
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

chapter 27( demonic mouth )

the woman looked at them with an expression which shows pure hatred and mockery

red fogs suddenly appeared covering the altar from sight, looking at the fog one would find that it continually rolled in and out of it self.

the two giant bone hands retracted into the redfog

"guys that's bloodfog; a spell created after analyzing the ability of the red-blooded fiend,it has the ability to corrode flesh and muscle's.....so be careful" Amon spoke while watching the battle closeup from the notepad like device

[if so...then what are those massive ass arm's???!!!] monslun asked with obvious reasons

"I think those are another of it's abilities...I hope it is.....if not" Amon Said with an expression of someone in a tight spot

'if it has this much power why hasn't it tried living this place' amon though

suddenly all the blood fog started rolling with extreme speed like something was draining it

in less than a second all the bloodfog where no longer visible

but the sight which welcomed them was

the altar which had been original stone like,had now turned fleshlike ,at both sides of the altar there were the two giant hand's but they weren't bone only but had blood like flesh and muscle instead

at the front of the altar, slightly far from the women a mouth grew,it was as big enough to swallow a sumo wrestler like a snack,and it was the main culprit of the disappearing...as it sucked and swallowed the fog

in the next moment it released a satisfied murn....and it smiled a pretty creepy smile

in the next moment it opened it's mouth and spoke a single sentence,

"""( authority of darkblood:

blood restriction)"""

they all suddenly lost their abilities to move their bodies and the only thing they could move was their eyes,which turned fearful at the unexpected turn

the woman at the top of the altar looked dowm at them with the former apathetic expression,slowly but surely she started walking towards the front when she was almost walking into the mouth,the mouth raised it's tongue letting her walk past when she was at the front of the altar she spoke in a unknown and undesignated language

"64(:$;(:#)!;(:#? s»»***)"

then she suddenly thrust her white hand into her chest,which shock them but the very next moment something even more crazy happened

she brought out her heart which hard the shape of a normal human heart,the only difference being the at was filled with small eyes and things looking similar to the fellers but are actually vains which keeps moving like it is trying to reconnect with the woman chest again

then she who didn't appear like someone who was aware that she just removed her most vital organ

she walk back and stood before the mouth then she bent over slightly and spoke ,with the voice of someone talking to their lover..... soft, lovingly,sweet and full of respect

"master of the bloodstream of norla, ruler of the lower demonic realms... monarch of bloodfiend and blood demons....onto you I offer this heart made up the energy of the cocolola tribesmen that you give onto me your strength once more and give me their energy,their lives,their spirit's, their life force and everything that is theirs" the woman spoke


at the other side of the hall Amon who was in the outside rang of the, blood restriction spell or whatever that was looked in horror as the woman continue whispering to the creature she called forth

'blood of christ....it's a demon.... demon!!! that the infamous race which continuously course problem and a war in the continent...this is bad really, really bad....' while Amon was thinking of the next course of action

silvia who was quite the inter time suddenly spoke up with an expression which amon considered unexpected from her

"young master....I heard the plan you discussed with them ....it seems you can't proceed with it because of that strange mouth...."

"how about I send the 'wake-up' call"Silvia said

"no...it's too dangerous for you...let's try using it from here" Amon instantly refused and came up with another alternative

"young master... stop behaving like a child in this situation...you have always been smart ...if I know then I am sure you also know....the distance between us and them is too far..."Silvia spoke in a voice,which if someone with slight observation could easily tell she was scared

'its okay....it's okay....it's okay,I have to look after the young master...after all I have to become someone dependable for the young master' Silvia though

"but you should know it dangerous" amon said

"young master....you know my ability right....I've done research on it from the ability sites in the web....it's an ability which only 14 people have been recorded to awaken...only people of strong standing and background have awaken it.....so not much is know about it but I have tried testing it myself along the way" Silvia seemingly changed the topic

"yeah?but what's that supposed to do in this current situation? except this ability can make you invulnerable"