
Gravity Falls: The Lord of Darkness

A heads up the first few chapters maybe confusing but alot of the content in them is explained and will be explained later so bare with them. Without further ado I give you this stories synopsis. A boy named Dipper pines goes to a place in Oregon called Gravity falls to see his Gruncle Stan, a few weeks before he has to go to Oregon he discovers this website on the occult, he gives a sacrifice of sorts and utters a chant then he blacks out, and when he wakes up he discovers a book and begins to learn the inner workings of magic, but it's not as simple as that read to find out more. It's a reincarnation of sorts it was a normal person who was reincarnated no wishes no knowledge nothing but maybe the occasional vision from his past, and who was reincarnated and who reincarnated him that's a secret until its revealed. And just a heads up it's a darker Dipper, this dipper went through years of being ignored and in that time he trained in some martial arts muay tai and the likes, and due to mor having many social interactions holding him down and other factors he was online and it reading alot researching all manner of subjects until one in particular took his fancy, and that subject was the occult it amazes him with intricacies of magic, demons, and concoctions they wrote these based on science and seemed completely believable, and he started making it his goal to become apart of that world, that seemingly imaginative world, and adventually he got what he desired most, now shall we follow him on his journey. ______________________________________________ Now Here's a quote from my people DO YOU KNOW DAE WAE? By the way my name is *Tongue click* ELAE and I do know DA WAE. I know it's a dead meme but it was my favorite meme at the time of writing my old synopsis still is one of my favorites so live with it, my people have spoken. Anywho jokes aside have a very nice day and enjoy my hard work, that is all I ask for and all I strive for is to write quality content for YOU the reader that is all, I hope this synopsis proves adequate, perhaps it isn't but push on through the first chapters and you will enjoy pretty decent quality writing. Well seeya around readers.

deadly_orange · TV
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9 Chs

A Mystery

[POV Mason Pines]

'I just can't understand how everyone seemingly couldn't hear me yet I spoke out quite loudly. Mable didn't even acknowledge the fact nobody reacted to my outburst.'

'They were probably all in on some sort of prank to make me look stupid, there's nothing I can really do about it but hope things go back to being normal soon. It's not like I could convince the teacher into siding with me on this matter when it's me against the entire class.'

I glanced at the clock and saw it was Nine Thirty.

'I should probably go to sleep.. but only after I read another chapter or two of Unsolved Mysteries.'

I got up from my bed and went to candle to candle blowing gently on them extinguishing each individual flame until one was left as I pulled a book titled Unsolved Mysteries and all over the cover were various creatures and objects such as phantoms, bats, a bipedal wolf like creature. I read for what felt like hours getting lost into the different clues, interviews and descriptions of events I felt as if I was in every crime scene and mystery I felt as if I was the one investigating what happened the clues seemingly linked together and I came to my own conclusions. As I got more lost into a world of my making my sadness, worries, and frustrations seemed to fade away like a gentle breeze.

Two Months Later....


[POV Hallway]

A Boy with hair as brown as milk chocolate, skin as white as fresh snow, light brown eyes, and tears running down his face as he tried to read as if he was trying to get something off his mind. Yet the shadows around him seemed to embrace him gently caressing him within the safety of the darkness.

"Why is this happening to me?" The boy asked him self quietly. The pain he felt in the moment could be easily felt through each one of his words from his tone.

The boy tried to read his book yet he never seemed to get better he seemed unable to get immeres into his book he just had a constant look of sadness yet if one were to look into his eyes they could see his Iris shifting brown to crimson.

8 Hours Later...


[POV Dippers House]

A crying boy silently walked through the door alone A man with a bit of stubble, short brown hair that was combed to the side yet it was a full head of hair. On his face was a pair of square glasses, he wore a dress shirt, a pair of Jean's and a tie, he wore inky black dress shoes as if he just got off of work.

A woman who had a fairly noticable chest and derriere, with wide hips and with thighs that weren't skinny but fairly thick. She had short hair went down to her ears all the way around with short bangs in the front. Both of the adults had light brown hair, the mother had light red eyes while the father had light brown eyes.

The woman rushed towards the boy seeing his downtrodden tear ridden expression.

"Dippy what's wrong?" The woman asked with care.

"Dipper did something happen?" The Man asked as his lanky figure exited the kitchen.

Yet the boy just seemed unable to let the words leave his mouth instead he began crying even more profusely seemingly due to thinking about why he was upset.

"Dippy is there anything we can do for you?" The woman asked with unbidden concern

"I..I just want to go to my room." The boy sobbed inhaled deeply constantly as he cried causing the pause his sadness was made apparent with each word that was uttered by the boy.


[POV ???]

"Everything's going according to plan, soon Dipper will be easy to manipulate in time." A triangular being with one eye spoke towards a little red Imp as he sat upon a throne made a various inhuman skeletons.

"Soon I'll need you to do your part Frank, by aiding in manipulating the boy in the direction I want for his development. If not well I'll just disassemble you molecule by molecule either way."

"O.of course I will my lord." The short red demon responded with a great amount of fear even stuttering somewhat.


[POV Dippers Room]

The boy looked through every book in his trying to find one that interested yet each and everyone he ended up setting aside all the whole crying even more; in a mix of frustration at the fruitless endeavor and sadness because of his situation.

The boy flipped onto his bed stuffing his face into his pillow as he cried himself to asleep after thirty minutes.


Sorry for the constant time skips and POV changes but its setting up the groundwork for future chapters plus I never planned on exploring before plot a whole lot. But yeah as you can see everyone seemingly ignoring him and Mable dismissing him constantly has caused this. Next chapter is the science fair, some research and then either a few weeks before the goes to gravity falls or that will happen the following chapter. I hope you all are enjoying this chapter and I'll seeya all in the next one. I hope you all have a wonderful day or night wherever or whenever you are.

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