
Gravity Falls: The Lord of Darkness

A heads up the first few chapters maybe confusing but alot of the content in them is explained and will be explained later so bare with them. Without further ado I give you this stories synopsis. A boy named Dipper pines goes to a place in Oregon called Gravity falls to see his Gruncle Stan, a few weeks before he has to go to Oregon he discovers this website on the occult, he gives a sacrifice of sorts and utters a chant then he blacks out, and when he wakes up he discovers a book and begins to learn the inner workings of magic, but it's not as simple as that read to find out more. It's a reincarnation of sorts it was a normal person who was reincarnated no wishes no knowledge nothing but maybe the occasional vision from his past, and who was reincarnated and who reincarnated him that's a secret until its revealed. And just a heads up it's a darker Dipper, this dipper went through years of being ignored and in that time he trained in some martial arts muay tai and the likes, and due to mor having many social interactions holding him down and other factors he was online and it reading alot researching all manner of subjects until one in particular took his fancy, and that subject was the occult it amazes him with intricacies of magic, demons, and concoctions they wrote these based on science and seemed completely believable, and he started making it his goal to become apart of that world, that seemingly imaginative world, and adventually he got what he desired most, now shall we follow him on his journey. ______________________________________________ Now Here's a quote from my people DO YOU KNOW DAE WAE? By the way my name is *Tongue click* ELAE and I do know DA WAE. I know it's a dead meme but it was my favorite meme at the time of writing my old synopsis still is one of my favorites so live with it, my people have spoken. Anywho jokes aside have a very nice day and enjoy my hard work, that is all I ask for and all I strive for is to write quality content for YOU the reader that is all, I hope this synopsis proves adequate, perhaps it isn't but push on through the first chapters and you will enjoy pretty decent quality writing. Well seeya around readers.

deadly_orange · TV
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9 Chs

Dark Ritual

[POV Mason's Bedroom]

A young teenager who appeared to be roughly around the age of fourteen, stood in the center of a pentagram with various symbols one of which was a triangle with one eye. Various candles were placed at each point where each one of the symbols were totalling at five with a final sixth candle placed in the center where the teen with skin that was as white as snow; he had predominant bags underneath his eyes that seemed as pale as ash. His hair was as untamed as a lions mane it was as if the boy just got out of bed. The young teen wore a simple pair of black pajama bottoms and a pajama top that had the top three buttons unbuttoned.

Within his hands was a Buck 120 combat knife the teen seemed to be slightly nervous before a lone tear fell down his face as he seemed to become deep in thought; but once he snapped out of his stupor his eyes showed determination, he had the will to go through with what he thought must be done then he tightly gripped the blade of the knife and slid it across his hand as blood rushed out of his now open palm as if a damn broke the blood oozed out of a large gash that went across his entire right palm.

The candles all around him became a bright blue flame as the boys eyes seemed to lose focus and glow blue as he mumbled incoherent words then his eyelids began to slowly close. The boy seemed perfectly calm as he slept.

Five Minutes Later...

The flames on the candles all shot outwards creating a blue fiery controlled inferno right above the boy it all converged into an orb, gradually the flames faded away revealing a book with a spine made up of three dog heads biting onto the cover of the book. A eye with a vertical slotted pupil in the center the iris was a deep orange that seemed to be a burning bright inferno the pupil was as black as the abyss if one were to stare at the eye closely they could see it moving every so often. Next to the nefarious looking book was a a fairly plain aged book with a transmutation circle on the cover.

The teen began to stir from his sleep, his eyelids began to flutter open as he looked confusedly around his room. As soon as his eyes landed on the two books a smile filled with happiness and eyes beaming with joy greeted the two books. But he quickly looked at his hand with concern written on his face but what his eyes saw was a completely uninjured right hand which brought about a wave of relief for the young teen.


[POV Mason Pines]

I looked at the combat knife in my hands and looked at my reflection, looking at the results of my lifestyle. I saw the bags under my eyes that looked to be as pale as ash, it was just a testament to all of the sleepless nights I spent tirelessly researching various topics to widen my horizons.

'Is it even worth it? What will my mom and dad say when they see the large scar across my hand. I'd probably be diagnosed as suicidal or depressed wouldn't I, the doctor would probably put me on various antidepressants and I'll never really be me again.'

As I looked back at my reflection various memories seemed to resurface. Myself telling fun stories to my friends, playing various games, and even reading comics. I remembered the joy I felt and how fulfilled I felt. All the nights I cried myself to sleep surfaced their ugly head aswell, and then I remember all the adventures I had when I just lost myself into the stories I read; to all the fantastical creatures I read about and the various reports people made on them.

'Do I even want things to go back to how they used to be?'

I asked this question many times each and every attempt I've tried to contact various entities and beings of some kind of power. And the conclusion I always came to was if I really got magic like I desired I'd never want to lose it. I always dreamt of being like one of the characters that at times I believed I was when I got lost within the words.

I began to imagine myself as a detective solving various mysteries surrounding different fantastical creatures like phantoms, Zombies, Wendigo, Chubacabra. Not long after I imagined myself to be a powerful mage wielding magic controlling shadows, raising the dead, creating mechanical masterpieces, creating concoctions that could stop death itself.

I managed to snap out of my deep contemplation with my now reignited determination.

'I don't have much to lose anymore anyways.'

I really didn't think I had much to lose besides my life if the ritual seemingly works but something goes unexpectedly wrong. And if it doesn't work well I can just fake taking pills somehow was what I thought up when I discovered the ritual.

With my resolve now steeled I slid the blade across my hand as one last memory of my family all smiling while we went tubing.

"Triangulum, Entangulum..." I muttered out as my words began to turn incoherent all the while my blood oozed from my closed hand onto the candle causing the candle to burn a bright blue which shouldn't be possible with what I did to it and then I noticed even the candles around me were lit blue as a triangular outline appeared before me. Yet I felt my eyes began to become heavy as darkness began to ecompasulate my consciousness as I was taken into the darkness's warm embrace. My eyes finally closed like a falling guillotine building up momentum to lop off another criminals head.

"Ahahahahahaha." A ominous laughter that seemed to come from everywhere else what I heard as the darkness replaced the last but of consciousness I had.

All around me was darkness not even an ounce of light when I looked down at my hands I saw grey hands that were distinguishable from the darkness, it was as if I didn't fit in.


Five Minutes Later...

I looked around confused at what had happened, I tried to recall what happened but all I remember was the blue flames of the candles and the ritual I performed. I began to look around the room until I saw two books floating in the air one that had an eye in the center of its cover with a vertical slit pupil, and next to the book was a rather plain looking book with the only thing if not was a transmutation circle something that was all too familiar to me. But then I remember I cut my hand open and quickly checked how bad the wound is only to see that my right hand was perfectly fine.

'It must've healed after the ritual was complete I think it mentioned that I'd get the knowledge I desired as long as I did this ritual.'

'But now that's all taken care of, I should open these books right now and see all the cool magic I can learn.' Excitement was the prodomimant emotion I felt in this moment as I reached my hand out to grasp the two books but as soon as my hand touched the plain looking book; information flooded my mind on various chemical equations and various chemical make ups of varying objects. My head felt as if it was about to burst open like a watermelon being filled with air beyond its limits causing it to tremble until it explodes. I felt like my head was that watermelon in this very moment. Once the information stopped flooding my mind I had a migraine of the likes that I never had the privy to feel before. Slowly but surely the information became coherent to me as my mind began to comprehend every bit of it in the matter of minutes, I realized I could combine various ingredients together and if i clapped my hands I could create something as long as paid what was equivalent to it such as if had enough carbon and oxygen I could create.

'This is amazing! I always wanted something like this to happen but I was starting to doubt if I would, after so many failed attempts at getting what I wanted I thought this would fail too. But I'm so happy it didn't this is just so unreal.'


Well Folks a bit of a longer chapter sorry for the late release work has been eating up alot of my writing time, but I've got to work for fairly obvious reasons but I'll try to do daily updates I get out of work a bit earlier tomorrow at around 8 but I start at 12 am so I'm working longer irregardless. But hopefully you are all doing well and I hope the chapter was good, I figured doing a general POV and Mason's POV would be good to further describe various scenes. But yeah I'll be trying to get another few chapters done tonight before I go to bed. But yeah I'll seeya guys later I'll be writing more chapters for you all. So I hope you all have a wonderful day or night wherever or whenever you maybe and hopefully this made your guy's day just a bit better seeya later everyone.

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