
Great Library of fleeing Ideas

A book containing random fanfics I wrote in my free time. Not a serious work and won’t probably stick with one fanfic for too long.

1nTroll · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Rinnegan in mcu

Synopsis: big guy gets isekai'ed into the mcu with the Rinnegan.

Was watching Lookism and thought what if a dude on the heavy side gets isekai'ed into even bigger body with the rinnegan? What if he could've a glow up like Daniel?

Chapter 1

"Why is it always me?" I wondered desperately as I lay on the hard, cold concrete. Groaning in pain. My nose shattered and bleeding profusely. My mind is fussy, I can't think straight.

All I can hear are the loud shouts of a stranger. I can't clearly make out what she is saying but she sounds like an older woman. She used a soft cloth to wipe the blood off my bruised face.

That seems to have helped me breathe better, even if slightly. I'm still losing consciousness. Did I lose too much blood? Was I dying? I don't want to, I'm scared. I still have so much left to do. So much I wish to accomplish.

I wonder, would mother even care? Probably not, she did disown me. My body is growing cold. I can feel the icy grasp of death crawling down my spine.

Last I heard before my consciousness was ripped from me were the loud sirens of the nearing ambulance.


My eyes slowly cracked open, my eyelids heavy. "Where am I?" I muttered softly, staring at the simple white ceiling. Its simplicity reminds me of the many days I spent in the infirmary.

Ever since I was little, I've always been bullied because of my weight. Classmates and other kids would call me names like piggy, fatso, and fat ass just to name a few.

In the beginning it was only a little teasing and name calling. It definitely bothered me but it was tolerable. However, as the years passed things grew worse. The bullying became more physical. I was tripped, pushed, and hit. Even my personal belongings were destroyed.

For some time that greatly devastated me. To the point I was depressed. But one day, I said enough was enough and attempted to defend myself. Even though the burst of confidence felt heavenly, it came with its own consequences. I was beaten miserably by a large group. And now here I am. Laying in some bed.

Attempting to block the tiny rays of light spewing through the cracks of the blinds with my arm. My body felt a lot heavier than normal. As I noticed my forearm, my mind blanked. It was nearly two times bigger than previously. What is happening? Am I hallucinating?

As I continued to ponder, a sharp headache snapped me back to reality. As the pain continued to quickly worsen, I grasped my head in agony.

After what felt like hours of being poked by thousands of tiny needles, the pain quickly dissipated. Like it never happened to begin with.

A new set of memories mysteriously emerged in my head. Memories I haven't experienced myself. Memories of this body. My new body. That left me speechless. Was I actually isekai'ed?

Like my previous life, my name is still Alfred. Alfred Pennyworth. We had most of the same childhood experiences. However, there was one key difference. This Alfred was twice as large as me. Nearly four hundred pounds.

Was I really isekai'ed? Or was this just another alternate universe version of me?

Sighing, I reluctantly got off the bed. My movements are slow and sluggish. The old wooden floor creaking under my foot. Every step I took the floor seemed to shake in agony.

Entering the bathroom, I turned on the light switch. The light flickered for a moment before illuminating the room. Reaching the sink, I turned the knob. Cold water gushing from the faucet.

Cupping my hands to wash my face, I noticed my reflection on the mirror hanging on the wall above the sink.

"What the f*ck?" I couldn't help but exclaim perplexedly. My eyes were light purple. Not just the iris, but the whole eyeball was of the same color. Five tine black circles surrounded the pupil. I immediately knew what it was. The Rinnegan. The most powerful of the three great dojutsus in the Naruto franchise.

Oh my God, no freaking way. The Rinnegan. Is this really happening? Is this my isekai cheat ability? Please don't let this be a dream. I'm getting extremely excited.

'I gotta test this out,' I thought, hurriedly crouching to get a toilet roll from the cabinet under the sink. Placing it on the counter, I stretched out my arm. "Shinra Tensei!"

As if thrown by an invisible hand, the roll was launched across the room. Hitting the wall with a loud bang.

"Banshō Ten'in!" As soon as the words left my mouth, the roll was pulled into my hand at an insane speed.

Grasping the roll, I couldn't help but laugh sheepishly. Me having the Rinnegan hasn't fully registered in my mind yet.

Suddenly, a wave of fatigue washed over me. My legs growing weak. Unable to hold myself up, I collapsed to one knee. Panting. 'I really have pitiful stamina huh,' I thought, chuckling hopelessly. My already laughable stamina combined with the huge amount consumed by the Rinnegan quickly exhausted me. Just two abilities and I can barely stand on my legs.