
Grugy Mon

The main character Dave saved up money to finally get the creature he wanted but sadly he got ripped off now he’s looking for strong creatures to become a great trainer yeeeeeyeee I don’t suggest you read this book my writing is shitttttttttt

kennethnorton26 · Others
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Grugy Mon: chapter 3 The hunters

"Where am I". Dave said. "O look who finally decided to wake up". A stranger spoke.

"my name's Billy Bob what's your's my knew friend" . Billy said excitedly.

Dave looks around, he sees a cabin behind him, a fire in-front of him ,Tyler laying right next to him, and Billy roasting a fish on a stick by the fire. "Well my name is Dave". Dave said confused.

"How did a get here?" Dave asked.

"Well a big black bear, with red eye that stood on its back legs brought y'all here with a Grugy toad. "Wait what!" Dave shouted surprised.

"Yeah I know, I was afraid they where going to eat you two so I knocked them out". Said Billy happily while eating a fish. "Wait what no there our creatures!" Dave shouted.

"Jeez stop yelling, your giving me a head ake

there fine I just knocked them unconscious". Billy said annoyed. "Here take this, that explains why they where also caring a capture disk". Billy said. He throws the disk at Dave,

and Dave misses. "God damn, how are you supposed to be a trainer if you can't even catch a god damn disk!" Billy yelled. Billy gets up, and walks over to the cabin. Billy pulls a set of keys out of his pocket and starts fiddling with them. "Hey Tyler". Dave whispered. Dave starts poking Tyler. "Hey kid you should leave him alone, he has a bad fractured arm" Billy said . Click! The door slowly opens up. "You waiting for a invitation get in here" Billy said angrily.

Both Dave, and Billy walk into the cabin.

"There both in the back room, right there" Billy said pointing towards a large door.

Dave walks into the room.

"Ha you fucking moron, you really listen to strangers!" Billy slams the door shut! "What the hell did you do to are creatures!" Dave yelled, while banging on the door. "I already caught the bear and sold it for 50 grand, your weak ass toads in the disk no one would want that thing!" Bam! The giant door to the room comes slamming down, hitting Billy on the back, a pitch black toad walk out of the room. "What the hell, Grugy toads aren't supposed to be that strong!" Yelled Billy. "Well Tyler's is" said Dave.

"Wait, that's not even your creature!" Billy shouted with tears in his eye's.

"Yeah, I really don't deserve to have a great creature like this but Tyler does"

"What's the hell is going on". said Tyler.

"Yay, your awake!" Shouted Dave. Billy throws the door off of him, and at Dave and Tyler.

Slam! Grugy toad knocks it back at Billy.

"What should we do". Dave said.

"I don't know, i just woke up and my arms fixed but since he tried attacking you I would say tie him up". Tyler said. "Got it". shouted Dave. "While you do that, I'm going to go cook some of the fish that's out there".

After tying him up, Dave dragged him out of the cabin and sat him by the fire. Dave then explained everything that happened, to Tyler.

"Damn it, we could have gotten another strong member to are team" Tyler said.

"Take this, it's been a long two days"

Tyler tossed a coocked fish on a stick to Dave.

"Well we actually don't know how long it's been, I mean he was able to capture the beast then negotiate a price and sell it, that takes time". Dave said.

"Your right, and we have no clue where we are". Tyler said, while thinking on what to do.

"I saw a few capture disks in the cabin, we can take those, and try to catch a dragon or something". Dave said jokingly.

"Well you might be onto something, if we can capture a creature that could fly we can ride it to the next town". said Tyler

"That's no good, the next town is miles away from here". said Billy. "So your awake, tell me this, why would you capture our creature, sell it, then try and kidnap Dave?" Tyler said.

"Well it's simple, money I sold your creature was going to sell y'all but, no one would want a normal Grugy toad so I let you keep it, which was a mistake. I'm a damn hunter, you know what if it weren't for us, you wouldn't even have a Grugy toad!" Billy yelled.

"Okay Dave we got are plan, I'll grab those disks, and make shore Billy doesn't go anywhere got it Dave". "Got it". Dave said.

Tyler walks into the cabin, and sees Grugy toad Tyler bends over and reaches a hand out and pets grugy toad. "Hey there little dude, thanks for all you help you really saved us. How about I give you a name how about pawa it's the Japanese word for power". Tyler said. Grugy toad smiles. "I'll name you pawa, because your going to be the strongest creature alive" Tyler said, with a smile on his face. "Okay sorry, but I need you too get in the disk until we need to fight it will be easier" Tyler said. A blue light comes out of the disk, and surrounds Pawa, and goes back into the disk. Tyler gets up, and walks over to a box of capture disks. Tyler picks up the box and heads outside. "Okay Dave let's head out!" Tyler shouted. Dave stands up, and heads over to Tyler. "Okay Tyler let's do this!" Dave shouted.

I just read it I really need to start proof reading my stuff and kids don’t go into houses with strangers but you can do drugs

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