
Great Library of fleeing Ideas

A book containing random fanfics I wrote in my free time. Not a serious work and won’t probably stick with one fanfic for too long.

1nTroll · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Goblin in MCU

Synopsis: An unnamed goblin wakes up in space. Goblin #4844 has the power to materialize a futuristic version of modern weaponry.

Chapter 1

Deep in the dark depths of the vast universe, a strange unconscious figure floats in the cold emptiness of space. Ever so slowly drifting towards a blue planet in the distance. Space junk passing by it once in a while.

The alien creature is short in stature, barely reaching the height of a human child. With its green leathery skin, giant pointy ears, round bald head, long sharp nose, large pupil-less eyes, and big mouth housing large sharp teeth— the creature resembled the typical fantasy goblin.

But what would a fantastical creature that usually lives in forests; be doing drifting in space? Moreover, breathing in the vacuum of space just fine without any equipment?

The body of the creature in question twitched for but a brief moment. So brief, blink and you would miss it. Slowly his eyes opened as he let out a 'loud' yawn. Tiny tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

Wiping away the tears with his gloved hand, the goblin perplexedly looked around. Observing his surroundings carefully. He didn't know where he was or what he was doing here but he knew he had to stay vigilant. That's what the tribe chief taught him and the hundreds of other younglings. The chief said to especially stay aware of humans. They were dangerous, killing thousands of his brethren for sport every day.

Suddenly, from the corner of his eye, he noticed something shiny pass by. 'Shiny! Mine!' He shouted, his mouth seeming to be watering. Not wasting another second, he began chasing after the glistening object. Overcome by greed for pretty things, he discarded everything he learned so far and leaped after it. Driven by mere primal instinct.

As if awakened by the unnamed goblin's desire, a futuristic wing-shaped jetpack materialized on his back, propelling him onwards. As if they were the wings of a diving Peregrine Falcon they folded back, significantly boosting the goblin's speed.

As if they were extensions of his limbs, they allowed the goblin to effortlessly dodge space junk left and right without his knowledge. Or perhaps, he did notice and just didn't bother to care. Only focused on one thing and one thing only, obtaining that pretty object. By any means necessary.

Junk that was impossible to dodge was quickly gunned down by a laser gun that materialized above the goblin. Disintegrating in a matter of seconds. Like they never existed in the first place.

Time swiftly passed as the youngling continued to chase after the shiny object, they were now entering the mesosphere of the blue planet. Suddenly the glistening object began to glow even brighter before quickly catching on fire. Turning to ash the next second.

Helplessly watching as 'his' belonging turned to nothingness in front of his very eyes, a mix of anger and sorrow overwhelmed the young goblin. As tears streamed down his face, he began to deaccelerate. Coming to a stop where the shiny object once was.

"My precious!" He shouted, his eyes widening in despire. His cries filled with sorrow as deep as the Mariana Trench. "My precious shiny!"

'How could this be?' He desperately wondered. 'At this rate, my collection won't ever grow, and then…and then I won't become a grown-up.'

Like every one of his kind, he loved collecting shiny and pretty things. You could say it was in his DNA. In his tribe, to be considered an adult, one must've collected a horde of treasures. One the size of a bathtub. It was a Coming of Age ceremony of sorts.

The 'treasures' could consist of anything the goblins found pretty. Silver, gold, gems, jewelry, or even a little lustrous rock. Anything pretty they found would be added to their collection. This instinctive habit wouldn't stop even in adulthood.

When one completed their Coming of Age ceremony, they would evolve into their adult form. Growing not only in size but strength as well. Lucky individuals even obtained a newfound ability. Knowing this, the humans usually wiped out goblin colonies before this could happen. Afraid of the appearance of another Goblin King.


As the goblin continue to mourn, the jetpack gradually descended, now focused on safely bringing its owner to land. Compared to its previous speed, the current pace of 50 mph felt like a gentle breeze.

Slowly but shortly, the goblin descended onto land, flying birds fleeing at the mere sight of him. As soon as his legs touched the soft grass of a forest, the jetpack instantly dematerialized. The young goblin collapsing on his back. His eyelids heavy.


As soon as his head hit the warm evening grass, he instantly fell asleep. Drained of all energy by his prior temper tantrum and the long chase leading to it. His loud unpleasant snores scaring away all the birds that rested on the tree branches. Animals who were brave enough to approach his sleeping form were quickly scared away by a laser gun that materialized above him.

Nearby, a family of rabbits peeked out from behind a bush, their noses twitching inquisitively. They watched as the goblin slept, their fluffy tails bobbing with excitement. But as one of the bunnies hopped a little too close, the laser gun materialized once again, startling them into a hasty retreat.

From a far, a duo of grazing deer that noticed the panicked rabbits rushing in their direction swiftly and cautiously fled. Not wanting to get involved with whatever the ribbits were running from. This caused a domino effect to unfold in the forest, more and more animals fleeing from where the youngling slept.

Unaware of the commotion he had caused, the goblin continued his peaceful slumber. Dreams of sparkling treasures and grand adventures danced in his mind. In his sleep, a wide smile spread across his face, revealing his sharp yellow teeth.

The sun rose over the lush forest, casting its golden rays on the slumbering form of the goblin. As the young creature slowly stirred from his deep sleep, his green leathery skin glistened with the morning dew. Blinking his large, pupil-less eyes, he yawned and stretched, feeling a renewed energy flowing through his small frame.

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, the goblin sat up and looked around. He found himself surrounded by towering trees, their branches swaying gently in the morning breeze. The forest seemed alive with the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves. It was a peaceful and serene place, a stark contrast to the cold emptiness of space from which he had come.

Before he could get up and survey the area like he was taught by the chief, he a felt a pang of hunger in his belly. His stomach growling loudly. "Hungry," he muttered, his animalistic instincts kicking in. There was only one thing on his simplistic mind now, satisfying his hunger.

Quickly getting to his feet, he began searching the area near where he woke up. Hoping to find something to eat, anything, even some small berries. Every step he took further intensified his hunger, making him grow more and more desperate.

Finally, after what felt like years of endless searching, he found what looked to be a source of food. Not far into the a distance was a fawn grazing defenselessly.

Despite his initial surprise, the goblin swiftly hid behind a large oak tree. His hunger suppressed by the sheer amount of fear he was currently feeling. 'What…what is a Wendigo child doing here?' He wondered, cupping his mouth so as to not let out a single sound.

Wendigo, Forest Demon, Spirit of Vengeance, Curse Bringer, Fallen Spirit. A mythological creature known by many names by the goblin tribe. Mothers of the tribe would tell stories of the monster to their children to prevent them from wandering too far into the forest alone. "The Wendigo will devour you," They would say, "It will suck out your soul and store it in its exposed stomach, doomed to suffer for eternity."

The creature had little to no physical description. For those that were unfortunate enough to meet it, were never heard from again. The only real depiction being an ancient illustration from thousands of years ago.

According to the scroll pased down from generation to generation in the tribe, the creature had a long body with long-hooved legs. A thick layer of fur covering only it's back, limbs, and tip of it's tail. On it's head, were large wildly shaped antlers.

'Is this how I die?' The goblin hopelessly wondered, frozen stiff. Sweat trickled down his pale face. Perhaps it was caused by his anxiety or just the mid-summer heat, it was unclear.

Uncaring of the youngling's fear and desperate battle against hunger, time continued to march on forth. After what felt like years of hiding, the fawn hurriedly fled upon being spooked by the rustling of leaves.