Dan yang Refining God' must be above the level of Bing Yuan Gui Yi Due, but I can't confirm the specific level. If it is complete, it can definitely be classified as a heavenly skill. Super level skill."

"Then I'll learn 'Dan yang God Refining'!"

Keynes looked at Arthur with a solemn expression, "Boy, don't make a decision in such a hurry. Although the 'Bing Yuan Yi Du' is only a Xuan-level technique, after nearly a thousand years of inheritance and practice by our human army, the technique has reached its peak. Good, although the practice of Kung Fu is slow, but gradually it can lead directly to the battle school. On the contrary, no one has yet broken through the war general world by practicing the 'Dan yang Refining God', and the training process is extremely painful, and absolutely no one can endure it. The so-called 'Dan yang Refining God' The name "God" comes from the fact that during cultivation, it is like a scorching sun burning the nerves, causing extreme pain!"

"I want to learn the 'Dan yang God Refining'!" Arthur repeated without hesitation, "Compared to the feeling of powerlessness when facing death, no matter how great the pain is, what does it matter?"

Keynes suddenly turned his head and showed a meaningful smile to Randall, who was standing in the corner...