
Great Library of fleeing Ideas

A book containing random fanfics I wrote in my free time. Not a serious work and won’t probably stick with one fanfic for too long.

1nTroll · Anime & Comics
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Bruno In Naruto

Synopsis: Bruno Bucciarati wakes up in an unfamiliar body, still possessing his stand.

Was reading part 8 and got a sudden burst of inspiration. What if Bruno was in the Naruto verse in Naruto's body? How would things change?

Chapter 1

-Konohagakure, The Village Hidden in The Leafs-

The early morning light peaked through the windows of a one bedroom apartment. On the bed of the messy room, laid a blond headed child. No older than six years old.

The child slowly opened his eyes, blocking the glaring light of the sun with his right arm."So bright," he sluggishly groaned.

Sitting up, he observed his surroundings. Confused. He was in a rather small room. On his bedside, there was an old wooden nightstand. On the other side of the room, there was a small wooden closet.

"Where am I?" He muttered, perplexed.

"Last I remember, I was protecting Trish from the boss."

"I have no recollection of what happened after," he groaned, massaging his temples.

Sighing, he got off the bed; getting more information about his current location was his main priority.

Grasping the doorknob of the door near the closet, he muttered, "Sticky Fingers."

Behind him, materialized a tall humanoid man with a blue helmet, adorned with short gold spikes, wearing a blue bodysuit with padded guards and numerous gold zippers all over its body.

He cautiously opened the door, ready to use Sticky Fingers in case it was a trap set by the boss.

Behind the door, was a small bathroom. It had wooden counters, a sink with a mirror on the wall, a toilet, and a bathtub. Looking around the room cautiously, he finally sat his eyes on the mirror.

Staring back at him, was a body he was unfamiliar with. The child had short spiky blond hair, blue eyes, and 3 whiskers on each cheek.

'What is this?' He thought. 'What happened to my body?'

'Was this caused by an enemy stand user?'

'If so, why would they leave me in this place?'

'Why didn't they just kill me?'

'Calm yourself Bruno Bucciarati,' he thought. 'I need to get back to Giorno and the gang.'

As he continued to think about his current situation, there was a loud knock on the front door. "Naruto?," an old raspy voice said from behind the door. "Naruto-boy are you there?"

'Who?' Bruno thought. 'Is this the enemy stand user?'

'But who is this Naruto he's talking about?'

'Sticky Fingers.'

"Ari!" Sticky Fingers cried, punching the wall. Suddenly, a gold colored zipper appeared on the wall.

Unzipping the zipper, Bruno peered his head outside. He looked toward the direction of the voice to only see an old man. He wore a customary hat and haori with a red, full-length kimono that is tied using a white sash. He had a pipe on his right hand.

An older gentleman?' he thought. 'Is he the enemy?'

"Naruto-boy are you sleeping?" The old man said, knocking again. "I brought your monthly allowance."

'Oh,' Bruno thought, coming to a conclusion. 'Naruto must be the owner of this body.'

'But, where did he go?'

Closing the zipper, Bruno headed towards the front door. The zipper disappearing behind him.

"Who is it?" Bruno asked, Sticky Fingers standing behind him. Ready to attack if anything were to happen.

"It's Grandpa Hiruzen," the old man said, relieved that he didn't have to knock any longer.

"Grandpa," Bruno said, opening the door. "Come on in."

"Sorry for making you wait," he said, playing along for now.

"No worries, my boy. I know you're busy studying at the academy," Hiruzen said, patting Bruno on the head. "Here's your monthly allowance."

"I'm sorry I can't stay for long," Hiruzen said sadly. "I have a lot of work today. We'll have to reschedule our fishing trip."

Confused about what Hiruzen was talking about, Bruno continued to play along to get more information. 'Academy?' he thought.

"That's fine," Bruno said, pretending to be disappointed.

"Don't worry," Hiruzen replied. "I'll make it up to you."

"Promise?" Bruno asked.

"Haha, I promise," Hiruzen said, amused by Bruno's antics.

After chatting for a few more minutes, Old Man Hiruzen left. Bruno returned inside, unsummoning Sticky Fingers. 'So that old man wasn't a Stand user,' he thought. 'He didn't even see Sticky Fingers.'

"I'm relieved," he muttered, sitting down at the small wooden table.

'First things first. I need to organize my current knowledge,' Bruno thought. 'I'm inside the body of a six-year-old boy named Naruto.'

'Naruto was familiar with Old Man Hiruzen. He even called him grandpa.'

'And lastly, he went to some sort of academy.'

"I need more information," Bruno groaned. "Having so little information bothers me."

Pocketing the money Hiruzen gave him, Bruno wore his rather worn-out sandals before leaving his apartment.

As he walked the streets of Konohagakure, Bruno observed the hateful glares he received from villagers. He could even sense killing intent from some.

'What's wrong with these people,' Bruno thought, perplexed. 'Why do they hate this body so much?'

"It's the demon child," Bruno heard a woman whisper to her friend. "I wish he could just die already."

"Hey shush," the other woman said. "You know what Hokage-sama said."

'Hokage-sama?' Bruno thought. 'Is that their leader?'

"Excuse me, madams," Bruno said, approaching the two. "Do you know where the library is?"

Ignoring him, the two women walked away, disgusted. "How dare that filthy animal talk to us?" the first woman said angrily.

"I guess I'll find it myself," Bruno muttered, sighing heavily. Ignoring the glares of the villagers, he began heading to the most important looking building. Looking up, he saw four faces carved into a mountain above the building.

'That looks like Mount Rushmore,' Bruno thought, amazed.

'Thats Old Man Hiruzen,' he thought, looking at the third face on the monument. 'Is he an important figure?'

'Why is such an important figure so friendly with Naruto?'

A few moments later, Bruno stood in front of the red building. On the third floor of the strangely shaped building, there was a sign with the kanji for fire.

Entering the building, Bruno saw a black haired woman sitting at the reception desk. 'I hope she's professional enough to not openly show her disdain for me,' he thought hopelessly.

"Pardon me, madam," Bruno said, approaching the desk. "Do you know where the library is?"

"Of course, sir," she said, keeping a professional smile. "It's the blue building on the right."

"It should be near the academy."

"Thank you very much," Bruno said, giving a polite bow before leaving.


Later that night, Bruno was laying on his bed, writing on a small scroll he bought at a large sum. On the scroll, all the information he learnt at the library was written.

'I'm currently in Konohagakure, one of the Five Great Shinobi Nations,' Bruno thought. 'The village is led by the third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen.'

'Shinobi are the primary military force in the village. They perform missions for a price once they graduate from the Ninja Academy.'

'They can perform ninjutsu by using Chakra,' he concluded. 'Chakra is like the life force from Giorno's Golden Experience.'

Yawning tiredly, Bruno hid the scroll inside the wall using Sticky Finger's ability, like he had done before with Polpo's fortune.

Tucking himself in, he slowly entered the dreamland.

Suddenly, Bruno found himself floating above a boxing ring. Two black haired men were mercilessly fighting. A short young man and a taller one with wild eyebrows.

He had never seen these two fighters before but he instinctively knew who they were. Ippo Makunouchi and Ryo Mashiba.

Before he could even comprehend what just happened, he awoke in cold sweat, shocked and confused.

"What just happened," he said, panting heavily. As he caught his breath, new found knowledge rushed into his brain.

Knowledge of the boxing skills of Ippo and Mashiba. The peek a Boo style, Hitman style, Dempsey Roll, Flicker Jab, etc.

'What is this?' Bruno thought. 'Why is this happening?'

'Was this done by the same person who brought me into this world?'

'What are their intentions? What do they hope to gain from this?'

'Overthinking won't change anything,' Bruno thought, sighing. 'I'll just have to keep living like this til I learn more.'

-To Be Continued.