
Green Arrow:New Guardian

I’m the new Oliver Queen Follow me on this journey

Sam_Nabors · TV
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6 Chs

First Target

After showing Laurel and Thea the foundry Laurel asked the question that I knew was coming.

" Oliver who was she?" Laurel asked me which surprised me.

" Who?"

"C'mon Olli you don't expect me to believe that you didn't move on with at least one woman even if you were on that island!?"

'Sigh' " Her name is shadow and she is the only woman I have ever loved besides you!" I say while looking away afraid of Laurels reaction.

"Olli…hey look at me…" Laurel says as she puts her hand on my cheek and makes me look at her.

" I'm happy you found someone who you could lean on during that time." Laurel says as she starts to tear up.

" On that island everything is filled with darkness and it also brings that same darkness out of people I know this because it did the same thing to me, the first time I killed someone I felt like a monster in that moment I was a monster but shadow she helped me understand that everyone has darkness but also light inside of themselves…she used to say I just had a way of only focusing on the darkness!" I say reminiscing about those times with shadow.

" Well she sounds like a great person Olli I hope I can meet her one day!" Laurel says happily.

" HELL NOO!" I say denying any possibility where that happens.

" And why not?" Laurel asks questionably.

" you two in the same room…you two are either going to become best friends or there is going to be a cat fight…matter a fact I hope you meet her too!" I say smiling mysteriously.

" Wait…Olli what are thinking about?" Laurel asks while smirking.

"Me…nothing just can't wait for the future!"

"Uh huh!" Laurel says white her all knowing look on her face.

Unknown to Oliver somewhere in honk king we see Shadow with her twin Mei at the hospital shocked to find out that Shadow is pregnant with Oliver's child.

"Oliver…" shadow says as she rubs her stomach in a motherly way.

"You really love him don't you?" Mei says while smiling happily at her sister.

" I do Mei…I need you to help me get to Star City!"

" Why Star City!" Mei asks questionably.

" Because that's where Oliver is and if I'm not mistaken that's where she is as well!"

" She?" Mei asks.

" her name is Laurel and she was Oliver's fiancé before he washed up on Liam Yue."

" My My My…dear sister to think you would get pregnant by a married man how naughty of you!" Mei says while laughing.

" Oh shut it you.." Mei says while laughing as well.

"Okay I will get us to Star City don't worry dear sister!" Mei says confidently.

" Thank you!" Shadow says happily.


After all the questions being answered that both Laurel and Thea had and also asking questions myself and finding out some surprising things like laurel was dating Tommy for awhile but that got broken and a couple of other guys as well which I was happy for I'm glad she had someone to make her happy even if it was just a little while.

Now that we got all that out of the way it was time to head home, only for me to see the infamous John Diggle at my doorstep about to knock.

" Hi can I help you?" I ask all to knowing about why he is here.

" Yes Mr.Queen I will be being your bodyguard for the foreseeable future."

" Just call me Oliver…what should I call you?" I ask while holding out my hand for a handshake.

" you can call me John or Dig!" John says as he takes my hand in a firm handshake like a REAL MAN!!

" Well John let's head on inside." I say as I head inside with John following close behind only for my mother to stop me.

" Oliver dear I see that you have met Mr.Diggle here and please no complaints okay." Mom says as she looks at me with that 'No Nonsense' look.

" Mom all I was going to say was that yes I met him…that reminds me."

" John do you know of any good burger spots!"

" Yes Mr….Oliver I do we can go whenever your ready to leave."

" Perfect, just let me get changed and then we can leave." I say as I head to my room.

{Late Night}

After getting a bite to eat we are driving home only for me to ditch Diggle headed for the bunker.

' hehehe it's just too easy dig!" I think as i make it to the bunker.

After a quick call to laurel about tonight I head for the first name on my list Adam hunt he has failed this city I won't let him continue to do that.

Getting my hood and bow and quiver I head out into the city looking for hunt only to find him in a parking garage.

A quick light outage later and it's game time.

Once I drop all hell breaks loose in the sound of gunfire and arrows until all hunts guards are down and I finally have hunt against the hood of his car.

"Adam Hunt….You have failed this city… you have till tomorrow midnight to deposit Forty million dollars into account number XXX-XXX-XXX or else!" I say threateningly to hunt.

"You know who you're messing with…I ever see you again I'll use your head for target practice" hunt says angrily.

After he says that's I shoot an arrow right into the windshield right new to to him scaring him only for him to look back towards me to find me gone.

{Back at the Bunker}

After leaving my warning I head back to the bunker to find Thea training and laurel sitting in my chair waiting for me.

"So how was it?" Laurel ask as she turns around to face me.

" I think I'm gonna have to put an arrow in him!" I say as laurel begins to worry.

" Hey I promised I would do no killing okay an arrow to the shoulder or the leg won't kill him at most he'll walk with a limp for a while." I say confidently.

" Hmph fine I guess that's the best I'm getting but you really should get someone tech savy in here you know!" She says worried about me.

" your right but I need to be able to trust who knows who I am I'm thinking about telling John Diggle thou I need a partner!" I say rambling on.

" hun your rambling on and if you are sure you can trust him then tell him and what about my dad" Laurel ask expectantly.

" you can tell him and bring him here too so he will believe you I'm not a cop anymore but I still need to save this city and we got a lot of work to do." I say knowingly.

"That we do love that we do!"

Hope you like the Chapter comment any ideas you guys have.

Love interest are already set with the following:





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