

In a world where magic and martial arts coexist, a young human accidentally stumbles into an orc camp, unwittingly uncovering a millennia-old mystery of racial warfare. Dragons clash with demonic beasts, elves feud with dwarves, yet the animosity between humans and orcs remains unyielding. As the continent of Belrand once again finds itself in turmoil, this young man may prove to be the pivotal figure in determining the fate of races.

DaoistfDbyhk · Fantasy
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179 Chs

Chapter 10 Mercenary World

Keynes and Randall sat side by side at the top of the mercenary group's meeting hall.

Randall had a scowl on his face, while Keynes had a mysterious smile on his face.

Adeline, Tony, Angus and Elf Ilya were sitting on the left and right respectively. Among them, only Ilya had a faint smile on her face, Adeline was expressionless, and Tony and Angus both had low expressions. Head down.

Arthur stood behind Adeline, and with the cover of Adeline's body, he looked back and forth secretly at several people like a little mouse.

"Tony, did you instigate this incident again?" Randall's anger was first directed at Tony.

"Kristi and I just had a few verbal conflicts. The one who really stirred things up was Arthur."

Faced with Randall's anger, Tony, who had previously claimed that he was covering Arthur in everything, immediately pushed him out unjustly.

Adeline glared at Tony fiercely, and even Angus deliberately pulled his chair aside to keep a distance from him.

Randall sneered, "Don't think I don't know what happened? Without you, would Kristi have a conflict with a child? Your commission for the last mission will be deducted in half, and you will not be allowed to step out of the mercenary group for a month. ."

Tony jumped up from his chair and shouted with a cry: "I was wronged! I really didn't instigate it. Angus can prove it to me!"

"I was already drunk and didn't know anything." Angus spread his hands.

"Angus, you bastard, you are so loyal!" Tony was about to pounce on Angus, but when he saw Randall's fierce gaze, he stepped back angrily.

"Arthur, stand up for me." Randall's next anger was directed at Arthur, "I really underestimated you! You actually challenged Kristi. There are many ways to die. Don't get involved. Mercenary group! Remember, you are not a member of the mercenary group, I can drive you away at any time!"

Arthur lowered his head and said nothing.

"I will deduct three months of your pay. You are not allowed to leave the headquarters without my permission within three months. Get out now." Randall waved to Arthur impatiently, as if he didn't want to see him for a minute.

Is this the end? That child's three-month payment was only three silver coins? Is this punishment or protection? Everyone in the room looked at Randall in surprise.

"Thank you, Uncle Randall." Arthur bowed deeply and ran out quickly.

Keynes looked at Arthur's back and smiled, "Old man, do you now agree that he is the biggest gain of my trip?"

"Boss, should I not deduct my reward this time?" Tony came over with a playful smile.

"Get out!" Keynes and Randall shouted at the same time.


From this day on, Arthur officially stayed in the Blue Fairy Mercenary Group, and a novel world of mercenaries slowly opened the door to him.

The continent of Leland has never been a peaceful, fertile land. All races on the land live side by side, and wars are continuous. Warcraft in the deep mountain wilderness have become a restricted area for intelligent creatures. Gangs of thieves run rampant in the countryside, and plunder and killings occur from time to time.

The strength of the armies of each race can only protect large towns, so mercenary groups, as the main armed force besides the army, are very popular. As long as they pay corresponding remuneration, the mercenary group accepts various entrusted tasks from escorting and guarding to searching and hunting. In wartime, they even accept the kingdom's entrusted to participate in the war.

But mercenaries are not an unprincipled and unscrupulous group for the sake of profit. Mercenaries also have their own honor and codes. Protection, trust and courage are the three qualities that mercenaries admire.

Protection is the responsibility of a mercenary. As long as he accepts the entrusted task, he must protect the safety of his employer and goods, even if he sacrifices his life.

Trust is the life of a mercenary. You must trust your teammates. Even if you die in battle, you must block attacks from behind for your brothers.

Courage is the courage of a mercenary. This is a high-risk profession in which life is exchanged for rewards. Cowards can never become excellent mercenaries.

The mercenary regiments of the Berend continent are divided into eight levels, from the lowest level G to the highest level S. Legend has it that there is an X-level god-level mercenary group above the S-level super mercenary group. Corresponding to the levels of mercenary groups, mercenaries also range from G level to S level. According to legend, there are also X level mercenaries of God. They accept the commission of God and are God's warriors!

As a B-level mercenary group, the Blue Enchantress only has more than a hundred mercenaries, which is the smallest number among the three major mercenary groups in Huey Ores City. But Blue Demon Girl is the strongest among the three mercenary groups. The first- and second-level warriors are almost the main force of most mercenary groups in Huey Ores City. But in Blue Demon Girl, the third-level warriors, It is the minimum standard for becoming a member of the mercenary group.

The leader of the group, Cairns, is also one of the few two strong players in the eighth-level battle school in Huey Ores City. The other one was Quito, the division commander stationed in the city, but he rarely participated in disputes outside military affairs. This is also the main reason why Emperor Cuisi did not dare to come to provoke him despite being so humiliated.

The two deputy leaders of the Blue Demon Queen are Adeline and Randall. Adeline is a sixth-level fire magician. Randall is a warrior, but because of a broken arm, level can no longer be used as a measure of his combat prowess.

The thief Tony, the hunter Angus and the shooter Ilya are the core of the mercenary group. They are all fifth-level lieutenants. Some ordinary tasks are led by them in turns.

Deputy Captain Randall is a special being in the mercenary group. The mercenaries sometimes talk privately that Randall is the leader of the Blue Demon Queen, because in addition to accepting and assigning tasks, from finance to logistics Everything else fell to Randall. His violent temper made him no one in the mercenary group dare to offend him. Even the leader of the mercenary group, Cairns, used a consultative tone when communicating with Randall.

As Randall's assistant, Arthur discovered over time that although Randall seemed grumpy, he was actually a very nice person.

Randall never treated Arthur as a servant, and he did everything himself, including cleaning the room. What he first asked Arthur to do was to teach him how to read, and then asked him to help organize the warehouse.

Arthur is a smart boy who learns very quickly what Randall teaches. Moreover, he cherishes the opportunity to stay in the mercenary group and takes the initiative to do many things for Randall and other mercenaries.

Before Randall got up, the face wash had been packed and placed in the main room. When Randall opened the door, the entire yard had already been swept clean. One month later, Arthur was able to quickly and accurately find everything in the mercenary group's vast warehouse; two months later, Randall found that he was calling Arthur more and more frequently; three Months later, as soon as Randall opened his mouth, Arthur had already put what he wanted in front of him.

Even the mercenaries have gradually discovered new changes in the mercenary group. First, Randall rarely loses his temper, and sometimes there is a smile on his fat face; in addition, all weapons and armor can be used at any time. All spotless and shiny. For some trivial matters in the mercenary group, go to the little guy named Arthur, he can always find a solution for you.

Soon, everyone in the mercenary group began to like this little guy, and Arthur's good days had just begun...