
got reincarnated in the wrong parallel universe

I got reincarnated at the wrong age and that wrong parallel universe.

fattynomore · Fantasy
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12 Chs

8th one new friends

Am sitting waiting on my day to bring the guys that called for help am a little nervous because they might be people that changes once they find out who I am, am still going to thank them though. The doors open and 2 young men walk in with my dad. Then buts of flashback happens these guys are in the same class with me they were always nice to me even though I ignored them they were alway their close to me in ever class they even worked where I eat bu I just never looked at all. Man sorry that you made life hard for yourself. They walked in and they are so cute I feel like an old perv because of my brain age.(FYI I like men and women when your Rich enough why settle). They both came forward and introduce their self as (del) and (al) they kept asking me if I was ok and how concerned about me they were for the past month. Al "we keep asking the school to find out if your ok but they said your were fine. We are happy that your ok" damn Am good at reading people and these people are being damn honest. Dumb first owner. Del " am glad your ok then al let's go". What they are leaving why I didn't even thank them or anything. Lahan "wait why y'all leaving I didn't even thank you guys yet". Del "well after 4 years of us trying to be your friends and you treating us like air does it matter". Man fist owner if you are reborn don't do this shit to people 4 years bro were you being delusional. Lahan" I was dumb I know that now am sorry guys, by the way my name is lahan sacolli nice to meet you guys" am still sitting In bed sooo I just bow my head to show How thankful I am. Al is super excited but del is just looking with his hands folded trying to show how against being my friend he is after trying so long I know I deserve it but true friends are hard to come by and these kids look like it (I will try my hardest not to touch them no Matter what). Then del breathed out "whatever" and al is just so damn cheerful. My dad cleared his throat and we all turned to look at him "I want to thank you for saving my son" he nod his head towards them and left the room while me and the guys to talk. We seem to have a lot in common , both want to be able to take care of their family because of the poor background. Del has 2 brother no parents so he goes home everyday after school and work to take care of them al has a mom and 3 sisters only guy in the family I was shocked they are soo strong thank god dad paid them for the months because it would have been hard on them. I gave them my number but they held their heads down because they had no cell phones damn. Then it came to me I want them to work for me I know it sound weird but if my dad didn't do a background check they couldn't even come within a mile of the compound. I called my dad and he got a car for them to go home after making plan to meet each other the next day.

This book is going to have all kinds of sexual content gay, bi and some men that are very feminine so don’t be damn surprised

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