
Grugy Mon

The main character Dave saved up money to finally get the creature he wanted but sadly he got ripped off now he’s looking for strong creatures to become a great trainer yeeeeeyeee I don’t suggest you read this book my writing is shitttttttttt

kennethnorton26 · Others
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Grugy Mon: chapter 2 The fight

As Dave and Tyler sprinted out the building, they heard sirens from behind. "The forest is right up ahead". Tyler yelled!

"This is the police, stop running we need to question you about the situation at the trainer shop!" The police shouted into the mega phone. "Don't listen to them Dave, there goin to arrest us for who knows how long!" Tyler said as they ran into the woods. "Turn here into the bushes!" Dave shouted. Dave and Tyler both ran into the bushes. As they caught there breaths in the bushes, they heard two car doors slam shut and foot steps going up the trail. The foot steps slowly start disappearing. Dave and Tyler, both stand up and look around. They see the police car right beside the bush, that they where hiding in. "Let go deeper into the woods". Tyler said quietly. Dave gave a thumbs up, and they both start walking deeper into the forest.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Dave yelled, as he slipped and slid down a muddy slope. Tyler walks around the muddy slope, and reaches a hand out to Dave to help him up. "Thanks". Dave said, with a smile on his face. "No problem". Tyler said as he chuckled. "Hey I just realized, we haven't seen are creatures yet". Tyler said. "O right". Said Dave. Tyler pulled the disk out of his pocket, and cracks it a light blue light shoots out of it. "Here it comes!" said Tyler excitedly. A pitch black, fat toad comes out of the disk. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" Tyler shouted. "It's a Grugy toad, but it doesn't have white fur on its back". Dave said confusingly. "Yeah i can see that jack ass!" Dave pulls a disk out of his pocket. "Uh Tyler". "What is I-"! Tyler looks over at Dave. "What Your disk, its a fake!" "Hehe yeah it seems like it". Dave's disk crumbles in his hand. "He ripped us off". Dave said sadly.

"Jesus Christ were screwed!" Tyler yelled. Dave looks up, and sees something staring at him in the bushes. "We need to run Tyler". Dave said quietly with fear in his voice. Tyler looks up at the direction Dave is staring. Tyler sees a giant beast with black fur covering it's whole body, that's the size of a hippo, with glowing red eye. The beast jumps down the muddy slope, it's swing it arm at Dave, the beast barely misses! The blacked fur beast stands on its back legs, and it's arm extend outward with the claws growing too. It's bear like jaw unhinges. It's arms about ten feet long for each, Dave, and Tyler merely 5 feet away. The beast slams it hands to gather, arms fully extend almost hitting Dave, and crushing Tyler's arm. "Tyler!" Screamed Dave. The beast lifts him up into the air arms slowly retracting, the jaw slowly widening. Bam! The grugy Toad slams into the beasts body, throwing the beast against the muddy slope. The beast Let's go of Tyler and Dave runs over, and catches Tyler in his arms. Dave just cried, not able to do anything else in fear of the beast. Tyler is knocked unconscious. The beast tries to get up, but the Grugy toad keeps knocking him back down. Dave looks up at the Grugy toad, Amazed that such a weak creature is able to knock down such a huge beast. Dave sets down Tyler, and gets up. "Grugy toad, jump up into the tree and shoot your tung out at the beast, try and wrap it around his neck then tighten your tung!" Yelled Dave. The Grugy toad nods, and does the exact thing he said. Jumps onto a tree, and shoot his tung out at him, but the beast grabs the tung before it could wrap around its neck. The beast pulls the Grugy toads tung, the toad falls out of the tree. Dave picks up a sturdy branch, and charges at the beast. The beast easily hits Dave goes flying hitting a tree, and falling to the ground unconscious. The beast let's go of the Grugy toad tung, And motions for it to leave. The toad retracts it's tung into its mouth. Then jumps up at the beast landing on its head, the toad shoots it's tung out wrapping around the beast's neck then jumping up into the trees. The suction from the toads feet holds it on the tree, the beast struggles but the Grugy toad slowly tightens its rope like tung. Knocking the beast unconscious.

I think this one is better then the first

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