
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

chapter 41(unknown stranger within and whitespace waking up at home)

'what the hell is this creature....how I'm I suppose to kill this thing????' Amon thought with blood dripping from many angles of his body, while holding a metal sword looking at the thing or whatever the fuck that creature is...

standing across him and looking at him was a pure white creature, which has a physique as a human being...but with much longer limbs and a face with only a large mouth present...at it's back is a long and slender tale which would occasionally sway left and right

putting it's front limbs on the ground...and applying the form similar to that of animals

it immediately punched at amon with speed higher than amon when he is using his speed technique ...

forcing him to slide left while putting the steal sword at his right.. protecting himself from claw strike of the creature which lost its balance from not landing on anything yet still stroke out with it's left claw


Wondering how amon got here?...

well it's all started sometime back

-an unknown amount of time earlier-

after passing out,Amon found himself in a pure white space nothing below his legs and nothing above his head...

he felt like flying yet falling at the same time.... even then,he could still walk as though he was on sullied ground

after calling out a couple of times and walking around the space for what seemed like a very, very long time...

when it's seems as though he's patience was running low...he suddenly felt a presence behind him

turning around, he found a man with simple face structure and long dark brown if not black hair stretching till his back, wearing humble clothing... simple light brown old and ancient gowned clothing and an similar ancient hooded coat...

his head standing high as though natural made that way...his aura flows with pure casualness and uncaring of everything

'this man is dangerous....I can't tell the reason but he is very dangerous....he might even be more dangerous than the guys at the middle thrones and is approaching the guys at the higher thrones...' Amon thought, as his everything is telling him to not face that guy at all...if possible he should just hide himself and let him pass by him

he finally spotted someone yet his first feeling towards the person was danger.....if not fear

'that's not possible...I only fear myself, nothing else not ghost nor man' amon continued evaluating this being but his thoughts where broken by a empty yet mature voice

"are you done brainstorming or should I still give you more time?" the stranger said

causally replying without delay or hesitation,amon asked

"greetings good uncle, sorry if my gaze have drawn displeasure from you" amon spoke while bowing in general Antiques

yet the gaze of the stranger changed not

"speak of what,you have held back and talk as free with me as you do yourself" the stranger said

raising an eyebrow in momentary interest, amon thought

'is he saying I should speak freely with him? well that's an interesting way to put it'

"thank you for your allowance in freedom of speech....please if I may ask....what is this place and how can I leave?" amon asked not caring for chitchat anymore

bending slightly and falling backwards,the stranger feel and closed is eyes on a throne made of rough darkish black stones...

from where the throne came from unknown...yet amon asked not as he was still waiting for the reply of the stranger

although the stranger fell on throne,the throne was not by any means below.. instead it was above..

'seems like space is disarrayed in this space'

(authors note: the two SPACE points out to different things)

after over 10 minutes of waiting,(according to amon personal calculations) he asked again without any changes to his tune

"uncle?, you have yet to answer the question..." amon asked

" I know" he said

'you know? then why you wasting my time?????' amon thought

"then..do you not know?" amon asked, without giving away impression of anger

'if so you should have just said you didn't '

"I do" the stranger replied once


'nigga.....!!!' amon frowned internally

"then...?" amon asked with a smiley face

"then what?" the stranger asked

'do you have amnesia? or are just slow? he's messing with me..right?'

raising his face from his right hand which he used to support it while sleeping,and opening his eyes looking straight into amon eyes... making amon want to step back in retreat yet refuse to do so for reason's unknown to himself

he spoke with his calm, empty and cold voice

"I said, ask....." slightly adjusting his position he closed his eyes again

completing his sentence after the small delay

"I never said I would answer"

not even a quarter of a second later amon throw a cold honeybun at the stranger's face...

the honeybun moved with unpredictable speed, quickly surpassing the normal throw force of an average stone throw

yet before the honeybun could reach the stranger..it froze midair

"why" the stranger asked

amon standing tall with his chest up and his head raised proud

smiling wickedly he replied

"because you look homeless to me"

as soon as he said those words,amon instant regret everything

sweating from his back yet he didn't remove the smile from his face..

his legs threatening to shake yet he refused the urge

his only thought while being stared at by this unknown yet dangerous being.....was

'hoopangel,after so many years,I finally did it...but it seems it's going to cause my much for it' amon thought

yet what's he expected never came

instead what came was a warmer gaze from the stranger...

"good... very good" he said

raising his right hand and pointing forth toward amon

smirking slightly..

suddenly turning it upside-down and pointing up

then he spoke another word


the honeybun instantly disappeared at the same time Amon blacked out yet he woke immediately almost as though he simply blink

yet he knew

looking up from the ground and feeling the familiar presence close by,he asked..

"how long was I out?"

"six hours according to your time"

the stranger spoke

getting up from the ground and touching his head,only to touch a bump on it

looking around in a slow-hurry

speaking once more from the throne,the stranger ask with a little interest in his voice

"are you searching for the honeybun?"

"was it truly the honeybun that hit me?" Amon asked in response to the question

"are you from earth? " the stranger asked

"you know earth?" amon asked with interest as he finally looked at the stranger

not responding to the question, he was simply looking at a simple iron steel sword

he looked at Amon once more than asked

"do you desire freedom?"

"are you a devil?" Amon asked instead

"are you mad?" the stranger asked

"do I look mad?" Amon asked

"do you believe you are normal?"the stranger inquired, while pointing towards his own head

"....yes" amon answered with slight squinting eyes

"enough playing...do you desire to leave this place?" style stranger asked

'oooh that's what you mean....then why are you making it sound so ominous' amon thought

"can you give me the freedom I desire?" Amon asked with his expression going back to normal

"yes and no"the stranger answer

"elaborate" amon asked

" freedom is only acquired through hardship and battle"

"...." anon looked at the stranger in confusion and suspicious


"what?,you just said battle?? " amon asked

"oh?sorry I almost said to much"

"relaying on the dead for everything is right..." saying so he throw the steel sword forward

after spinning midair it landed right in front of Amon's feet's

looking at the normal looking steel sword,he heard

"prove your worth....that is the only path to get out from here" the stranger's voice sounded

looking up amon discovered he wasn't there anymore

looking around in a hurry

and shouting

"hey....I'm sorry for throwing honeybun's at you....you should know I'm just a child, leaving me all alone here, giving me a sharp object and giving me incomplete information about battle and stuff"

his voice meet nothing but silence

after receiving no response from the stranger,amon quickly picked up the steel sword

' after coming to this strange space, not only can I not find my space bag but I seems to have lost xoha'z dagger... luckily another weapon is available for defense now" amon thought

looking forward he saw a creature of pure whiteness ,the creature which cause him much injuries and pain


'I've only managed to strike it twice since this bloody fight started...one didn't cause much damage while the other is by accident' amon thought while blocking another two swift strike

'after exchanging blows some many times,I've discovered a terrifying news.... this motherfucher is learning from me'

hopping back and using the sword to block a powerful tale strike, amon was sent flying

after landing on his feets he immediately ducked and swung his sword only for the creature to imitate his earlier hopping and parrying with it's claws

"but looking you are simply basic as fuck" Amon said while smiling wickedly

"that's enough playing around"

he declared with his entire Aura changing

the creature felt it and took a defensive stance...yet it was in vain

amon suddenly appear at its back... swinging down with unreasonable momentum

directly cutting off the creature's head

and casually cutting it's body to pieces afterwards

the blood which came from the creature was golden.....

clapping sounds came from his back...

turning over just to see the stranger sitting once more on his throne and smiling coldly at him

"good...now I am certain you can handle it"

"handle what?" amon who wanted to complain heard this and decided to forget about his anger

smiling wickedly,the stranger said

"my gift"

as soon as he said those words,amon looked at the sword in his arms...only to discover it has turn bloodred and is continuously dripping blood from it's tip

in the next moment he woke up


in a room inside the slaen mansion

Amon was on a bed,while his Silvia was pilling ehphra fruit by his side...

humming a sweet tune

when she noticed armon arms vs vibrate... causing her to drop the knife and fruit

looking at his face...

and He was smiling back at her

"how long was I out?" amon asked with a silly smile

tears dropped down slowly from Silvia eyes then it turned to river of tears.....of joy

amon was taken aback by the sudden outburst...

well that's just the beginning

in the next moment Silvia ran out....

leaving Amon flabbergasted

in the next moments... Silvia returned with a small crowd... comprises of both of Amon's parents,his sister,the chief guard,head maid and butler and a medical doctor.... eight people

the first people to come into Amon's sight where his mother and sister ,who were both running without reserve or caring for their own image

the sight of his mother and sister in such embarrassing state cause slight heartache's in Amon

next was his father who maintain a forefront image of nobility but as soon as they entered the building...

he quickly disregarded such characteristics..

from Amon point of view he could see the headmaid carrying a worried expression while lecturing elden...yet she was on the fourth on the runners list

though she looked old but she was surprisingly strong for her age....

seeing the image of his family running towards him...he fully accepted it as facts that he came home safe and sound

immediately after arriving at Amon side his mother gave him a deathly Bear hug,squeezing 50 percent of the air in amon lungs.... causing him to vibrate badly from the lack of air yet his sister took away the last of the oxygen with a similar deathly hug...

luckily for Amon,the doctor came to his rescue...

after rearranging the medical appliances,the doctor started checking Amon's pulse and other body functions..

using but scientific medicalization and magical medicalization

after he finished,he asked some questions then he left to run more tests at the medical wards of the hospital of the slaen barony...

looking down awkwardly, Amon asked softly yet without hesitation.

"mom dad and everyone,I'm sorry for causing you worry"

after crying for sometimes Amons mother looked up and smiled sweetly while saying

"worry? no one is worried.we all trust your judgement and ability...but you'll have to explain yourself"

although she smiled, Amon could feel the seriousness of the question....