
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Dark Forest Exploration

A large elk twice that size of a normal elk was peacefully grazing, unbeknownst to it a par of eyes were looking straight at it from hidden place.

Suddenly a shadow swashed by and hit the elk hard causing it to tumble, this elk was gravely surprised and wanted to stand up again yet his antlers were grab by a pear of small hands which surprisingly forced it down even with its great strength and size.

"Green hooved great elk, one of the many great elk. Strength is your main strong suit but I'm sorry to inform you, with how unbalanced you are and my strength enhancement technique you truly have not means of gathering strength" a young voice spoke with the most common tounge of the white dragon empire.

The elk struggled badly yet it couldn't escape, it called sorrowfully yet it had no one to respond to it's calls. this is the tragic faith of most of the outcasted green hooved great elk species, they are creatures that stay in large colony and they value their mobility above anything else,any one that slows down the colony is immediately chased out with rumours.

Such elks are later know as the outcasts or loners so they have no one to support them in their times of need.

But luckily for this great elk...

Suddenly it felt the grip loosen when it had already given up hope. Very quickly did it jump up and ran.

After running far from the area,it scanned it's surrounding and found it was alone, only then did it release it guard.

Soundedly, the elk looked at it's left hide leg and discovered it's former injury, the reason for it banishment from it colony,it's greatest regret is completely healed.

This elk's are extremely smart, some as smart as a human ten year old. Very quickly the elk figured out it was probably the human that healed it. This realization caused the elk confusion.

After a few minutes hesitant, it returned to where it was ambushed only for it to not see any human there.

Far from where the elk is. A young wearing hunting suit was running and jumping from tree to tree, as though he was some sought of leopard. This was of cause amon, who's father brought to the dark forest told him he would spend sometime in it and gave a simple steel short sword, told to explore and disappeared without trace.

Amon was very surprised when his father disappeared a he had thought him to be an ordinary individual,but he had not much time to waste as he quickly ran around found a large tree that was not poisonous, carved a large hole at the top, spree it with a insecticide chemical, proceeded to light a small fire in it to dry the inside, put out the fire, fill the under of the hole with smoothed wood, then top it with dried grass to create a soft filling, put two holes in the mouth of the hole and cover with a cloth the wood prevented weathery changes like rain, excess sunlight, or even to much wind.

And with that a somewhat safe and comfortable shelter was made. Afterwards, he dropped his camping bag inside, a little hardened jerky, equipted his space bag, shortsword and dagger (both the one his father gave him and his xuha's dagger) and he quickly started exploring the forest.

Why would he expose himself to so much danger? Well the reason is simple. Not once since he was born had he not been under somesought of protection.

For the first three days, he simply explored and mapped out his surroundings, specific the areas and landscape around his shelter. Then he quickly gathered resources, from edible plants, wild games, mushrooms and even herbs for medical reasons.

Using another four to five days to upgrade his hideout by digging deeper into the tree and creating more space and room for himself. Started brewing medicine with the herbs, from simple ones like the blood clothing medicines to the pain reduction medicine and anti venom and anti poison. Then he brewed simple poison's from sleeping willow flowers, chest inflation poison from the roots of damza plant and more.

Afterwards he kept digging down his tree till he had made an entire three story buildings inside, with multiple rooms and even a kitchen. He had made the very top of the tree his watchtower and with his telescope, he could much more easily study the environment.

He took note of all predators and preys, from the beast at the top of the food chain till the ones at the very bottom.The most dangerous thing in this entire area is a mountain bear, a bronze heart mountain bear, which amon had decided to name big brown.

Mountain bears are middle tier 11 to middle tier 10 creatures ,they are very powerful and prideful creatures, and amongst them is the bronze heart mountain bears.

It is the third strongest member of its kind, and they are violent beast with large appetite yet they are mostly peaceful if not disturbed.

The are few beast in the area which can stand their ground against big brown. The few whom can are; 1 foreign bronze heart mountain bear, 2 a lone Lymax whom barely leaves their territory, 3 a pack of dust dogs whom occupy a westain cave to big brown, and lastly the elk alpha of the green hooved elk's.

Upon gaining better grasp of his immediate encouragement, he decided to truly start exploring. during his time in the forest he had been constantly using his body technique's plus adding to his exercise he had grown a sturdy and solid body.

His only companion in this forest was xehu whom wouldn't shoutup once he starts talking. Yet thanks to xehu he was able to gain more in depth knowledge on many strange plants and organisms. Xehu truly was a man of the wilds in his time.

Along the way he spotted the green hooved elk and after few moments of calculating the pros and cons, he decided not to kill it as it could alert the predator's in the area and it wouldn't be nice smelling like blood. So instead he simply decides to help the poor creature instead and treated its wound with a mixture of herbal and healing portions he made to manage his imported resources.

You could even say he was testing it out on the elk.

Well that's that.

'xehu!' Amon spoke with irritation.

-yes? My dear master- xehu answered with a exaggerated voice.

'please stop'

-stop what? -

'stop narrating my life '

-why not?-

'keep narrating and you'll sleep in the space pouch for weeks on end'

-alright, alright you win-