
got reincarnated in the wrong parallel universe

I got reincarnated at the wrong age and that wrong parallel universe.

fattynomore · Fantasy
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12 Chs

9th one. crazy but good idea

An idea on a wim changed his life for the better but that's later down. My dad I looking at me like grew 2 heads after I tell him my idea. "Son are you sure people change anything can happen" because I became richer in my life because Of my six sense and had awesome friends because of it so I will fallow it. "I know and I want these 2 to train and work with me and I also want their family to be safe also so could you move them all to the compound so they are safe because I don't want anyone to use them as their weakness" I know this use is crazy but all the crazy people left a mark in the world bahahaha. Sigh " ok son but this is not something you can do half ass your going to have to go till the end" am so excited now how do I convince these guys. Dad where is mom I haven't seen her today" she went to get everything ready to for you to come home for the week because once you start training we are not going to see you for awhile so have fun" why does his face look like that I don't like that smile its creepy am I missing something." Hey dad does all the kids in the family train" I really feel weird "actually son everyone in the family is trained even your great grandparents we all had to go it because as the number 1 richest family in the world we are prone to kidnapping so we had to make sure they can alway save themselves in any scenario" what the fuck did I get myself into " and all the future family heads always get the worst one and as my only child and future heir let's just say this generation is different from mine so it's going to be worse at least you invite your 2 friend if they are going to work for you they needed to learn it anyway" he has the creepy smile again and my I felt the fat on my body shiver fuck.