
got reincarnated in the wrong parallel universe

I got reincarnated at the wrong age and that wrong parallel universe.

fattynomore · Fantasy
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12 Chs

7th one. Fix me

I woke after sleeping for a few hours to a man that looks like the older version of me sitting beside me he looked gentle but behind those eyes was a sharpness that couldn't be hidden at all. "Dad" my heart is beating so hard because I never knew my parents before this. "Are you ok my son are you in any pain do you need me to call the dr" this is what it feels like a loving dad" am fine" 😊 "so want to talk about what happened" am sifting thru memories trying to figure out what the hell happened "well I went out to eat something like I usually do and tripped down the stairs when I was leaving the restaurant and here I am" damn that soo pathetic no friends, all this wealth and nth to show my god loser. Even though the idea to make people want to be your friend because of you was a good idea you only wanted it from the people that was materialistic and not worth your time, their was people who would have been you true friends but you didn't pay them no mind that flaw was your down fall. "Dad what happens after I fell" shits blank after that "2 boys from your school saw you and called the ambulance when it picked you up we Made them drop you here on the compound" what 2 boys I don't know anyone "dad I don't know anyone from my school I have no friends at all and what compound are you talking about" well they work at the restaurant you eat at everyday they work after school and weekends they are the 2 scholarship kids that got excepted years ago because of their outstanding grades" I been coming to this place for 4 damn years and didn't even realize it this body was oblivious as fuck. " This compound is the the Sacolli family compound every familiar member has to come her for training and health issues. We never made you come here because you seem soo sad all the time we didn't talk about it but after this incident you training started in the next 2 weeks no excuses" in my head I was trying to figure this shit out but here dad save me from all that extra shit that's what dads are for." Ok dad I will except you decisions after this I realize that I haven't been using com-man Sense at all and am going to make big changes for my self. Can I say thank you to the guys who saved me before I start" let's see if these guys really know me. " ok I will bring them here because I closed the restaurant down to do an investigation, I will open it and compensate the workers for the month it's been closed" wow ok then my dad is soo smart.