
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs


After a long and stressful explanation, amons mother finally eased her stressed heart.

Not long after, everyone left after the doctor came and drove them all out.


Amon was finally alone in the room

After 15 minutes of no one coming in he sighed and decided to go rest.

"I heard that you where stab by a sword. yet, the isn't any sword stabbing wounds on your body"

Before amon could closs his

eyes, the Baron suddenly pop out of nowhere in front of him.

'How did he suddenly appear in front of me, I didn't notice anything.

Amon suddenly jump from he's laying positive with the sudden appearance of he's father.

"How long have you been there?" he asked.

"Since the time when you where looking around Luke a thief" the Baron said deeply.

"And what is it you want, your lordship?"

Amon asked jokingly.

"The truth....." Elden replied with same deep voice

"About what father?" Amon asked innocently

"About the magic sword that's connected to you" elden said with he's eyes glowing sharply

"Magic sword?" Amon was genuinely confused and purposely displayed it on he's face

"Are you perhaps talking about Xehu's dagger?" Amon inquired keenly

"It seems you truly don't know then...." Baron slaen eyes finally returned to normal

"I'll take you somewhere in three days time,try to gets some rest and mental preparation When you are completely healed and discharged tomorrow" elden spoke in he's usual loving and caring voice, as he started walking towards the door once again

"Father aren't you going to explain? What magic sword?" He asked in a hurry only to receive a smile

Then elden closed the door.

The next day Amon was finally discharged, after staying with he's family and chatting with he's friends for sometime.

He went to visit emz whom is currently writing something with casual concentration. The moment amon entered the study room, emz spoke without looking up

"You're finally up?"

"Yeah, I didn't suffer much injuries anyways" Amon replied casually, as he climbed on top a chair and sat down

"What are you doing? Isn't that the insect eyed sword pair you got from that slave trader?" Amon asked

What emz was writing on wasn't a book nor scroll but the pair of swords which the bredradic slave trader was using

"I discovered a few errors in the runes which the blacksmith placed wrongly and I decided to replace all the old and unnecessary runes, but the weaving of artificial energy veins to form runes is truly a work of concentration" emz said casually

" You don't seem to use much concentration... But how much of an improvement would it result to from replacing the former runes?" Amon asked

"This sword would have a 25-30% increase in power and it's natural abilities would boost by a great deal. An if its lucky it would gain an extra ability" emz said

"if it's lucky? Shouldn't it be if 'you're' lucky? " Amon asked casually while picking a book and reading

"it is it's fortune to increase in power.... done" emz spoke afterwards he picked up the pair of swords and started taking a closer look at them

"So...Sir emz I'll like for use to start another advancement in lessons, as this current level of education is somewhat undermining for me"

"Is that so..... alright then"

He said while throwing the swords to the corner

"Oh.... I also want to tell you that I'll not be available two days from now" Amon added

"Why is that so?" Emz asked casually

"My father and I would be going somewhere, as for the specifics I don't know" Amon said

"Then let's start todays lesson with anatomy of the Echmetier humphot X"



"Do you still dare to make a call for reinforcement? Do you think my hundreds of subordinates are

joking with you?"

"Today, I'm going to chop you into pieces and feed them to the beasts in the forest!"

A scared face man roared in excitement , he and he's own people had arrived, and they were laughing arrogantly.

Standing at their center was a man in a long cloak with a hood

that was pulled over he's


Even though he was surrounded by

hundreds of people, the man's

expression remained unchanged, and the cold and ruthless killing intent emanating from him did not diminish

"bless me Evmerza god of the New dawn ;Death to my enemies" with a single prayer, the hooded man simply waved he's hands and multiple arrays of spells arranged themselves in a complex formation

With effects of the arrays, large creatures made from the earth, trees, and other elements present to create golem's

"Dawn's Enhancement: low class butchering

Dawn's Enhancement: exploding death

Dawn's Enhancement: defence density"

"Everyday we trained and enhance our skills to prepare ourselves for the days we fight against the evils of this world and the honor of our god. that is the calling of the Dawn Temple" the man said with dignified tune

'For the upcoming artifact retrieval. The cardinal has often trained the three of us together, We created hundreds of strategies and

formations appropriate for the guardians. yet few days before we can proceed with the retrieval I've been abused by this bandit cult people' he thought with gritted teeths

'I must admit, that their fighting

techniques and skills are truly different than how we of the Dawn Temple were taught but alse it's a demonic cult technique's.

"l give you two options now. First, you can work for me and I'll spare your life." The leader of the enemies spoke with a booming voice

"Second, I'll kill you now, chop you into pieces, and feed you to the dogs, Choose one!"

The man's face was filled with killing intent as he stared at the leader.

"I choose the third option, which is to kill you." He said with killing intent flashed in he's eyes

"May the god of dawn guide your souls to eternal damnation"

Upon saying so, he attacked with he's summoned golems

I'll be resuming again, maybe 3 to 4 chapters weekly

OceanStarcreators' thoughts