
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasy
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43 Chs

chapter 7(finally home)

everyone just laughed at the sight of the young master of the slaen barony screaming like crazy over spilled water

after 5 more minutes of organizing ,the journey resumed

at the middle of the day amon went to one of the middle back carriage which was arranged as a study for him and sir emz

"I heard you got spilled with water by a giant snake....what species was it?"emz asked with interest

"think nothing of the spilled water part....what is more interesting is that the snake was a thousand eye python with a slight trace of dragon blood" amon stated with interest as well

after a year of being together the bond between them has gotten more closer and more comfortable

"it found dragon blood?....what a lucky little snake....let's get start, we would be arriving at your main house by 3 days time so let's not rush much this period"emz said with dimming interest


as said by emz exactly three days later they arrived at the slaen Barony main house from the dark forest's

As they reached the gates of the main house,

Amon was taken aback to

see two giant beast standing

guard at the gate. He was also

caught off guard at the number of people waiting outside for them. They had not even entered into the main house but the gates alone was screaming wealth

the gate look plain with black material used as the main material on it were small markings of unknown characters and underneath the markings were veins or wiring which look like a bio sci Fi tech wiring

standing at the two sides of the beast's where four squadron of knights in black armor with crimson markings and veins similar to that of the gate

the headmaid and headbutler had unknowingly return before everyone, standing respectively on the right and left sides of a huge knight with crimson armor and black markings slightly different from the other guard

on his side was a greatsword which he carried on his hip like how normal knights carries a normal long sword

this is Austin the leader of the slaen barony guard's and the main protector of the of the borany

stepping forward and doing a guard greeting to his family

then he took of his helmet underneath the Hemet was a blond

man with long hair and a diamond shaped face,he was very very handsome

"my lord,my lady, young miss welcome back home.....ah you must be the young master.....this is the present I prepared.....I hope this helps you as I heard you had an interest in the book collection of (ufgrah the slivick wonderer)" he said while handing a small package with a bright smile on his face

Amon who was behind his mother step forward with slow steps but when he heard (ufgrah the slivick wonderer) he hasten his step

and took the package from Austin but did not forget to thank him

bowing slightly using the noble greeting toward fellow nobles and Knight's

"thank you uncle Austin...."Amon started

"... uncle....that sounds nice....but It makes me sound old you can call me brother Austin" everyone on the scene other than Amon sighed softly as they all know about Austin phobia towards old age

"let's go inside then...Open up the gates the Lord has returned" as if making a declaration the giant gate open by itself

inside the gates is a massive...no, calling it massive would be wrong calling it a colossal arrey of mansions'ok, moving above the earth were devices looking like cars,floating in the air making a formation and below them were two row of servants male to the right and female to the Left

the road was made of a material which look beautiful when light reflect on it with status decorating all sides of the main road and the other two minor roads

everyone return to their carriage and slowly waited for them to arrive at the stop


inside the main building is a place you can describe as beyond beautiful....like just think of the must beautiful image of a place you can imagine.....this place is 50% mure beautiful

at evening the baron husted a small banquet for only the family, friends and servants

at morning everyone resumed their duty...

having nothing to do,maria tour amon around while being escorted by Anna nad Silvia


at afternoon amon went to study, at the evening he would join his family in garden or the art room and lastly at night he would go to sleep

this repeated till he became 5

13nth months of into year, also known as month of merging; point hems(note: that world is I massively different from earth; a single year is 22 months and there are 25 moon cycles)

the baron invited a scholar mage from the mage association who would be conducting the test of finity for Amon

in the main building the scholar mage going by Osteen was standing in the middle with a machine that looks like a floating globe,the baron and his wife,the head maid and head butler,and the other of the slaen barony where standing at the Left side whereas Amon was on the right side

after putting different things into the devices, murmuring something he lookat amon