
Grugy Mon

The main character Dave saved up money to finally get the creature he wanted but sadly he got ripped off now he’s looking for strong creatures to become a great trainer yeeeeeyeee I don’t suggest you read this book my writing is shitttttttttt

kennethnorton26 · Others
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Grugy Mon: chapter 4 The capture

It's been a few hours, since Dave,and Tyler left the camp. "It's been for ever Tyler, we got no water, we haven't seen a single creature. What can we even do?" Said Dave in a dehydrated, and raspy voice. "Sorry Dave, but all we can do is keep walking. If we can find a river that could help". Tyler said tiredly."How could anything live here, the tree are dense, the bushes are squeezing us". Dave said, while wee-zin.

Woosh! Something flys by Dave's face.

"I found one, get grugy toad out!" Dave shouted excited. "Go pawa!" Tyler shouted.

"Pawa, shoot your tung at it

Before it escapes!" Yelled Tyler.

As pawa's tung is shooting through the air, something jumps in the way. "Retract your tung pawa!" Tyler yelled. Pawa brought back his tung, as the tung got closer they got a good view of what jumped in the way.

It look like a head of a goat, with fire coming out of the side of its head, and bulging right eye, and a flap of fat under its right eye, the rest of it body is like a snake the fur ends at the neck, the rest is scales. "Jesus Christ, a demon type creature!" Tyler shouted. "Let go of it pawa, and run!" Tyler yelled. Pawa returns to his disk, and Tyler sprints through the cramped forest.

The Deformed Demon turns to Dave, who is frozen with fear. The Deformed Demon charges at Dave, Dave ducks before it could hit him. Dave spots a good size rock 5 feet away, he decides to run to it. As he gets up to get the rock, the Demon rushes him hitting him in the chest area! Dave goes flying through the air, over the bushes, and landing in a small pond. The pond was filled with moss growing on top, huge logs and sticks stacked in the center, and a cave on the other side of the pond where Dave is. Dave try's to swim up but something grabs his leg, Dave try's to see what it is but the water is too muddy. Dave struggles, and struggles finally getting free after a whole minute under water. Dave swims up to the surface, breathing in as much air as possible, he starts swimming to the edge of the pond. Dave gets out of the water, and lays on the itchy grass. "Jesus dude this was a bad idea". Said Dave while still catching his breath. Bam! The Deformed Demon from earlier, slams into Dave's gut! Dave with blurry vision, and no since on what's going on, grabs the Demons one horn. Dave roles over, slamming the demon against the ground. Dave picks up a rock, and smashes it's head in! Knocking the demon out cold, Dave barely keeping himself awake pulls a disk out of his pocket, and taps the Demon on its head. A grand bright red light, comes out of the disk absorbing the demon and bringing it into the disk. Dave gets up off the ground, and picking up the disk walking five meters away from the pond then collapsing.

Over all this is my favorite chapter so far thank you to the one person that added this series to there collection

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