
Green Arrow:New Guardian

I’m the new Oliver Queen Follow me on this journey

Sam_Nabors · TV
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6 Chs

Boat Trip

Time-skip-Six Years Later

Today is the day the day that I get on this yacht and disappear for Five years, but before we get into that let me catch up on what's happened so far

Me and laurel are very happy she decided to become a lawyer like in the show, which I'm happy for and I decided based on my previous life to become a cop which Quentin was quite happy about.

My sister Thea is my very best friend… well tied with Tommy but you know it's Tommy, and my mom is my confidante I tell her everything, also me and laurel are engaged I love her with everything I got and she loves me.

But now I have to leave her for five years this is really gonna hurt and Sara did try to hook up with me but I decided to be faithful to my laurel so I hooked her up with a friend of mine Sam who's also coming on the trip so she will still go through the same stuff she went through in the show.

Now I'm at the docks where the yacht is waiting hugging laurel and kissing her to which she likes a lot based on the moans I'm hearing.

" Olli okay you gotta go!" Laurel says sternly which I just find cute.

" Okay okay but first let me say this…Laurel I love you with everything you are the best part of me I know you are going to be one of hell of a lawyer and I am so proud of you Promise me you will always give it your best okay no matter what!" I say with love in my eyes.

" I promise Olli and I love you too so much so very much and I'm proud of you too for becoming a coo and always trying your hardest I love you and when you get back we are gonna get married okay!"

" Okay I love you babe…bye!" I say while hugging her one last time.

"Byeee!" Laurel waving to me as she watches me and Sara get on the yacht.

{Late Night}

It's storming really bad right now and I know the crash is about to happen so I look at my picture of laurel one last time before everything goes to hell.

{After Yacht Crash}

After the crash the only ones to survive were me my dad and a crew member but I know that one last long so I just decided to lean on my my dad and fall asleep with him holding me close.

{Next Day}

After a long night of just floating along with the current my dad lightly shakes me awake so he doesn't wake up the crew member.

" Oliver listen to me son you have to survive this, there not enough supplies for all of us, but you have to survive make it back home right my wrongs!"

" Dad just get some rest, Save your strength!" I say knowing what's about to happen.

" Okay!" My dad whispers before making me lean against the siding of the raft and pulling a gun out of his life jacket and shooting the crew member which startled me as I back up.

" Survive" that's the last thing my dad said before he shot himself in the head and left me on this life raft all alone.

I don't know how Oliver lived through this, it's one thing to watch it on tv but to actual witness that and live through that this hurts bad it hurts really bad like a piece of me is gone.

{Five Months Later}

It's been five months since I got shipwrecked here on Liam Yu and an arrow to the shoulder really hurts Yao Fae really is a bastard for that but he also says I will survive so I guess that's a compliment.

because I'm already great at archery I made him go get the nasty dead animals that he would have usually made me go and grab for him.

Unknown to Oliver back in Star City Laurel is five months pregnant but instead of being happy she is really sad because her fiancé has gone missing including her sister and everyone on the yacht to which she can only be sad but she made a promise to Oliver to always give her best so that's what she is doing.

{One Year Later}

I've been here for around a year and half and let me tell you torture is not fun at all also almost dying Three times isn't either I've linked up with Slade Wilson you know The DeathStroke and he is a bastard like really he is a fucking bastard in all sense of the word. We also rescued shadow at the cost of Yao Fae's life which really hurt because he kept me alive I really owed him for that I notice I've become cold towards people but slade and shadow keep me from going over the edge they keep me from becoming the monster that I know I will become and I can't thank them enough for that.

We have recently found the Japanese bodies that Ivo is looking for and they are freaky looking with these swollen lumps all over their skulls it's really weird but shadow can't figure what these pirates would want with them but I already why they want them it's for the Mirakuru I can only hope this will all be over soon because I don't how much more I can take before Oliver Queen is gone for good.

Back in Star city Laurel is at home with a baby boy crawling around while she studies for an upcoming exam but you can see her look at this picture of her and Oliver in the park which makes her smile before going back to studying.

Hope you guys like this one I know there’s a lot of time skips I’m just trying to get to the return of Oliver and we can slow down after that!!!

Sam_Naborscreators' thoughts