
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

chapter 6(returning to the slaen barony)

"oh....good observation skills.....let me ask you, on which page is the info of the details and the difference between the dark and moon elves?" emz asked

"on the chapter 27 of page 1607 verse 2.08 of the (ortic of races and species) "Amon recited from memory

"alright..... surprising it's true" emz was truly surprised

'for a human...which is not of the ancient family or of a bloodline descent to possess this much mental capacity...I'm truly starting to have interest in your grandson sir'

emz thought after checking and discovering it's was true in his own

(ortic of races and species)

taking a small metal device which looks like a modern day smartphone and has colorless crystal inbanded into the back

taking a little bit of the gold dust from the small bag and putting it in a small opening on the device

"take put it close to your head" emz said

after hesitating for a second or two

"what is this....?"he ask with suspicion

"this is a mental capacity tester which is use in the continent since the establishment of the mechanic congress,it is Safe, feature with protecting battery and

Auto-disconnect when it is done"

"you can rest assured you only have to count 1 to 10 backwards and it would measure your brainwaves to make an estimate score in number"emz added

"okay"a replied came from him

afterwards he took the tester then looked at the screen which read

5-9 normal

10- 19 active

20-29 hyper

30-49 hyper active

50-70 talent

70-99 genius

100true genius

after glancing at it he put the device close to his forehead and counted backwards slowly

afterwards the device screen displayed




for a second or two

all the Data disappeared it display

[Displaying Data :::



lesser Hyper active ]

''oh.,so you fall into the category of hyper active....even if it's lesser that's impressive a normal adult human being around the age of 19-20 would be in the hugher active territory" emz started with a smile

'but what I did not tell you is this is a Royal tester used in testing Royal being and higher class being around the age of 15-16 for the royal academy of academy'

'the minimum entry mind capacity is higher hyper active' added in his mind

"let's continue another day, time has gone a little above schedule for history,now to the next subject,"emz spoke

"sir you haven't answered my question though....?"Amon asked

"cough.. cough...I figured we where forgetting something..... sigh...I was originally going around exploring the continent looking for history sites and Traces of ancient civilizations but your grandfather had to come and ask me to tutor you for 7 years as repayment of an old Dept" emz spoke with a bitter smile

"grandfather..."Amon murmur with wonder who this grandfather of his was and why no one was talking about him

"let's continue.....'"


a year later when Amon turn four the family decided to return to their main house, apparently they just discovered that they are in the middle of a jungle

passing by a small hidden road in the large forest was a convoy of carriage in the number of 20 - 30

in the middle carriage Amon family were having a family time while having tea,Amon was sleeping on his mother lap while Maria and their parents where laughing and telling jokes,sometimes mocking Amon for his weird sleeping habits of smiling while sleeping but Amon was sleeping soundly

suddenly a mighty ruckus sounded waking Amon up and spilling tea on the table wires

elden frown and murmur something

which a person without trained ears could not hear

then he got out of the carriage and started speaking with loud voice to calm the people who where already going rowdy outside

the entire family came down from the carriage

right in front of them was a giant python as big as a small mountain crossing the cannon which was in front of them, with dark green scales and eyes all over it's body on the very top of it's head were two lump's, the force from his movement alone generates enough force to shake the bulky looking bridge

"this is a thousand eye python, looking at its two bumps it seem that it was lucky enough to discover a drop of dragon blood which is letting it jump over must of the 10 thousand years of tribulation to become an Imogen.....after another thousand years of tribulations and cultivation it would break past it past self to become a dragon...well lesser dragon that is"elden calmly stated

"what a lucky little guy" enslym added

"waaa...it's hugeee....."Maria said

Amon was just standing there with his eyes glowing with slightly less than a crowd of different light of thoughts

after waiting for 15minutes the python finally finished passing when it's almost completely gone it wave its tail slightly and splash water on Amon..... Only Amon....no one else just Amon


"you...you....I'm talking to you stop.... stop now" Amon