
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasy
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43 Chs

chapter 8(the elements refused to respond; energy without essence)

looking at the now five years old Amon you can easily tell, just like his father.....he would be average in looks, but impressive physique

walking up to the scholar mage and the testing device,he stops 1 yard from them

Osteen spoke up with a tired voice" Amon slaen you are to put your hands on the ball and speak this exact phrase 'element's response to my call and show me the world through your eyes' okay?"

"be careful using this device consume resources massively, understood ?" he added

"yes...."Amon responded nervously and slowly Walked forward step by step,every step he takes increases the heart rate of his parents by a small percentage

finally Standing before the globe like objects,he discovered that it was not completely transparent as he hard initially thought,the globe were small the same type of veins used in making the gate but this one seems slightly more complicated as it disappears and appears with different patterns with different colors each time, Amon learned from sir emz that the veins were called artificial energy veins and the patterns there make are called runes,the artificial energy veins are like more advanced wiring system used in sci Fi movies,when there take damage their would automatically mend and repair themselves,

there's the other type of energy veins which are form by nature and the world's will called natural energy veins and there appear mostly in natural formed treasures and small areas to form a natural cultivation sites like caves and mountain top where a massive amount of energy is overflowing

but those are topic would be imparted to me in the academy according to sir EMz

back to the present situation

Amon put his right hand on the globe and recited "element's response to my call and let me see the world through your eyes"

suddenly a massive flow of energy and different colors of light flowed out from the globe

orange and red represents fire, blue represents water, brown represents earth, skyblue represents wind, green represents plants,gold represents metal,black represents darkness, white represents light and more

speaking in a fast paced yet tired voice "close your eyes and feel the Link....." Osteen spoke while Amon followed the instructions given by the scholar

" what do you feel?" asked Osteen

"I feel like I'm in a massive forest....with different trees, each tree has vast number of branches each branch houses different colors with different feels to them.... some are hot,some are cold ,some are withering, whereas some are filled with vitality and much more"Amon started with an amazed face you can see the wonder and interest

""""wow!!!""""" everyone got rowdy

"""incredible "

""he's able to feel the forest of origin""

""not a single tree or a small group of trees""""murmur ""'whisper....."

"sheeee!!!!" Osteen quieted them all,you can see he is empower,his eyes where filled with a new light of energy and focus.....there was also another pair of light in his eyes..... they were nervousness and anticipation

because being able to sense a single tree shows that a person has strong connection towards a specific house of elements , sensing 5-6 trees represents exceptionality,sensing 12 ; means being a genius,20 to 30 prodigy and being able to sense the forest is reserved for the top genius amongst prodigy

"okay Amon slaen...call out the element and the ones closet to you would respond" Osteen said with unrealistically calm voice

"come to me''

everyone held their breath,one second past,and the the second followed and the third till a whole minute and then half

"strange...it never takes this long;''a servant murmur but because of the near silent environment,well except the sound produced by the globe of light,the murmur sounded like someone was speaking close to your ear,it was very, very loud at the moment

"again"Osteen spoke after some confusion

"COME TO ME'' Amon spoke with a slightly mightier voice

after three minutes no response

"suddenly the entire hall felt cold

but suddenly a force came forth from the globe,it was near colourless and shapeless yet it almost had no presence

"ahh..." a servant gasped

everyone became rowdy again




the element that responded to his call was a