
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasy
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43 Chs

chapter 29(Silvia in action and hope )

'she's fast!!!.....it's she supposed to be a tier 11,how come is she moving like that....even though she said it would increase her physical and magical abilities, it's this speed too unreasonable???' Amon thought as he remove a small, pistol from his carry bag which was inbuilt with space magic....yeah,you heard that right pistol!!!this was a present Amons dad gave to him before he Left for the exploration,

it was a magic type pistol as the non-magic type is basically in affective against many types of creators, even some weaker ones like, slime's and slugs,who both have the physical damage immunity and melting body respectively

not only does it use the mans of the user but it also uses mana crystal and mana stones,but the only problem is that the current magic pistol is a modified version as the original one's where simple too big for amon,so the baron had to use his connection to quickly make a smaller but less effective one for Amon to keep a sense of safety

"luckily,dad gave this to me..." Amon Said while pulling his pants up slightly, even though it's already tight enough

'as for moms gift I'll use it if things go south' he thought


at the other side Silvia has already reached the middle of the all , instantly entering the sensitive range of the woman, who didn't think of it as amusing that her vessel was moving towards her with such disrespectful manners

"little girl,why have you chosen death...over spending time with that young boy over there....I can see he's important to you" while she was speaking in such a casual tune,she was Also sending forth fellers towards Silvia

but.. without murderous intent, unlike the massive amount of killing intent which she displays while fighting against the squad

'as expected,seems like what young master amon said was correct again ' Silvia thought with a sweet smile blossoming on her face

[Silvia, don't attack the fellers they would immediately grow back...and it seems like her heart was where all the energy was store....now that she has sacrificed it to that 'thing',she is replenishing it with the energy and mana of the squad]

slightly touching her ear,which is currently housing a battle tune

she spoke with a serious expression

"in other words... damaging the fellers is same as killing the other's"

[bingo] Amon voice sounded out

"then I'll just have to not damage anything then"Silvia said with an expression of someone who just made a sure win plan

next she turned her attention back to the fellers which where already few centimeters away from her

in the next split second like the effects of a moment,she instantly increased her speed slightly falling other the assassin who was second in speed in the squad, putting her hands on a slightly thicker feller which is as thick as an adults thighs because of reinforcement,the she put force into both her arms and legs, pushing up with her legs and pressing down with her arms

instantly sending herself into the air space of the room/hall

while I'm the air she grabbed another feller which was slightly above her head and within her reach, using it as a swing...she immediately swung forward putting her close enough to collect the sword of the captain who was currently incapable of moving

bouncing off the spike which came out to stab her, jumping on the top of the roof

"Why are you jumping around like a monkey when you are supposed to be a lady"the woman asked with a casual expression but her mind was in complete uproar



' :??«"restrictivethorns:?«""¥



like before,she instantly and effortlessly casted multiple mid tier spells


Silvia was not one to be underestimated

<fire enhancement> + {purple}

Silvia silently combined her ability and a spell, setting the sword on purple fire which gives an impression of majestic but also gives the feeling that it's not very hot

yet if someone was to observe closely the surrounding space seems to be slightly warping

'this is punishment for insulting the young master...but most of all for disrespecting MY presence'

she moved her hands,at a speed beyond reach of normal limits, cutting and slashing through all the restrictive and defensive magic's

'what!?how is she able to cut through my mid tier spells....even if they are unstable...it shouldn't be this easy and more over not something a young laid like this could perform,with such effortless expression more ove' the woman thought fast

although the special ability increased her physical abilities by many folds,one of the reason's if not the main one,she was able to effortlessly cut through the spell's was the purple flame's

"""""enough....!!!"""" the mouth spoke with a decree declaring voice

in the next moment, Silvia froze in the air..... but before even a complete second,she resume in her actions..completely unbothered