
Green Arrow:New Guardian

I’m the new Oliver Queen Follow me on this journey

Sam_Nabors · TV
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6 Chs

Five Years Later

It's been Three and a half years since we found those bodies and I'm not the man I used to be I'm a killer a monster, but I own it I don't try to hide it I know what I am but I also know there still apiece of me left that light that give me the strength to keep going and that strength…that light is laurel.

I've done horrible things but I know it was needed to get what I needed to get done, I've worked for Amanda Waller and Argus I've also been in the Bratva I'm actually a captain supposedly thats a big deal for an American, but I finally get to go home I finally get to see Laurel I just hope she isn't pissed at me I'm not a fool to think she hasn't moved on or to think she hasn't dated or slept with anyone else that's just egotistical and idiotic I just hope I have chance to still be in her life.

{News Reporter}

"This just in Oliver Queen is back from the dead after Five years missing and presumed dead the prodigal son has returned home."

{Laurels Law Firm}

"…Oliver Queen is back from the dead…" that was all laurel heard before she grabbed her things and rushed out the door headed towards the hospital with a smiling Jaquie.

"Oliver!" Laurels says as she burst into Oliver's room to see Oliver staring out the window unmoving.

" Oliver…hey it's me laurel!" Laurel says on the verge of tears.

" L-Laurel I'm so sorry!" I say as I start to cry in her arms while she does the same.

" hey hey hey, you have nothing to be sorry about okay I just…I just thought I lost you okay but we can talk about that later okay!" Laurel says as she lays down in my arms on the hospital bed.

" Oliver"

" Olli"

That's what I hear when I next open eyes only to see the tears eyes of both my mother and my sister to which I start to tear up as well and we hug each-other as we all start to cry, but after awhile we all calm down and mom goes to talk to the doctors while Thea tells me about the last five years.

After what feels like forever I'm allowed to return home only to find out laurel had moved in to my room to which I didn't really care about but when I got home I couldn't help but be mesmerized by our home after being gone for so long it was just so beautiful and I missed Rosa the most but don't tell anybody and Walter i guess even though before me and dad left he was an assistant but now he is banging my mom and is the CEO of my families company so good for him truly.

I believe my biggest surprise however was when I walked into my room and Laurel holding this little boy no more than five years old while looking at me with a little fear I guess but I don't dwell on it and continue into the room.

" Oliver umm…I want you to meet your son William!" She says while looking at me nervously.

" My s-son!" I say before abruptly pass out to which laurel gets scared and runs towards me making sure I'm okay.

" let me guess he passed out when you told him about William!" Thea says while laughing

" Yeah he did do you think I should have waited till later to tell him!"

" that probably would have been better but it's too late now just be ready when he wakes up…oh and before I forget Quentin is here to see his prodigal son hehe!" Thea says while giggling at laurels face.

" Whatever Thea!" Laurel says with tick marks appearing on her jaw because she knows it's true.

" OLIVER" I hear Quentin yell which makes a big smile appear on my face before I run out of the room towards Quentin who as soon as he sees me opens his arms and bear hugs while repeatedly whispering thank god until finally he let's go and checks me over.

" Well how do I look old Man I look good don't I!" I say with a big smile as I watch Quentin breakdown laughing.

" Yeah you look good kiddo you doing okay?"

" Yeah I have nightmares and stuff but that's nothing compared to the other stuff I've been through so I'll be fine!" I say as I look at Quentin to which I can clearly smell the alcohol on him which saddens me.

"Quentin I'm sorry!"

" What for kiddo?" Quentin asks worried as he steps forward towards.

" I shouldn't have let Sara get on that boat so I'm sorry I'm so sorry!" I say as I break down in tears.

" Hey it's okay you hear me I don't blame you ya hear I gotcha don't worry Oliver I'm just glad your okay I love ya kiddo like you were my own son!"

" I love ya too old man and you were always a father to me you know that so don't go thinking you can get rid of me!" I say as I smile hug him to which he just hugs me back, but unknowingly to both of us laurel heard everything and couldn't help but cry happy tears to finally have Oliver home.

{A Couple Days Later}

It's really great to be back but I have a mission every name in this book needs to be crossed off and Adam hunt is the first name that will be crossed off but I owe Laurel the truth Thea as well so I will them I'm gonna them to my base and tell them everything.

I hope they don't hate me but I have to do this not just for me or for my father but for this city as well.

I am currently letting laurel drive us to my base while Thea is constantly trying to get me to answer her questions about the island until finally we arrive at the base to which I exit and they both follow me into the basement where they find my set up consisting of my cast with my bow and the hood and also the arrows and also my expensive toys.

"Oliver what is all this?" Laurel ask me questionably and worried.

" And what does this have to do with the island?" Thea ask me accusingly.

" This has everything to do with the island those five years nothing good happened it's was either bad or worse…Thea you asked how I got these scars and I'll tell you, I was tortured and I have come close to dying more than a couple of times."

" I'm so sorry Olli!" Thea says on the verge of tears while hugging me tightly.

" Dad didn't die when the boat went down it was me him and a crew member that made it to the life raft but there was only enough food for one person and dad told me I had to survive and come back and right his wrongs starting with the names in this book!" I say as I hand over the book to laurel who gasps in surprise and the names in here like Adam hunt who she going into trial against soon.

" Our family wronged this city along with every name in that book and I am hell bent on making it right so I decided to do it my way while honoring someone who saved my life when I fist washed up on that island!" I say as I pull out Yao Fae's hood.

" whose was that?" Thea asked me.

" his name was Yao Fae and he saved my life more than once and he taught me a lot as well."

" So what your gonna go and cross off every name on this list one arrow at a time!" Laurel asks scared of what I might say.

" Laurel I've done thing that I….I just don't want to be that person anymore so I won't kill anyone but I will be a vigilante I wanna give hop back to this city because look at it you remember what the city was like when we were kids it was beautiful but now it's different and I want to bring hope back but I can't do it alone!" I say as I look at Thea.

" What are you looking at me like that for?" Thea says looking at me questionably.

" Because I want you to be my partner in this you as well laurel!"

" Okay I'm in" " Yeah Same here"

" good then let's get to work you guys need training!"

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