
Green Arrow:New Guardian

I’m the new Oliver Queen Follow me on this journey

Sam_Nabors · TV
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6 Chs


"I love the Arrow show… like it's the best" Our mc says as he gets up from the couch to get some juice, only to find out that there is no more juice.

After seeing there is no more juice our mc decided to head to the store to get a jug.

{15 minutes later}

After getting the juice our mc is headed home only to hear a honking noice before being hit by a speeding truck.





"Ugh….where am I" I say as I wake up with a startle only to realize I'm not even in my room.

"Ummm where the fuck am I….this room nice thou!" I say as I look around the room only to look in the mirror to find the I have Oliver queens face but like super young like teenager younger.

"Hold up hold up hold up….am I OLIVER QUEEN?"

" please don't let this be a dream, please don't let this be a dream!" I say as I clothes my eyes and pinching myself.

" Okay so this is not a dream this is for real….okay just breathe Sam just breathe!" I say hyperventilating about being Oliver Queen when all of a sudden a percentage bar in front of me.

" What the hell is this!"


When it hit 100% a letter appeared before me from some god who reincarnated me in the arrow show.

' Hey kid you don't remember me but I reincarnated you as Oliver Queen I'm the arrow tv show like you wanted so no this is not a dream so stop pinching yourself so here it is you asked for all of Oliver's skills and talents from all 8 seasons with the power to survive crisis so here you go your welcome don't say I didn't do nothing for you but that's all you wanted have fun in your new life Peace'

After reading the letter I was super excited because I'm really Oliver Queen and I have all skills and talents so surviving purgatory is gonna be a breeze but I know the torture stuff is gonna suck but I gotta go through it to become who I'm met to be…

After Oliver calmed down he decided to go see his new family, the first he wanted to see was Thea his brave little sister…

{ Knock Knock}

"Come In!" I hear Thea say.

After getting the okay I walked into these room to find her lazing around on her phone but she perks up when she sees me.

" Olli what's up?" She asked excited

" Hey Speedy I just wanted to see if you wanted to head out with me today and hangout!"

" Definitely are we going to laurels as well!"

" We can if you want" I say unknowingly showing a small smile making Thea smirk.

" Okay let me get dressed and then we can go!"

" Alright I'll be downstairs!" I say as I walk out of Theas room headed downstairs to see my mom and dad.


"YES" I hear my mother say as I make my way to the living room where I find my mom and dad lounging on the couch.

" hey guys what are you watching!" I say as I come in and sit in between them while leaning on my mom while she rubs arm in a motherly way.

" Nothing just the news so Oliver what are your plans for today?" My mother asks me

" I'm taking Thea out today and going over to laurels and I don't really know after what about you mom!" I say as I turn to look at mom

" Well just be safe okay!… and I will probably go the office with your father okay!" Mom tells me with a smile.

" Olli are you ready!" I hear my sister say as she makes her way over to us.

" Yeah let's go and call laurel so she knows we are coming!" I say as I hug my mom and dad before leaving with Thea.

" okay!" Thea says as she pulls out her phone calling laurel.

After getting the okay from Thea we head off in the the city towards laurels, but I can't help but mesmerized by the city surrounding us as we drive…it's just so beautiful the buildings the parks the people…now I see why Oliver ran for mayor in the show this is the city he wanted back.

After driving for about 30 minutes we finally arrived at the lance residence to which we get out of the car and I go up to the door to know only for it to be opened by an excited teenage laurel lance who as soon as she sees me me runs up to me and tackles me in a hug.

" Olli…hi!" Laurel says as she giggles at my dazed face.

" h-hi laurel…y-you look beautiful!" I say nervous at the close proximity between our faces.

"Hahahaha…olli your blushing!" I hear Thea say to which I turn to hide my face while replying " no I'm not speedy!"

After that laurel helps me off the ground after which we get in the car headed back into the city.

" So what do you guys want to do today?" I ask only to regret it.

" Shopping" the both say in unison.

" 'sigh' fine I guess we can" I say as we make the way towards the mall.

After about 15 minutes we finally make it to the mall to which I need to let you guys know I'm 16 almost 17 now and tge hormones is kicking in and laurel is being a tease asking about these different bras and stuff, apparently we aren't dating yet but I know I have major feelings for laurel and from what she's doing she must have the same feelings so this what I'm gonna do I'm going to ask her out while Thea is off doing something thou she would just try to embarrass me if she was near by.

After finally getting rid Thea while she goes shopping for some new clothes me and laurel went to get something to eat because apparently shopping make you hungry I guess but this is the perfect moment to ask out laurel.

" Hey laurel!"

" yes Olli?" Laurel ask as she looks at me questionably.

" W-Well would you like to go out with me?" I asks as I look straight in her eyes.

"YESSS" she says as she leaps across the table and kisses me.

Unknowingly to either one of us Thea was standing smiling the whole time.

" Wow like Wow!" That's all I could say after laurel kissed me because it was Amazing I mean like seriously that is and will forever will be the highlight of my life.

" Yeah…Same" laurel says also shocked with a heavy blush.

We both blush when we hear my sister Thea.

" oh…My…GOODDDD!" We hear Thea yell before she runs towards and us grabs us in a bear hug.

" it's about time!" Thea says after calming to which we both just nod with a knowing smile towards each other.

After a fantastic day at the mall we head back to laurels to which the girls head up to laurels room while head towards the living room to talk detective lance about dating his little girl.

" Ummm…Mr.Lance?"

"Yes?" Quentin says as he turns and looks at me.

" Umm I would like your permission to date your daughter…sir!" I say nervous with the man looking me dead in the eye.

" hmmm….okay you can but I wanna make one thing clear…" Quentin says as he gets up to look me dead in my face.

" If you hurt my little girl I will hurt you painfully do I make myself clear!" He says while smirking at the fear that coming across my face.

" Yes Sir!" I say as fear creeps into my soul from what he just said.

After the conversation with Quentin we all hung out in laurels room with her cuddled up next and Thea casually taking pictures of us, but all good things must come to a pause so after leaving laurels we head back to the house with Thea thanking me for the best day ever and we headed to bed after that to which while laying in my bed I promise to be better than the original Oliver Queen.

'I Promise you laurel I will love and cherish you Always!'

Hope you like that first Chapter!!!

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