
Grugy Mon

The main character Dave saved up money to finally get the creature he wanted but sadly he got ripped off now he’s looking for strong creatures to become a great trainer yeeeeeyeee I don’t suggest you read this book my writing is shitttttttttt

kennethnorton26 · Others
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Grugy Mon: Chapter 1 The start

Dave a kid, that lives in a small town. The towns are named after the forest which surrounds it. Hudson town in the Hudson Forest. When a kid turns 16, they are allowed to own a creature. In Hudson town, there are 4 you can choose from. 1 a dog that has frog eyes, brown fur spines on its back, and cat like legs it's about the size of a golden retriever it's called a Drear. 2 a bird with blue and black feathers, a long neck, and a long fat beak it's about a size of a grackle it's called the Phentra.

3 a toad deemed too ugly to look at, it has pitch black skin, fat with white fur on its back, feet the size of its whole body there about the size of toddlers, there called Gruggy toads. (Most people even wonder why they don't just kill all of them.) Finally, the greatest, the strongest, the rarest creature, it has light blue rough skin, yellow spots on its body, a big red shell on its back, with pitch black wings the Turtle Drake! (Only the greatest and strongest trainers buy them.) Each creature cost different amounts 1 the Turtle Drake at 999.999.99$ ,2 the Drear and Phentra at 49.999.99$, and the Gruggy toads at 99$.

But Dave's family is poor, but Dave just turned 16 Dave's mom believes he can become a great trainer, so she saved up 150$ for a creature for him. Dave's mother name is, Rose Sakura. Rose bangs on Dave's door "hurry up! "Dave bursts out of his room in a yellow cap, grey jacket, black and yellow shorts and blue shoes. Dave snatches the money from Rose "later mum!" he jumps down the stair case and sprints through the door and runs down the dirt road. "Hey Dave!" said Daves best friend. "Hey Tyler!" Dave shouted while still running "what creature are you getting!" Tyler yelled" what do you think, what about you!" Dave yelled they came to a stop right in front of the trainer store "The best one of course".

"Why did I even ask". Dave said. they both walk into the trainer store. "What are you wearing Tyler". Dave said. Tyler was wearing red shorts, with flip flops, and a tank top. "What its comfy". Tyler said. They both walk up to the enclosure. There where 20 preschoolers staring at the creatures. "Hey, Dave, you remember when we used to just star at them". "yeah". Dave said. Tyler walks up to the worker watching the kids." Hey, can I get a turtle drake ". Tyler asked. THE worker's face widened into surprise." shore can I see your ID". The worker hands back the ID." Okay I just need the mone- ". Tyler hands the worker a debit card. "Jesus kids have more money than I make in a year now a days." Whispered the worker. He swipes the card; he hands it back to Tyler. The worker walks back with a disk and hands it to Tyler. "Thanks". Tyler said. "Next "the worker said. "Can a I get a Gruggy Toad". Dave asked. The worker breaks down laughing." You want a Gruggy toad hahaha!" The worker yelled. Dave stared at him "Wait you're not joking that makes it even better" Tyler punches the worker. "couldn't you at least keep it to yourself you ass hole" The worker is knocked out on the ground. "Thanks". Said a women worker. "He was a jerk, here take this. The women worker said. She throws a disk at Dave. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!"

Dave and Tyler yelled, as they sprint out the front door.

My first book and im shit at writing dont expect any good puncuation i honestly just did it for fun

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