
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasy
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43 Chs

chapter 28(ability{purple}, Silvia's resolution)

"yeah?but what's that supposed to do in this current situation? except this ability can make you invulnerable" amon spoke with casual dismissive tune, because invulnerability abilities are few and far between

Silvia smiled with a sweet and sunny smile, bright enough to dispel the gloominess of the surrounding

Amon's eye's widen in shock

"there ain't no way...you for real?"because of the shock he used his old way of speech

"??..young master??are you okay?? you're starting to use that weird mannar of speech again???" Silvia asked, since Amon started talking..he would once in a while speak in a rough like style which sounds unbefitting of a noble

"forget about that....tell me in specific's ,what exactly are the effects of the ability?" Amon asked with interest

"well...I didn't get much information, since I am underaged,and I haven't told anyone other than you about the awaking of my special ability" she said with a shy expression

"but...as I said,after the experiment I've conducted and the information I collected from the net,it's called {purple}....it's an info I got from a darknet website... please don't tell my grandma" (T _ T) Silvia spoke with her expression changing to that of a person who had just confessed their crime

"{purple}?, what sort of an ability is that?"Amon asked as he had checked, done research and analyzed a lot of spells, technique and ability

both it was only a shallow research to know more about the world,you could even say it was a casual and general research

"even from the source I got it from...the reports say it only listed as purple,with its user's being of the royal families of different races and other hidden power... although I don't really understand much...but it say's it the ability used by a student of the lomir academy,more specifically..princess Natasha leonel draco,who was known as the one of the best being ranked higher star 4th of the lomir academy 7 dragon 7 Phoenix ranking"Silvia said

"we don't have much time,does the ability have invulnerability or not?" Amon asked with sweat poring in flows on his back and for head

the woman had already finished flirting with the mouth or the thing who hard the mouth

she suddenly throw the heart into the mouth, which started chewing with greediness

looking at the entire process from the tablet,amon couldn't help but feel goosebumps

"well it give me an effect where I would temporarily increase my strength, speed and reflexes..but most of all it strengthen my elements"Silvia recited from what she remembers

"no...no...no,what I want to know now,but for how long exactly?"Amon asked

"I can only activate {purple} for about 30-40 seconds...but I think I can make it....." Silvia spoke with uncertainty but her mind spoke with more resolve

'no...I MUST MAKE IT IN 40 second's' she thought

"alright, you should start moving"amon said has he handed a small bag over to Silvia

"only active it when you're close enough....you only have seven seconds after activating it" Amon Spoke with a solum voice devoid of childishness

"what happened if I do----"Silvia wasn't able to finish her sentence as the mouth had already stopped shewing

"""( authority of darkblood:


it spoke again, this time around the squad suddenly started shacking badly asif something was being forcefully drained from them...no,that not right?, something is being forcefully drained from them

in the next moment,mana became restless in their bodies and their blood start flowing in reverse forcing it to glow out of their mouth's, while their mana Also stated draining at a fast pace

"oh...and great lord,please don't harm those ones over there"the woman spoke with her forefinger

"she would be my new vessel,as you can see this body is currently on its last leg.....and as for him I would be using him to start my foundations in this change world..." she spoke with a look of desire when the topic change towards leaving this place behind

""""understood...""""" the voice spoke

"so my lord,as you were saying this world has had unpleasant change for use...."


"Silvia they've turned their attention away...you can start moving now " amon whispered to Silvia after discovery the shift of the attention mouth and the woman

"mhmm" Silvia started moving immediately after she responded, first she released a single ray of unusual purple light from her chest,then it quickly started spreading towards the rest part of her body,in the next moment her aura changed from that of a 9 year old maid to something else.... something Amon didn't believe would come from her....a pressure created by pure ---------

"looks like I'll have to do research....this time an actual research" amon murmured to himself

in the very next moment Silvia started running towards the altar,her speed was slightly faster than that of the veg, a archer,who was considered 3rd fastest in his squad and was a tier 9 professionest, Amon looked in surprise